Friday, 16 November 2018

What becomes of Lim Guan Eng’s corruption case?


What becomes of Lim Guan Eng’s corruption case?

By Muhammad Luttfi Bin Abdul Khalid

A curious event ocurred on the morning of May 21st a few days ago. It was the swearing in of Joseph Lim Guan Eng of the DAP and former Chief Minister of Penang as our new Finance Minister concurrent with the resumption of hearing for his corruption cases presently before our courts. The hearing has been further postponed to June 30th pending representations by the defence to the new Attorney-General which has yet to be appointed.

It is widely believed that the fall of the previous Barisan Nasional (BN) administration in the recently concluded 14th General Election is attributable to the real as well as percieved widespread corruption and manifest abuse of power during its time in government. This bears relation to ideals such as justice, transparency, rule of law and integrity of the government and enforcement agencies which many Malaysians have come to expect from those in power.

Thus the rakyat naturally want to know why our newly minted Minister of Finance was sworn in despite two pending corruption charges against him. The impropriety of this move has been questioned by the likes of Cynthia Gabriel of the Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4) and Fatihah Jamhari of the Concerned Lawyers for Justice (CLJ), among others.

Nonetheless I believe that our Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad must have his reasons for making this controversial appointment. It is after all his own prerogative as PM. I hold fast to his previous statement made on 15th May in reference to Lim’s position, namely that a person must be cleared of all pending graft charges before being eligible to become a minister of any sort in accordance with the rule of law.

Two counts

Lim is facing two counts of corruption and abuse of power during his tenure as Penang Chief Minister. The first is over his approving an application for conversion of agriculture land to a public housing zone in south-west Penang to a company, Magnificent Emblem Sdn Bhd.

The second pertains to the use of his position to obtain for himself a plot of land and a bungalow at 25 Jalan Pinhorn, George Town, from businesswoman Phang Li Koon for RM2.8mil, a price which he allegedly knew was not commensurate with the property’s market value at the time of RM4.27mil.

Both are being dealt with under section 23 of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 and section 165 of the Penal Code respectively.

Businesswoman Phang Li Koon (centre) flanked by her lawyers

However I must say that the simultaneous occurance of his appointment and swearing in as Finance Minister with the resumption of his court case over the aforementioned charges makes for very grim reading.

Corruption remains such no matter how high or low the amount involved. Anti-corruption legislation must apply in equal measure to all without distinction as to background or position and regardless of how profound his or her influence may be amongst the general populace.

A person facing indictments for bribery under applicable laws cannot automatically, or magically as it would seem to be in this instance, be free of or free from prosecution because of a change in government or due to his or her close ties to any given administration.

We recall the prosecution and successful conviction of former Selangor Menteri Besar Dr Mohamad Khir Bin Toyo over the use of his position to obtain two plots of land and a bungalow unit in Section 7, Shah Alam over 10 years ago, which occured during BN rule. On no occassion was he spared the consequence of breaking the law and he was never given special treatment of any sort nothwithstanding his ties to UMNO or the administration of the time.

Is this present government which in their own words are supposedly committed to rule of law intending to use a different set of criteria or standards in the prosecution of the former Penang Chief Minister over similar graft allegations?

Justice selected is not justice served

The people are asking where is the justice that has been championed by PH all this while – to combat corruption and abuse of power in all its forms and bring those guity of the same to book?

Is this principle only applicable selectively – yes for political enemies but no for comrades in arms? Are all politicians in the PH component parties of DAP, PKR, PPBM and PAN free from the blight of bribery?

What has become of utterances for Integrity, Responsibility, Rule of Law and Justice that has been for so long repeated time and again by the leaders of these parties before this?

The ears of the rakyat desperate for the realisation of the aforementioned ideals have only been met with a deafening silence on their part as far as Lim is concerned!

The stakes have been made higher with the recent appointment of Datuk Seri Mohd Shukri Abdull – thought to be a man of integrity – as the new chief commissioner of the much maligned Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

Datuk Seri Mohd Shukri Abdull is the new chief commissioner of MACC

We await with baited breath the outcome of the charges against Joseph Lim Guan Eng. Already his defence intend to apply to our new AG upon his or her appointment for a withdrawal of all charges against their client, citing political victimisation. The very notion smacks of hypocrisy of the highest kind.

There can be no reasonable justification for any withdrawal of charges. Such a move will only serve to enhance the perception that our laws are being selectively applied – a clear breach of our constitutional right to equality before the law and equal protection therefrom per Article 8 of the Federal Constitution.

The new AG too, should make the interests of the rakyat paramount and let only rule of law be the sole criterion for the disposal of the case, as propounded by the new PH administration themselves.

To do otherwise would be a travesty of justice and sends the wrong signal to Malaysians.

What is going on?

What exactly is the impression being conveyed to the public at large by this new government?

There have been many allegations made against the MACC, an agency tasked with the preservation of integrity and sound discharge of public duties for and on behalf of the rakyat. Is this pending withdrawal of charges against Lim Guan Eng to add to these numerous grievances against this govermental body? I sure hope not.

More remarkable is the fact that we have not heard a whimper of protest from those who before this have made such a hullabaloo over “injustices and violations of human rights” occurring right before their very eyes during the rule of the previous BN-led government.

Suddenly when it comes to their beloved Finance Minister, they keep silent and offer him their tacit support. The comment proffered by the so-called constitutional and human rights lawyer Syahredzan Johan is clear proof of shameless bias on their part.

What happened? Bee in your bonnet all this while and suddenly cat got your tongue? Been taking the talk but can’t walk the walk?

Many speak at length of the need to dispense justice without fear nor favour and that this needs to be made manifest to everyone regardless. Justice must not just be done but be seen to be done as the saying goes.

Well the indictment charges against Lim Guan Eng for allegations of corruption must be no exception to this then. Let him plead his innocence before our courts if he is indeed free of such graft as he claims.

As a concerned citizen, I call upon the Yang Amat Berhormat to resign from his post as Finance Minister until such time he has been cleared of any and all charges. Only then can he hold such an important post with a clear conscience.

The dignity of the present government will not be at all in question were he to do so. In fact, the same will only be further enhanced.

*Muhammad Luttfi Bin Abdul Khalid is the chairman of iPeguam. Views expressed herein are entirely his own and bear no relation to The Malayan in any way.


 May 25, 2018

Ikhlas nak siasat 1MDB atau nak berpolitik? 

1MDB atau nak berpolitik? – Dr. Tan Seng Giaw

KUALA LUMPUR: Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (PH) diminta berhenti mempolitikkan siasatan kes 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) jika benar-benar ikhlas mahu menyelesaikannya.

Veteran DAP, Dr. Tan Seng Giaw berkata, jika hendak menentu siapa yang salah atau siapa yang betul, maka lakukanlah siasatan dengan telus mengikut lunas undang-undang.

“Kalau hendak menyiasat, siasatlah senyap- senyap dan fokus. Semasa dalam siasatan tidak boleh buat kenyataan, panggil sidang media dan kemudian membuat tuduhan kepada pihak-pihak tertentu.

“Dalam siasatan ada prosedur. Seandainya ada pihak yang didapati bersalah semasa siasatan, dakwa atau lakukanlah pertuduhan kepadanya supaya yang dituduh dapat diadili di mahkamah.

“Bukannya setiap hari panggil sidang media dan dedahkan apa yang kononnya disiasat. Itu bukan siasatan tetapi hendak berpolitik, ada agenda lain. Siasatan dan sidang media adalah berbeza,” katanya kepada MalaysiaGazette.

Tegas Seng Giaw, kempen untuk pilihan raya sudah lama selesai dan pilihan raya juga sudah lebih dua minggu berlalu.

Lantaran itu, mana-mana pemimpin yang dipilih tidak perlu terlalu terbawa-bawa budaya berpolitik kerana sudah menjadi pemerintah.

“Pilihan raya sudah berakhir, sudah dipilih jadi tadbirkan negara ini dengan cekap berdasarkan kedaulatan undang-undang,” tambahnya.

Menurut Seng Giaw, berpolitik sepanjang masa dan mempolitikkan semua isu tidak mampu menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara yang unggul seperti yang uar-uarkan.

Ini terbukti apabila pasaran saham negara jatuh semalam dan hari ini berikutan kebimbangan yang dicetuskan oleh situasi politik di negara ini.

“Kalau banyak cakap, asyik hendak buat siaran berita seperti sekarang hingga menjejaskan nama dan reputasi negara, maknanya tidak sayang kepada Malaysia. Mereka ini hanya sayang pada diri sendiri sahaja,” ujarnya.

 May 27, 2018 

Setelah PH Menang, LTAT Tarik Balik Saman Terhadap Rafizi Ramli

Setelah PH Menang, LTAT Tarik Balik Saman Terhadap Rafizi Ramli

Beberapa hari setelah Ketua Umum PKR Anwar Ibrahim mendapat pengampunan penuh daripada Yang di-Pertuan Agong, sebuah portal melaporkan Naib Presiden/Setiausaha Agung PKR Rafizi Ramli pula bebas daripada sebarang kes saman Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) kerana saman fitnah terhadap beliau telah ditarik balik.

Portal tersebut antara lain melaporkan, Peguam Rafizi Ramli, Saiful Izham Ramli LTAT telah menarik balik saman itu ketika prosiding kes di dalam kamar Hakim Datuk Ahmad Zaidi Ibrahim semalam yang turut dihadiri peguam Izzat Othman dan Ahmad Syateer Izzat mewakili LTAT.

Pada 6 Mei 2016, LTAT memfailkan saman fitnah terhadap Mohd Rafizi berhubung tiga kenyataannya mengenai bayaran gratuiti kepada pesara tentera bagi menuntut ganti rugi am, teladan dan perintah injunksi untuk menghalang defendan atau ejennya daripada menerbitkan atau menyiarkan kenyataan berunsur fitnah terhadap plaintif.

Tidak dilaporkan pula kenapa saman LTAT tersebut ditarik balik atau atas arahan siapa, namun apa yang jelas kedua-dua tokoh PKR tersebut merupakan tokoh politik Pakatan Harapan yang baru memenangi Pilihanraya Malaysia yang ke-14.

Sebelum ini Malaysiakini melaporkan, Mohd Fuad Zarkashi mempersoalkan sama ada setelah perlantikan seorang lagi pemimpin Pakatan Harapan, Lim Guan Eng sebagai Menteri Kewangan kelak, (Majlis Angkat Sumpah pada Isnin, 21/5/2018) adakah kes rasuah yang sedang dihadapi beliau akan digugurkan.

 May 18, 2018

Political simpletons need to be taught some sense

Political simpletons need to be taught some sense

By Faiq Khalifa

I think I’ve been silent long enough. Well apart from being cynical and taking some pot shots at PH and BN dipsticks and all that, it’s time to kick some senses into those thick skulls of uneducated political simpletons we have now parading around with slogans “Kita menang!”, “Malaysia baru!”, “oksigen kini lebih fresh!”, “Let’s crowd fund the national debt!”

Those funny to laugh at yet worrying kind of stupid crap when you realise that they really mean them. Well don’t blame me, it’s Mahathir himself who was divinely inspired to label his people as uneducated, probably after realising that there are many things that he can’t do or be forced to do, due to the Pakatan’s election manifesto and the number of seats won by other Pakatan parties that are forcing his hands now, vis-a-vis his own. I just sugar coat it.

Now that Mahathir announced that the HSR is cancelled and the ECRL is probably going to face the same fate – if Daim couldn’t get it his way to jack up the price and pocket some 11 bil for himself and those in cahoot it seems – it’s time for me to tell my friends and those who voted for that sly old fox that it’s not funny anymore. This has to be the straw that brakes the camel’s back.

Ok, first thing first. How on earth that you can just turn a blind eye on Lim Guan Eng being made the Finance Minister when he is being tried with not just one but TWO counts of corruption charges? Even Mahathir himself at first said that Guan Eng has to clear his name first and only God knows what changed his mind later on. Will you accept it if it was some BN dimwit who is being accused with corruption, though denying it as politically motivated, be made a minister let alone Finance Minister? And when he has the gall to announce that he is trying to get the soon to be picked AG to drop the charges, that doesn’t bother you in the slightest?

Then we have the Finance Minister going merry go round on the government’s debt, from 1 trillion to 600 billion to 800 billion to again 1 trillion then back to 600 billion – the exact figures given by the previous government, and confirmed earlier by Tan Sri Zeti – only to scare off our foreign investors and LOSE ALL profits made since January this year, almost 3 billion ringgit pulled out by anxious investors, so now our stock is falling while others are gaining, we are suddenly the worst performer in the region. Don’t tell me that these do not concern you at all. By the way, do you really not know the difference between government debt and government liabilities? Do you even know what constitutes a country’s external debt?

What about the 10% SST to be reintroduced? Now we suddenly are not burdened by tax? 6% is killing us but 10% is a-okay? 160 countries have implemented the more efficient tax system that is GST/VAT including oil rich countries, and we are THE ONLY country on earth that has reverted back to the old SST, a system where businesses are known to have been manipulating for their own benefit. Did you miss the news when Mahathir, a few days after the election complained that “certain businessmen” were forced to pay extra tax by the previous government? Is it a coincidence that Vincent Tan’s Berjaya Corp was complaining that they are making losses for the third quarter in a row, and they are blaming GST as a reason for that? So, for who’s benefit the scrapping of GST and reintroducing of SST, actually is?

And now this. The ECRL and the HSR. You guys are truly talented in doing this incredible mental acrobatics when trying your best to justify the decisions of the government or what the ministers are now saying, doing the mental leaps and jumps, and land in a completely different conclusion from what you were saying to the same thing said by BN ministers previously.

How come you say nothing when Daim said the actual cost for the ECRL is 66 Billion, citing that the extra 11 billion is for the second phase when it was announced way before Pakatan took over that the 55 billion cost is inclusive of the second phase? Where did that extra 11 billion come from? Didn’t Nurul Izzah once say that PH would be able to do the MRT much cheaper than BN? So why now when they announced that it has to be more expensive, it doesn’t sound dubious to you? As for the HSR, when I read those comments supporting Mahathir, you guys never cease to amaze me.

Please, there has to be a point somewhere for you to see that those people you’re supporting are no angels. They are indeed the same kind of politicians whose interest is to keep their career as long as they can. So be critical. Do not believe everything they want you to believe. Stop trying to justify stupid things done by the people you’re supporting only to make yourself look like the type of Malaysian Mahathir was whining about.

* The above commentary is taken from a Facebook posting by Faiq Khalifa with his permission. Views expressed herein are entirely his own and bear no relation to The Malayan in any way.

How the West manipulates narratives in the Islamic world

How the West manipulates narratives in the Islamic world

By Muhammad Luttfi Bin Abdul Khalid

In its quest for control of Arab and Muslim lands in the Middle East, the West resorts to overt action such as direct intervention with a multitude of pretexts, such as the need to fight terrorism in the guise of Al-Qaeda and ISIS and rid the world of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) when in reality they aim for the preservation of their interests in the region.

To dominate the narrative in Islamic circles apart from the Middle East, the West utilises more covert means such as the need to uphold democracy and human rights and back the spread of alien ideologies such as liberalism and secularism within such societies. They fund civil society organisations, opposition groups and spearhead efforts to get minorities such as the LGBTQ, Shia, Christians and ethnic organisations on their side.

For these double pronged efforts they have trained a plethora of local experts, legatees and fronts to carry out their agenda via their dominance of media, institutes, think tanks, political parties, individuals famous as well as obscure and all kinds of riff raff.

They stop at nothing to achieve their aims, including seeking to control the flow of natural and energy resources, such as oil and gas and ensure the interests of the Zionist entity that is Israel by the constant exercise of their veto power at the United Nations Security Council. This power of veto may be exercised at any point by the permanent members of either the United States, Britain or Russia but all have the same endgame in mind.

To contain the rise of the Islamic ummah they design and promote an industry of tantalising entertainment dazzling in its multitude of colours and tastes seeking to effectively distract, in much the same way opium or any other drug might, the Muslim people into an ecosystem that is hedonic, lustful and selfish with scant regard for societal morals.

The result is a new generation of our race and Muslim ummah who are selfish and constantly seeking to satisfy their own limitless lust for material pleasures the world has on offer.

In order to suppress counter narratives by members of the ummah who resist and repel the wave of self destruction and waning religious sovereignty wrought upon them by the West, they launch an effective campaign against them by label. The terms extremism, anti-national, anti-unity, racism, division, fearmongering, intolerance and what have you are but meaningless utterances designed to smokescreen the true intentions of these fighters who only aim at saving everyone, themselves included.

To safeguard their plans, the West will amplify those amongst the ummah who are apologists, progressives, inclusives and democrats from a selection of those whom they alone have access to and are responsible for, whether they be so-called “Islamists”, anglophiles, notable politicians as well as individual groups who are ever willing to execute the commands of their Western masters who are still dominant and pull the strings from behind the stage.

If need be these riff raff would be strategically placed within various levels of administration, power centres and departments, agencies or selected institutions and given prime time and attention on mass as well as social media.

To further ensure dominance over the collective hive mind of the public, the mass media who before were known as an alternative to the mainstream, have now had their roles redefined to become cheerleaders of this foreign based agenda and have merged with the mainstream media who have found their own objectives changed into becoming the official spokesmen for the now ruling coalition formerly of the opposition.

Thus the so-called news, information, editorials and even facts and data have been tailor made to influence and ultimately control the minds of the people and public at large.

Where be those of the ummah who are aware of this situation? What be their position?

Will they be content to acquiesce with what is happening, attributing these events to “taqdir” or fate?

Or leave their posts and take up weapons to fight?

Or prepare themselves for the hour that is at hand and embark upon their journey to the netherworld?

Or keep diligently to islah and tazkiyah of themselves and build happy and harmonious families?

Or sigh and throw in the towel?

Or journey to the foot of mountains and meditate in the caves thereat to achieve Ma’rifat, Fana’ and Hakikat?

Or take deep breaths of air, collect what remains of faith from within themselves and proceed to devise their next course of action as well as renew their vows and commitments to Islam?

Have you decided?

*Muhammad Luttfi Bin Abdul Khalid is the chairman of iPeguam. Views expressed herein are entirely his own and bear no relation to The Malayan in any way.

Alistaire Opinion Leave a comment August 14, 2018

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Convert Or Die: How Islam (And Now Pakatan) Was Spread

Convert Or Die: How Islam (And Now Pakatan) Was Spread

This was how Islam spread, especially after WWI in Arabia. Muslims must be Wahhabis or else you die. Non-Muslims will be allowed to live but will be second-class citizens. PPBM is being spread the same way. Malays must be PPBM Malays or else you die. Non-Malays do not need to be in PPBM but must accept PPBM as the top dog.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Islam, it is said, spread at the point of the sword. That may or may not have been true in the early years soon after the death of Prophet Muhammad, but it certainly was so as far as the Salafi movement or Wahhabi Islam was concerned.

The World of Islam pre-WWI

Wahhabism was founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab in the 1700s, which was started in the remote region of the Najd desert in what is now known as Saudi Arabia. Basically, it was a reform movement that sought to purge Arabia of Sunni Islam’s ‘impurities’, just like what the Crusades of 700 years earlier intended for Christianity.

For the next 150 years, the Wahhab movement made a pact with the Saud tribe of Riyadh, the largest of the many tribes of Arabia. The Wahhab-Saud alliance finally made inroads soon after WWI when the British, French, Greeks and Italians carved up the Ottoman Empire, which ended more than 600 years of Turkish rule.

The Wahhab-Saud alliance took 150 years to finally rid the Arabian Peninsula of ‘deviant’ Muslims

While Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and his gang of military officers called the ‘Young Turks’ struggled to keep Turkey independent and out of the hands of the European colonialists, the Wahhab-Saud alliance took advantage of the dying Ottoman Empire to cleanse the Arabian Peninsula of ‘deviant’ Muslims and eventually the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was proclaimed 13 years later in 1932.

The creation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was achieved against the backdrop of the dominance of Salafi Islam or Wahhabism and the ‘convert-or-die’ campaign. There is only one Islam, Wahhabi Islam, and if you are not a Wahhabi then you either convert to Wahhabism or die. There is no in-between.

The more than 600-year-old Ottoman Empire finally collapsed after WWI when they backed the ‘wrong horse’, Germany, and paid the price (Mustafa Kemal is 4th from the left)

Since young, Malays have been taught that there is no such thing as moderate/liberal Islam or tolerance of other religions. Other religions (non-Islam) can be allowed, but not other forms of Islam. There must be only one form of Islam while other religions will be allowed as long as they accept that Islam is dominant or supreme and other religions are second-class to Islam.

In other words, Islam can be preached to non-Muslims but other religions cannot be preached to Muslims. Non-Muslims must pay taxes to be allowed to live in a Muslim country and to be allowed to practice their non-Islamic religion while Muslims can avoid paying tax in lieu of zakat.

(Muslims who pay zakat can offset the payment against their personal income tax, which is what I have been doing for decades, and which is why I never paid income tax since the 1980s).

If you are Malay, then either you are with me or you must die, the same doctrine of Wahhabi Islam during the WWI era

Anyway, Malays have been educated, brainwashed, indoctrinated, etc., into believing that if you are not from my version of Islam then you are a deviant and must be punished. If you are not a Muslim altogether that is okay. But then you are a second-class citizen and not equal to a Muslim. And you do not share the same rights and privileges as Muslims.

Now, if a Malay is honest, he or she will tell you this is what he or she believes. However, if he or she is a Munafiq, like Anwar Ibrahim and those of his ilk, he or she will say one thing to Muslims and another thing to non-Muslims.

Munafiq Muslims are worse than fundamentalist Muslims. At least fundamentalist Muslims are honest and you know who you are dealing with and what to expect. Munafiq Muslims tell you what you would like to hear and they sing different tunes to different people.

Anwar is equally comfortable with both the Muslim Brotherhood and the Neocons of the United States

Hence what you see with Anwar and his so-called gang of ‘liberal’ Muslims who are equally comfortable with both the Muslim Brotherhood and the Neocons of the United States. (These people hunt with the hounds and run with the hare).

Anyway, I really have digressed so far so let me get back to my point. My point is it is in the Malay DNA that you are either with me or you are my enemy. If you are Malay then you must be a Malay in PPBM or Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia. If you are a Malay in PAS or Umno then you must die.

There cannot be TWO Umnos, so Umno Baru must die and be replaced with PPBM as the Umno Baru Lagi Baru

It is okay if you are not Malay. Then you can be in any of the other non-Malay or ‘multi-racial’ parties. But PPBM must be the top dog while all the others are subservient to PPBM. Only if you are Malay would the doctrine of ‘if you are NOT in PPBM then you must die’ apply.

This was how Islam spread, especially after WWI in Arabia. Muslims must be Wahhabis or else you die. Non-Muslims will be allowed to live but will be second-class citizens. PPBM is being spread the same way. Malays must be PPBM Malays or else you die. Non-Malays do not need to be in PPBM but must accept PPBM as the top dog.


Why Are Umno And Malaysia So Corrupt?

Why Are Umno And Malaysia So Corrupt?

If I were asked to give an educated guess, I would put a figure of RM500 billion to RM1 trillion. But your guess is as good as mine. Someone told me Umno’s real wealth is between RM2-3 trillion but I really don’t know because even the party and its leaders do not know what it really is.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

An idealist (or Malaysian with his/her head buried in the sand) will want a corrupt-free Malaysia. A realist knows this can never happen. You may change the government or prime minister, but at the end of the day it is still the same old system that the new government or new prime minister inherits.

Hence, in short, nothing changes. It is just putting old wine in a new bottle. And that old wine in a new bottle turned sour a long time ago.

Back in the 1940s and 1950s, no one wanted to become an Umno leader. You had to beg them to lead Umno. And everyone they approached would decline and would ask that someone else be chosen instead.

In Tunku’s days no one wanted to lead Umno and when Tunku took over he had to sell a lot of his personal property to fund Umno

Tunku Abdul Rahman was one example of a reluctant leader. But then the British coaxed him to lead Umno. The Special Branch reported that if Tunku Rahman did not take over the leadership of Umno then the socialists would take over and Umno would become a socialist party, something the British soon after WWII did not want to see happen.

Tunku Rahman had to sell off a lot of his personal property to fund Umno. When Umno formed an alliance with MCA, a party of rich Chinese towkays, they learned that you need huge funding to run a political party. Political parties need to work with businesses or businessmen. You help them get rich and they donate money to your cause.

But it was not until the 1980s that money-politics became huge. When Umno was formed in 1946 right up to the 1970s, those in Umno were teachers, academicians, intellectuals, writers, poets, journalists, civil servants, etc.

In fact, 70% of the committee members were from the teaching profession.

This was the first big project that earned Umno a lot of money in the 1980s

After Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad took over in 1981, they changed the rules. Teachers and civil servants were no longer allowed to hold positions in Umno. That was when the corporate and business people took over.

Umno was supposed to be the defender of Malay and Bumiputera privileges, Article 153, and the New Economic Policy (NEP). Hence the corporate and business people had more interest in Umno than teachers, academicians, intellectuals, writers, poets, journalists, civil servants, etc.

It was then when Umno’s leadership profile began to change. You now had to win party elections no longer by promising to serve your country, race and religion. You had to pay to win votes. And it started to become very expensive so the poor teachers, academicians, intellectuals, writers, poets, journalists, civil servants, and so on, began to disappear and were replaced with corporate and business people.

The Umno HQ was funded by ‘donations’ from businessmen who were awarded government jobs

There are roughly 21,000 Umno branches and 191 divisions. You need a million or two to win a branch post and anything from five to ten million for a division post. And there are more than one candidate contesting each of these 21,00 branches and 191 divisions.

And for all the many candidates — say 100,000 people — contesting the 21,000 branches and 191 divisions, how many billions do you think is spent every three years? Cash handouts, expensive gifts and presents, overseas holidays, add it all up over the last 30 years since the 1980s. You will fall off your chair to realise we are talking about RM100 billion and more.

Yes, becoming an Umno leader is an expensive game.

The North-South Highway was mooted in 1977 and launched in 1981 after Mahathir became Prime Minister

In 1988, after Umno was deregistered and Umno’s cash and assets were frozen, it was decided that Umno’s wealth must no longer be placed in the name of the party. Umno will appoint the President, Deputy President and Treasurer as the party’s trustees and Umno’s cash, fixed assets, investments, etc., would be held by the trustees.

The trustees will then appoint proxies or nominees to hold these cash, fixed assets, investments, and so on. These will be people the trustees can trust, of course, because one day they will need to return all this wealth to the trustees or to the party (unless the party gets deregistered or the trustees dies, which means no one is going to know about it).

And for 30 years from 1988 to 2018, this was how things were done. Umno finds ways to get money. Umno’s cash, fixed assets, investments, etc., would be held by the trustees. The trustees will use proxies and nominees to do all the deals and to hide Umno’s wealth.

Even Mahathir and Daim do not know how much Umno is really worth

So, how much is Umno worth? No one really knows, not even Umno itself. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad does not know. Tun Daim Zainuddin does not know. Najib Tun Razak does not know. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi does not know.

If I were asked to give an educated guess, I would put a figure of RM500 billion to RM1 trillion. But your guess is as good as mine. Someone told me Umno’s real wealth is between RM2-3 trillion but I really don’t know because even the party and its leaders do not know what it really is.

Now do you know what the Umno internal fight that started in 2014 is all about and why Najib Tun Razak needed to be ousted? This is all about money and plenty of money. We are talking about hundreds of billions and maybe even RM1 trillion. This is not about saving Malaysia, as they tell us. This is about saving the huge Umno wealth that Mahathir wants back.

When Anwar took over as Finance Minister in 1991 he built up his own set of cronies and syphoned out billions

Today we are seeing Umno leaders and even their wives being charged for corruption. As the months go on, many more are going to be charged. These are people who are alleged to have received hundreds of millions in kickbacks and under the table money. Are these people really crooks? Or did these people just do what the system expected them do since it was set up by Mahathir and Daim 30 years ago in 1988?

Tuan Dan Puan AG, Anda Nak Teruskan Berperang?

Tuan Dan Puan AG, Anda Nak Teruskan Berperang?

Anda perlu tau apakah keutamaan anda. Apabila terdapat satu kes salah laku yang jelas, anda menutup kedua-dua belah mata. Kemudian anda membuat cerita tentang jenayah yang tidak wujud. Saya nak lihat apa yang anda akan lakukan terhadap kes Ijok, SPLASH dan terowong dasar laut Pulau Pinang. Adakah anda akan menutup fail dan menandakannya sebagai NFA seperti apa yang saya syaki akan berlaku? Buktikan saya salah jika anda berani. Atau adakah kes Ijok, SPLASH dan terowong dasar laut Pulau Pinang merupakan berita palsu mengikut hemat anda?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Adalah satu yang sangat menarik apabila, meskipun saya telah berhenti menyerang anda, nampaknya anda masih juga berterusan menyerang saya. Nampaknya anda masih menyimpan dendam dan tak habis geram. Anda harus faham bahawa ini adalah politik. Jika anda memilih untuk menyerang, maka anda mesti bersedia menerima serangan balas. Seperti pepatah Inggeris yang mengatakan, jika tak boleh tahan panas, keluarlah dari dapur. Anda tak pernah dengar ke ‘semua adalah adil dalam cinta dan peperangan’?

Empat bahagian cerita yang saya panggil ‘The RPK Chronicles’ itu adalah satu bacaan yang menarik jika pembacanya adalah penggemar karya fiksyen. Anda mulakan bahagian pertama dengan memanggil saya pengecut. Tetapi anda yang tidak meletakkan nama anda pada artikel tersebut, sedangkan semua artikel saya tertulis nama saya. Jadi siapa pengecut di sini apabila anda yang baling batu dan sorok tangan?

Kemudian anda kata saya boleh dibayar atau saya adalah tentera upahan. Jahabar Sadiq pun dibayar. Adakah anda fikir beliau akan bersedia untuk menubuhkan dan menguruskan The Malaysian Insight jika RM50 juta yang diperlukan untuk menguruskan portal itu selama lima tahun perlu datang dari saku beliau sendiri? Malah Penguam Negara sendiri tidak akan mahu bekerja sebagai Peguam Negara jika mereka tidak dibayar apa-apa gaji. Lebih baik mereka membuat banyak wang bekerja dengan agensi swasta daripada bekerja untuk Kerajaan secara percuma.

Adakah anda mengatakan bahawa Jahabar tidak dibayar banyak wang yang banyak untuk menulis?

Jadi, melainkan jika anda telah menyumbangkan seluruh gaji anda selama 40 tahun yang lalu kepada badan amal dan tidak pernah mengambil satu sen pun dari wang yang diperolehi daripada pekerjaan anda, maka anda tidak layak untuk bercakap tentang orang lain yang bekerja untuk wang. Imam masjid dan paderi di gereja dan kuil juga dibayar wang. Adakah anda fikir mereka melakukan fisabilillah atau bekerja demi Tuhan secara percuma? Tunjukkan kepada saya satu orang yang bekerja secara percuma dan makan melalui sisa makanan di dalam tong sampah, dan saya akan tunjukkan kepada anda seorang yang bodoh.

Semua blogger dibayar. Hussein Abdul Hamid dibayar. Clare Rewcastle Brown dibayar. Jahabar Sadiq dibayar. Malah, ANDA juga dibayar. Jadi, apa isunya di sini? Sekiranya anda ingin menjatuhkan saya, pilihlah isu dan topik yang berbeza untuk digunakan. Saya tidak pernah kata yang saya bekerja secara percuma, kan? Jadi mengapa cerita pasal benda ni?

Adakah anda mengatakan bahawa Clare juga tidak dibayar dengan wang yang banyak untuk menulis?

Anda kata saya adalah alat atau instrumen terhadap perbalahan di dalam UMNO. Dan anda banyak bercakap tentang perbalahan ini dalam bahagian ke-empat. Sekali lagi, apa isunya? Perbalahan di dalam UMNO bermula sejak akhir 1940-an lagi. Dari situlah bagaimana PAS, parti perpecahan UMNO, dibentuk pada tahun 1951 dan dari situ jugalah kenapa Onn Jaafar, pengasas UMNO, meninggalkan parti tersebut pada tahun yang sama.

Tunku Abdul Rahman kemudian mengambil alih sebagai pemimpin parti dan beliau dicabar oleh kumpulan sayap kiri atau sosialis, dan Tunku menang, tetapi hanya dengan satu undi. Jadi UMNO hampir terkubur di tangan sosialis dengan hanya satu undi.

Dua puluh tahun kemudian, mereka sekali lagi mencabar Tunku, tetapi kali ini oleh kaum nasionalis Melayu. Ia berakhir dengan 13 Mei. Sejak itu, UMNO telah melihat pelbagai perbalahan dalaman, sehingga hari ini.

Mahathir yang mencetuskan perbalahan di dalam UMNO sejak tahun 1960 hingga ke hari ini

Cara anda bercakap seolah-olah anda tidak tahu tentang sejarah UMNO. Bukan hanya UMNO, malah parti-parti seperti DAP, PKR, PAS, MCA, MIC, dan lain-lain lagi, telah menyaksikan banyak perbalahan di dalam parti masing-masing. PAS malah telah berpecah empat kali. Pertama sekali PAS berpecah dari UMNO, kemudian ia berpecah dengan pembentukan Barisan Jemaah Islamiah Se-Malaysia (BERJASA), selepas itu Parti Hizbul Muslimin Malaysia (HAMIM) dan sekarang Parti Amanah Negara (PAN).

Tidak ramai rakyat Malaysia yang tahu tentang sejarah PAS, jadi saya faham jika anda juga jahil dalam perkara ini, walaupun sebagai orang Kelantan anda wajib tahu. Adakah anda fikir Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), PKR dan DAP tidak mengalami perbalahan yang serius sekarang ini? PPBM berpecah kepada kumpulan pro-Mahathir dan pro-Muhyiddin dan inilah punca kepada pendaftaran PPBM disabotaj. Mereka dengan sengaja cuba mendapatkan Pendaftar Pertubuhan (RoS) untuk membatalkan pendaftaran PPBM.

Sehubungan itu, perbalahan di dalam UMNO bukanlah satu isu yang perlu dibincangkan. Malah perbalahan dalaman UMNO yang terbaru adalah kerana Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mahu menjadikan anaknya, Mukhriz, sebagai Perdana Menteri. Jadi, jika anda bertegas bahawa kita perlu bercakap tentang perbalahan di dalam UMNO, maka mengapa anda tidak menyebut punca kepada pertengkaran tersebut? Mengapa hanya menyebut tentang perbalahan di dalam UMNO tanpa menyebut sebabnya? Jangan takut! Beritahu kami apa sebab dan punca perbalahan di dalam UMNO tersebut berlaku.

Anda mengatakan bahawa saya adalah alat yang digunakan oleh mereka yang terlibat dalam perbalahan UMNO. Kalau iya pun, kenapa? Bukankah Hussein Abdul Hamid, Clare Rewcastle Brown, Jahabar Sadiq dan yang lain-lain juga adalah alat kepada seseorang? Jangan jadi jalang yang memanggil wanita lain jalang. Ia membuat anda kelihatan bodoh.

Saya tahu ramai yang mengatakan bahawa Raja Petra al Haj Bin Raja Kamarudin adalah blogger utama Perdana Menteri. Dalam kes ini, jika saya memang blogger utama Najib, saya berbangga dengannya. Jadi, samanlah saya!

Dalam bahagian kedua anda mengatakan bahawa saya menyebarkan berita palsu. Artikel mana yang saya tulis merupakan berita palsu? Beritahu saya!

Adakah kisah tentang RM42 bilion wang 1MDB YANG TIDAK hilang merupakan satu berita palsu?

Saya kata, RM42 bilion wang 1MDB TIDAK hilang seperti yang didakwa oleh Mahathir dan rakan-rakan Pakatan Harapannya. Adakah itu satu berita palsu?

Adakah kisah mengenai AP yang dikeluarkan oleh Rafidah bernilai lebih RM40 bilion merupakan satu berita palsu?

Saya kata, Rafidah Aziz adalah ‘Pemaisuri AP’ yang mengeluarkan AP bernilai lebih RM40 bilion apabila beliau menjadi Menteri Perdagangan selama 21 tahun, seperti kata Anwar Ibrahim. Adakah itu satu berita palsu?

Adakah kisah tentang Mukhriz mahu menjadi Perdana Menteri merupakan satu berita palsu?

Saya kata, Mahathir mahu Muhkriz menjadi Perdana Menteri, sebab itulah dia bertanding kerusi Ketua Pemuda UMNO dan kerusi Naib Presiden UMNO. Adakah itu satu berita palsu?

Adakah kisah tentang Ho Kay Tat meminta Jahabar Sadiq untuk mengisytiharkan dari mana pembiayaannya datang satu berita palsu?

Saya kata, Ho Kay Tat dari The Malaysian Insider telah meminta Jahabar Sadiq untuk mengisytiharkan dari mana datangnya wang tang beliau ada untuk membiayai The Malaysian Insight, namun ianya tidak pernak dilaksanakan. Adakah itu satu berita palsu?

Adakah kisah tentang Clare yang tidak dapat menunjukkan mahkamah bukti bahawa Najib telah membayar Hadi RM90 juta satu berita palsu?

Saya kata, Clare Rewcastle Brown sehingga hari ini masih belum dapat mengemukakan bukti kepada mahkamah bahawa Najib membayar Presiden PAS Abdul Hadi Awang RM90 juta. Adakah itu satu berita palsu?

Adakah kisah mengenai hubungan sulit Muhyiddin Nika Gee satu berita palsu?

Saya kata, Muhyiddin Yassin mempunyai hubungan sulit dengan Nika Gee, seorang wanita yang sudah berkahwin. Adakah itu satu berita palsu?

Saya boleh teruskan lagi, namun saya percaya bahawa anda dan pembaca lain faham apa yang saya cuba sampaikan. Ramai orang seperti anda yang berkata bahawa saya menyebarkan berita palsu. Jika apa yang saya katakan adalah berita palsu, maka apakah kebenarannya? Hari ini, Mahathir telah mengaku bahawa beliau menggunakan media asing untuk menyerang Najib, UMNO dan Malaysia. Apabila saya menulis tentang perkara ini tiga tahun lalu, mereka mengatakan bahawa ia satu berita palsu. Hari ini Mahathir sendiri mengakuinya.

Anda juga mendakwa bahawa saya dan keluarga saya mempunyai dua kewarganegaraan. Anda tahu saya dilahirkan di UK pada tahun 1950. Jadi, atas dasar tersebut, saya mempunyai “Right of Abode (RoA)”, iaitu hak untuk menetap di UK. Keistimewaan ini juga terpakai kepada anak-anak dan cucu-cucu saya. RoA bukan automatik, ia perlu dipohon dan akan tertera di dalam pasport Malaysia. Maksudnya, saya adalah warganegara Malaysia dan menggunakan pasport Malaysia, tetapi boleh menikmati hak dan keistimewaan seperti yang diberikan kepada rakyat British.

Malaya diberikan kemerdekaan pada tahun 1957 dan semua yang dilahirkan di koloni atau wilayah British sebelum kemerdekaan juga boleh mendapat RoA. Jadi, jika anda dilahirkan di Pulau Pinang, Prai atau Melaka sebelum tahun 1957, anda juga boleh mendapatkan RoA. Bagi Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapura adalah tahun 1963, Brunei 1984, dan Hong Kong 1997. RoA tidak layak dipohon oleh orang-orang dari Negeri-negeri Persekutuan dan Negeri-negeri Melayu Tidak Bersekutu seperti Selangor dan Kelantan kerana mereka tidak dianggap sebagai koloni jajahan British.

Adakah Wan Saiful akan hilang kelayakan untuk bertanding PRU14?

Wan Saiful Wan Jan dari PPBM mungkin juga mempunyai RoA dari UK kerana beliau pernah tinggal di UK untuk beberapa waktu dan juga bertanding di dalam pilihan raya di sana. Besar kemungkinan beliau akan bertanding di dalam PRU14, tetapi sama ada pencalonannya dalam pilihan raya di UK akan membuat beliau hilang kelayakan untuk bertanding PRU14 atau tidak, adalah sesuatu yang sangat menarik untuk dilihat.

Ramai bekas pelajar dari UK, yang kini berada di dalam Pakatan Harapan, juga telah mengundi di dalam pilihan raya di UK dan sekarang mereka memegang jawatan dalam pembangkang atau dilantik sebagai wakil rakyat, atau bakal bertanding di PRU14. Mungkin anda ingin memaklumkan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) mengenai perkara ini, daripada risau tentang RoA saya.

Dalam bahagian keempat, anda menyerang Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM, Dzulkifli Ahmad, dan memanggilnya orang yang tidak bermoral. Anda juga mengutuk Pengerusi Felda, Shahrir Samad. Ini adalah dua orang yang banyak melakukan kebaikan tetapi anda menyerang mereka. Kenapa anda tidak menyerang Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng dan Menteri Besar Selangor Azmin Ali?

Adakah Azmin akan dipenjara di atas kesalahan beliau atau beliau telah membayar orang-orang yang berkenaan?

Guan Eng dan Azmin telah terlibat dengan banyak skandal. Azmin dikatakan terlibat dalam skandal tanah Ijok bernilai RM700 juta dan skandal SPLASH bernilai RM600 juta. Kemudian beliau juga terlibat dengan skandal perlombongan pasir, yang membawa kepada nilai sogokan untuk ketiga-tiga skandal ini sahaja kepada lebih RM1.5 bilion.

Azmin dikatakan telah bertemu dengan seseorang yang sangat berkuasa di UK pada cuti Krismas dan Tahun Baru yang lepas untuk berunding pembayaran sebanyak RM100 juta bagi menutup kes Ijok. Adakah tahu tak siapa orang itu? Saya yakin perkara ini lebih penting, berbanding menyerang seseorang yang jalan berpegangan tangan dengan seorang janda atau duda. Setuju tak? Atau anda tidak setuju?

Anda perlu tahu apakah keutamaan anda. Apabila terdapat satu kes kejahatan yang jelas, anda dapat menutup kedua-dua mata. Kemudian anda mengarang jenayah apabila tidak ada. Marilah kita lihat apa yang anda lakukan dengan kes terowong bawah laut Ijok, SPLASH dan Pulau Pinang. Adakah anda akan menutup fail dan menandakan NFA seperti saya mengesyaki akan berlaku? Buktikan saya salah jika anda berani. Atau terowong bawah laut Ijok, SPLASH dan Pulau Pinang semata-mata hanyalah berita palsu oleh piawaian anda?

Anda perlu tau apakah keutamaan anda. Apabila terdapat satu kes salah laku yang jelas, anda menutup kedua-dua belah mata. Kemudian anda membuat cerita tentang jenayah yang tidak wujud. Saya nak lihat apa yang anda akan lakukan terhadap kes Ijok, SPLASH dan terowong dasar laut Pulau Pinang. Adakah anda akan menutup fail dan menandakannya sebagai NFA seperti apa yang saya syaki akan berlaku? Buktikan saya salah jika anda berani. Atau adakah kes Ijok, SPLASH dan terowong dasar laut Pulau Pinang merupakan berita palsu mengikut hemat anda?

Clare Rewcastle; THE SCAM

Clare Rewcastle; THE SCAM

Now, because Clare Newcastle was desperate for a story to write…..all is lost. 


It is now 6.08 am Melbourne..and I got this message from Rasid : “Sarawak report published their version of a story about you.”

Unlike you guys in K Hell, I have no problems getting into SR….and I find out that once again, steadyaku47 is the news and not telling the news. As indicated in my posting yesterday, I was not going to print the following story because I wanted to focus on the matter at hand….getting rid of a corrupt prime minister and his BN regime…but in respond to the SR article…here is the article that I had written yesterday but did not want to print and now will.

The truth of the matter is already known to those that matters to me…you guys and those in K Hell that I have kept informed of what I do, from day one.

Justo placed his trust in Clare and he got shafted. Amiga put her trust in Clare, and that trust was abused. Add me now to that list.

You decide.


In November 2017, three whistle blower : one working in a Bank, another in a Statutory Body and the third an Umno member, sent me a bundle of documents, about 400 pages, detailing how money was siphoned out of government statutory bodies and channelled into sham investments and projects for the benefit of a few  individuals. They wanted to sell the documents for a lot of money. 

I told Clare Rewcastle (CR) about it, sent her copies of some of those documents (about 75 pages) and asked if she was interested in following through with their requests. This was her reaction:

October 31st 2017:

CR : “Tell no one. We have a solution. Hold tight and will call later”

November 28th 2017

CR :  “Am arriving on Cathy Pacific from HK.But is is very early.07.30am! I would not be out before 9am I don’t suppose”

Note : I and Peter Terence D Cruz (who was then in Melbourne) went to pick up Clare from the airport.

December 20th 2017

CR : “I am trying to get my guys to agree to put the $ as I accept your source needs that protection. But they had misunderstood and thought that it was ringgit”

Note : All along the discussion on money to be paid was in USD, never in ringgit as this whatsapp message from Clare on November 4th 2017 confirms same. : “I thought it was US 500to see all of what is there. Need to know what the story is” After this I ended discussions with Care until she got back to me two weeks later and begun discussions again. This message came from Clare to confirm that the payment will be in UUSD. 

January 14 2018

CR : “If I can get these guys to put something on the table how do you suggest it would be picked up and at what point and do we see this narrative?”

Again nothing came out of this second promise of money ready to be paid. 

In the third week of January she finally told me that she was unable to raise the money and started to insist that she must expose the story “in the National interest” and that “the people needed to know”. I then started the process of trying to raise the funds myself, informing Clare that I will ensure that Sarawak Report will have the story, not any one else. But I told her she must wait until the whistle blower get their dues as that was what was agreed between them and me. No money. No story.

At no time in these discussions was money due to me ever discussed with Clare. At on time  did I asked for any money from Clare or from the whistleblower for what I was doing.

My message to Clare on February 16th  2018

HH : Clare I hope you will give me the same consideration I gave you when you were trying to raise the funds. You calling KL did not help because what happens between KL and me was suppose to stay between KL and me. Please do not abuse the trust I place in you.

At this time, early January, she was already in discussions with parties in KL for questions to be asked in Parliament on these matters – matters that she was already working with Australian Newspaper to publish without permission from me -starting with the billions “invested” by EPF.

25th Feb : Message from Clare.

CR “I have passed Ben Butler of the Australian your contact. He has some information from Nic Manikis that I think you will want to know about.

Clare has given my name and contact number to Ben Butler from the Australian without my permission.

26th February 2018:

Message from Ben Butler of the Australian :

Ben Butler : “Hi Hussein, Ben Butler from the Australian newspaper. Can we talk?”

26th February

Message from HH to Ben

HH : “Hi Ben…just saw this. No problems. Possible to give me some ideas on what you would like to talk about?”

Message from Ben Butler to HH:

Ben Butler :” Ladylaw, the EPF etc”.

Message from HH to Ben Butler.

HH :  “It is a work in progress for me…I cannot go into specifics”.

February 28th 2018. Message from Clare.

CR : All the media have been primed now by Manikis. He is angry as a cut snake about the legal case which he says is nuts, The story is out and I am leading with it now”

All these story were initiated by Clare and she provided the details to Australian Newspapers from the the information and documents she stole from me.

HH ; This is what I understand Clare. You have not kept your word to me…and I will make sure that what you have done becomes public knowledge….in Malaysia and anywhere else I can reach”.

In between these exchanges between Clare and me that lasted from November 2017 to February 2018 :  there many many other message exchange between us which will confirm the following :

Clare copied the documents from my USB without my permission. That is stealing. she is a thief.

Clare Rewcastle indicated to me that she had the money to pay for the information. Twice she told me that the money was in place and indicated a date when the first down payment Would be made available. Both times she failed to deliver. This is lying. She is a liar.

She led me on and on and on, over period of three months from November 2017 until late January about her ability to pay for the information and used that time to gain more information from me:  That is fraud.

All this she did deliberately in order to get information from me that was not mine to give and then used to get credit for herself  from MSM in Australia and in Malaysia through her postings in Sarawak Report.  In all this she insists she is a journalist that is exposing a story of “National Interest” that the people of Malaysia needed to know. That is the work of a conniving journalist.


What is the end result of what she did?

First she compromised the safety of the three whistle blowers.

What she has is half the story. The bit that really matters is still with the whistle blower. All this is now lost to PH.

There were over 50 others such scams being rolled out to finance GE 14 that was also mine and PH to get  – all this  too, is now lost.

This was an expose as big as, is not bigger then 1MDB because the money lost  directly involved the Rakyat – EPF, Felda, KWSP, RISDA…and now, because Clare Newcastle was desperate for a story to write…..all is lost.