Tuesday, 30 April 2019

SRC trial: Najib didn’t lodge reports despite irregular signatures, massive transactions in personal accounts

SRC trial: Najib didn’t lodge reports despite irregular signatures, massive transactions in personal accounts

AmBank Jalan Raja Chulan branch manager, R. Uma Devi is pictured at the Kuala Lumpur High Court Complex April 25, 2019. — Picture by Firdaus Latif

KUALA LUMPUR, April 30  — Datuk Seri Najib Razak did not flag activities linked to his three AmBank accounts even after millions of ringgit moved in and out of these, the High Court heard as part of his trial involving RM42 million from a former 1MDB unit today.

AmBank Jalan Raja Chulan branch manager R. Uma Devi also testified today that the former prime minister took no action and made no complaint from 2011 to 2015 despite irregularities in the signatures of signatories he appointed via authorisation letters to the bank.

Uma Dewi, testifying for the fourth day in a row, then agreed with Najib’s lawyer, Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, that it was abnormal for such inconsistencies to go unreported.

Shafee: Do you find it quite surprising, in view of what was raised earlier, of the bank records having such issues?

Uma Devi: It is quite unusual I would say.

Shafee: Looking at the documents, in relation to the matters we testified over various accounts, did you not find any documents that raised alarm, pertaining to sources of funds (in Najib’s accounts?)

Uma Devi: Not to the records I have.

Uma Devi is the 21st prosecution witness in Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s money-laundering and criminal breach of trust trial over RM42 million of funds from SRC International, a former 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) unit.

Uma Devi said despite principles and practises of each bank differing among each other, transactions of RM50,000 from overseas sources would usually raise alarm bells at branch level and require Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) approval.

She said that at branch level, transactions of such amounts would trigger a threshold report, requiring the owner of the recipient account to explain the source and purpose of the incoming funds.

The bank manager then explained banking procedures concerning suspected fraud, where if such cases were detected by the bank’s Anti-Money Laundering unit, a report would be made to the Suspicious Transaction Report (STR) system first, and not necessarily the account holder.

Shafee: In relation to, if the bank itself finds something irregular, do you agree with me that the bank owes the duty to the account holder to alert the customer that they suspect something is not entirely right?

Uma Devi: Meaning if the account has any fraud? Usually we don’t inform the customer because it will tip them off. Normally we raise the issue to STR within the bank, and the Compliance Unit will investigate and inform the branch if they need to inform the customer. At the first stage, we will raise it with STR, and then prompt compliance (unit).

Shafee: Surely you don’t mean banish account holder. If you do find something not right, you must surely alert the holder if you suspect the ones who operate the account (are responsible). Wouldn’t you have to contact the holder and alert them?

Uma Devi: If it is proven that fraud is done by the account nominees, then we have to alert (them).

Shafee: When someone detects a different signature (on authorisation letters), there are grounds to alert (the bank)?

Uma Devi: After investigations then we will take action, we have to investigate.

Shafee: If (investigations are) not satisfactory?

Uma Devi: Then we will inform the account holder.

Concerning investigations and raids carried out by BNM on the AmBank branch she works at in 2015, Uma Devi also agreed that a report must have been reported for action to be taken by the then special task force was headed at that time by attorney general Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, then BNM governor Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, former inspector-general of police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, and then MACC chief Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed.

The trial will continue on May 2.

Will Najib Be Sent To Jail?


I can only say we have walked down this road before. Back in the 1990s, we were talking about fixing up Anwar. Today, it is about fixing up Najib. But one thing never changes. And that is whichever side the Malays are on will end up the winner. Hence this is not about Najib. This is about who the Malays support. And currently the Malays are with Najib.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Tell the truth even if Sedition Act hangs over you, said Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. There is nothing to worry about if you tell the truth and get probed for sedition as it does not mean there will be prosecution, Mahathir said.

In 2001, when Mahathir was the Prime Minister, I was arrested for sedition — twice, in fact. I was also detained under the Internal Security Act because eight months earlier I had launched the Free Anwar Campaign (FAC) and had gone to the United States to meet the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to brief them on Anwar’s political persecution.

The FAC campaign also extended to the Australian Parliament, US Congress, UK Parliament and EU Parliament. Of course, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, etc., were also in our campaign list.

In short, the whole world was “educated” about Anwar’s case and because of that they supported Anwar against Mahathir’s government (which is why they detained me).

In 2000, I brought Anwar’s case to the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

I always tell people, in Malaysia, they allow you freedom of speech. It is freedom after speech that you do not have.

Anyway, the new IGP, Abdul Hamid Bador, who used to be in the Special Branch, can tell you more. Hamid knows my sentiments and he knows about my feelings towards Anwar.

The Special Branch grilled me about my work in the FAC and regarding my interactions with “foreign powers”. They accused me of working for the CIA and threatened to charge me for treason, which carries the death penalty. When that did not work, they offered to show me the proof that Anwar was, in fact, guilty of sodomy — so I am wrong for supporting him.

I asked the Special Branch what made them think I was heading the FAC and campaigning for Anwar because I think he was innocent of sodomy?

The US supported Anwar against Mahathir

This caught them off-guard. “Then why would you support and campaign for Anwar if you think he is guilty of sodomy?” they asked me.

The issue is not whether Anwar is innocent or guilty, I told them. I do not care about that (because I do not care whether you are straight, gay or bisexual). The issue is whether the prosecution successfully proved Anwar’s guilt. And I attended Anwar’s trial almost every day and I saw with my own eyes that the prosecution failed to prove Anwar’s guilt. And the judge ruled that Anwar is guilty because he failed to prove his innocence. Ok

That is what I oppose, not that I think Anwar did not poke his pecker into the bontot of a jambu.

The Special Branch had no reply to that. In fact, they admitted that the prosecution had done a bad job in spite of all the evidence the police managed to gather.

The Special Branch admitted that the prosecution messed up and failed to prove Anwar’s guilt but they sent him to jail anyway

“Was it intentional?” I asked them. “Did the prosecution purposely mess up to give Anwar strong grounds to appeal the verdict later and get off?” With a dejected look on their faces, they murmured that this is one of the suspicions.

So, even the Special Branch was wondering how the prosecution could mess up such an easy case. And, when Anwar appealed his conviction, the court ruled that even though they were convinced of Anwar’s guilt, the prosecution had failed to prove Anwar’s guilt, and they released Anwar on 2nd September 2004.

So there you are. The court said they felt Anwar is guilty. But the prosecution failed to prove it. Hence the court had to reluctantly release Anwar.

I debated this matter with the Special Branch in 2001 (three years before the court released Anwar in 2004). And I was right. In 2001, I asked the Special Branch why choose the crime of sodomy to use against Anwar? Surely there are many other “easier” crimes they can use.

The Malays are with Najib and not with Pakatan Harapan

The Special Branch replied that this was the most effective of all. Malays will get disgusted with sodomy. Any other crime such as abuse of power, conflict of interest, corruption, etc., will not upset the Malays as much as sodomy would.

Okay, so, in short, sodomy instead of another crime would have the maximum impact and would result in the Malays turning their backs on Anwar. Even corruption is not enough to get the Malays to feel disgusted with Anwar. So, basically, the (disgusting) sodomy charge was meant to sway the Malay support away from Anwar.

And the same thing is happening to Najib Tun Razak. Mahathir wanted him ousted so they tried to pin all sorts of crimes on him. Then, because of the non-stop allegations and the trial by media, Pakatan Harapan was forced to arrest and charge Najib. And currently his trial is ongoing.

Puteri Umno is spearheading the fight to win the hearts and minds of the young Malays

But then Najib was alleged to have stolen RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money. However, his trial is for stealing RM42 million of SRC International’s money. Yes, RM42 million, not RM42 billion. And SRC, not 1MDB.

And then, as the trial progresses, it appears that Najib’s claim that the money came from the Arabs and that he later returned the money to them is true after all. Furthermore, Bank Negara Malaysia was aware of the whole thing and approved the transactions. So it was not done “under-the-table” after all, as you would if it was money-laundering.

And, to add icing to the cake, some of the signatures on the transactions may not be Najib’s, so we are talking about forged signatures here. And the money was distributed and spent on political activities, which is quite normal for Malaysian politics (even Pakatan Harapan does it) and was being done since back in the 1980s when Mahathir and Anwar were in charge of Umno.

I can only say we have walked down this road before. Back in the 1990s, we were talking about fixing up Anwar. Today, it is about fixing up Najib. But one thing never changes. And that is whichever side the Malays are on will end up the winner. Hence this is not about Najib. This is about who the Malays support. And currently the Malays are with Najib.


'Who's the deaf one?' - Perlis mufti tells Dr M to listen to Muslims' fears

'Who's the deaf one?' - Perlis mufti tells Dr M to listen to Muslims' fears

Apr 30th, 2019 (Updated Apr 30th, 2019)

Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin remained steadfast in his assertion that Muslims are being bullied under the new government, telling Dr Mahathir Mohamad to listen to the "reality" on the ground.

"There has been a lot of news this morning about Mahathir's statement 'Perlis mufti deaf' in relation to my criticism that the voices defending Islam are being heard less by the leaders of today's government. Muslims do not feel safe."

"Anyone who can listen to the concerns of the people, that is the reality being voiced by all levels of Muslim society in the country. I am unsure who is the deaf one," Asri stated, in response to criticism by the prime minister.

In a Facebook posting today, the mufti went on to suggest that perhaps the premier was merely "hurt" (terguris) by Asri's criticism as the two had a good relationship.

The mufti referenced an inscription purportedly written by the premier to him in a copy of Mahathir's memoir "A Doctor in the House", a picture of which was also attached to the post on social media.

In the inscription, signed to Asri, were penned the words: "The doctor (Asri) is truly brave in your efforts to correct the religious teachings which confuse and divide the Malay Muslims in Malaysia.

"[...] Do not set aside the truth for fear. A struggle free from challenges and opposition is not a true struggle."

In response, Asri today stated that he would hold to that philosophy, even if it meant going against a Mahathir-led leadership.


Banyak berita pagi ini pasal kenyataan YAB Tun M: "Mufti Perlis pekak" sebab kritikan saya yang suara mempertahankan Islam kurang kedengaran dalam kalangan pimpinan kerajaan hari ini. Umat Islam rasa kurang selamat.

Namun, sesiapa yang mampu mendengar keresahan rakyat, itulah realiti yang disuarakan oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat Islam di negara ini. Saya tidak pasti siapa yang pekak.

Mungkin YAB Tun M terguris disebabkan hubungan baik saya dengan Tun M selama ini. Saya faha...

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Mahathir had yesterday labelled Asri as "deaf" over the latter's criticism of Harapan's defence of Islam.

"If he could hear, he would have heard about how we have done all sorts of things for Muslims and for Islam," Mahathir had said last night.

This came following an earlier social media posting by the mufti, in which he also criticised the recent arrest of independent preacher Muhammad Zamri Vinoth Kalimuthu for allegedly insulting Hinduism in a sermon.

Asri defended Vinoth, described as a student of controversial preacher Zakir Naik, claiming that the former had contributed to building good inter-religious relations and was arrested for merely "sharing his personal experience in converting to Islam".

Asri also claimed, among others, that those involved in cases insulting the Prophet Muhammad and Islam merely had their statements recorded.

However contrary to his claim, there has been a number of arrests and charges involving those who have insulted Islam and the Prophet online under the new government, with one Facebook account holder even being sentenced to a 10 years and 10 months jail term.

Recently, in an interview, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail cited Putrajaya's efforts in defending the community, including saving ailing Malay and Islamic institutions such as Lembaga Tabung Haji and Felda.

However, Saifuddin lamented that despite these efforts, "those who cause the problems are heralded as the fighters of race and religion".

"That is a paradox," he said.

In What Way Are The Malays And Islam Insulted?

In What Way Are The Malays And Islam Insulted?

TK Chua, in a Free Malaysia Today article today, asks a number of questions. DAP opposes RUU355 and said “over my dead body” to the Islamic Hudud laws and said that those Malays from Umno and PAS who refuse to fight each other and want to unite are Taliban extremists. Do we need to go on?

TK Chua, Free Malaysia Today

No one would dare or want to insult the Malays.

I do not know who is deaf and who is not. But as a citizen of this country, I would certainly like to know the truth. I am referring to the spat between Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin and Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad on arguments over who has done more for the Malays and Muslims in this country.

I think it is pointless to argue in general terms. When there are accusations of PH leaders in government bullying the Malays and Muslims, these better be specific and definite. Otherwise, it may cause lots of provocation and discord.

In what specific ways are the Malays and Muslims being bullied in this country today? What specific privileges of the Malays have been withheld and what specific economic interests have been denied them?

In what specific ways has the Muslim faith been insulted or degraded? Who has insulted them? Was it a concerted effort by a racial or religious group or was it a random event perpetrated by some deranged individual?

When a specific insult against Islam and the Prophet happened, did the authorities take action to protect and defend the sanctity of Islam and the Prophet? If not, can we have some evidence of authorities not being assertive when coming to the defence of Islam and the Prophet?

Now I want all of us to apply the same principle on non-Muslims and non-Malays.

Did the PH government make any extra effort to promote other religions over Islam? Do non-Malays now enjoy more rights? If so, is it at the expense of the Malays?

Did the government assist the non-Malays more than the Malays? Did the non-Malays sabotage, hinder or protest the resuscitation and recovery of Malay institutions maimed due to past transgressions?

Did the authorities show leniency to non-Malays and non-Muslims when they were caught insulting Malays and Islam? If so, please give specific examples?

I believe no one would dare or want to bully, insult or belittle the Malays or Muslims. It does not make sense. If there is any yearning, I think most non-Malays would wish for a more understanding and magnanimous Malay community.

Islam Dibuli, Tidak Selamat Di Bawah Kerajaan PH – Mufti Perlis

(Utusan) – Mufti Perlis, Datuk Dr. Mohd. Asri Zainul Abidin menyifatkan realiti politik pada masa ini yang membiarkan umat Islam dibuli telah menyebabkan rakyat akur bahawa agama Islam berada dalam keadaan tidak begitu selamat di bawah pentadbiran kerajaan hari ini.

Luahan kekecewaan Mohd. Asri itu susulan selepas rakannya yang juga Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif One Centre Malaysia negeri, Muhammad Zamri Vinoth ditahan serta direman kerana didakwa menghina agama Hindu.

Katanya, jika dilihat, pelbagai kenyataan yang dibuat oleh individu-individu di dalam kerajaan yang menghina umat Islam dan menimbulkan ketegangan kaum namun mereka hanya dipanggil untuk beri keterangan.

Malah kata beliau, betapa ramai lagi yang menghina Nabi Muhamad SAW dan mempersendakan ajaran Islam juga hanya melalui proses sama.

“Tapi, ceramah dalam masjid untuk umat Islam sahaja di Kelantan oleh seorang individu yang menceritakan pengalaman peribadi menukar agama dan memilih agama Islam (Muhammad Zamri) telah menyebabkan beliau ditangkap.

“Apakah fakta beliau (Muhammad Zamri) palsu?, apakah beliau menghina atau sekadar menceritakan tentang kisah dirinya sendiri?

“Apakah beliau bertujuan untuk menimbulkan ketegangan seperti mana kenyataan pemimpin-pemimpin yang telah menyebabkan tragedi antara kuil dan pihak bomba (Subang Jaya). Tidak pula mereka ini ditangkap.

“Bagaimana pula dengan ucapan pemimpin-pemimpin politik dari agama lain yang sering menimbulkan permusuhan dengan masyarakat Islam?,” katanya dalam status Facebooknya di sini hari ini.

Semalam, Muhammad Zamri yang juga pembantu pendakwah Islam terkenal, Dr. Zakir Naik ditahan anggota polis dari Bahagian Siasatan Jenayah Berat (D9) di hadapan sebuah restoran di sini berikutan beberapa laporan polis dibuat terhadapnya kerana didakwa menghina agama Hindu.

Muhammad Zamri didakwa membuat kenyataan yang berbaur penghinaan terhadap agama Hindu dalam satu video tular di laman sosial.

Tambah Mohd. Asri, Muhammad Zamri selama ini telah membuat banyak program membantu membina hubungan baik antara agama termasuk menziarahi gereja, tokong dan pelbagai dialog harmoni dianjurkannya di bawah One Centre Malaysia negeri.

“Ucapan beliau itu hanyalah sedikit daripada pengalaman dirinya sahaja sebelum menganut Islam (jika) dibandingkan usaha beliau untuk membina hubungan antara agama.

“Saya tidak menyalahkan pihak polis, tetapi ini berlaku kerana realiti politik yang membiarkan umat Islam dibuli. Suara-suara mempertahankan Islam sukar kedengaran dalam kalangan yang memimpin pentadbiran hari ini melainkan sejumlah kecil. Apakah ini suatu keadilan? .

“Realiti ini menjadikan rakyat makin akur bahawa Islam berada dalam keadaan yang tidak begitu selamat di bawah pentadbiran hari ini,” katanya.

Perlis mufti questions preacher's arrest for allegedly insulting Hinduism


Perlis mufti questions preacher's arrest for allegedly insulting Hinduism

Malaysiakini  |  Published: 29 Apr 2019, 7:49 pm

A+     A-

Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin has questioned the arrest of independent preacher Muhammad Zamri Vinoth Kalimuthu for allegedly insulting Hinduism in a sermon, which was uploaded on the internet.

"This is the reality we are seeing today. All kinds of statements are made by individuals in the government that insult Muslims and cause racial tension but are only called up to give their statement.

"Many cases where the Prophet Muhammad was insulted and Islam belittled also only saw perpetrators summoned to have their statement recorded.

"But a preacher who shared his personal experience in converting to Islam in a mosque in Kelantan which was only intended for Muslims ended up with an arrest," he said in a Facebook posting.

Asri said Zamri, who is described as a student of controversial preacher Zakir Naik, had contributed much in building good inter-religious relations.

He also questioned whether what Zamri said was not factual.

"Was he insulting or was he only relating his personal story?

"Did he intend to create tension like statements by certain leaders that led to the temple and fire department tragedy?" Asri asked in an apparent reference to the Seafield temple riots in Subang Jaya last year where one fireman was killed.

He questioned why those leaders were not arrested.

Yesterday, Zamri was arrested by cops after several police reports were lodged against him for allegedly insulting Hinduism.


Terima saudara Firdaus. Inilah realiti yang kelihatan pada hari ini. Pelbagai kenyataan yang dibuat oleh individu-individu yang berada dalam kerajaan hari ini yang menghina Umat Islam dan menimbulkan ketegangan kaum, mereka hanya dipanggil untuk beri keterangan. Betapa ramai yang menghina Nabi Muhammad dan mempersenda ajaran Islam, juga hanya dipanggil memberikan keterangan.

Tapi, ceramah dalam masjid untuk umat Islam sahaja di KELANTAN oleh seorang yang men...

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Asri Turns To Umno For Support In Tiff With PH Over Islam


(FMT) – Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin has turned to Umno leaders for support amid his misgivings with the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government in the wake of the arrest of a close associate over the weekend.

Umno Youth chief Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki revealed that the mufti, a frequent critic of the previous Barisan Nasional government, had contacted him seeking the wing’s support over his statement accusing the PH government of double standards.

“But what pleases me is that my friend has acknowledged the reality about the position of Islam under PH, when he described (Muslims as) bullied and not secure.

“May Dr Asri be vocal again to expose the confusion and falsehood of the PH government today, especially on matters of Islam, Muslims and the people in general,” said Asyraf, who is the former deputy minister in charge of Islamic affairs.

Asri’s claim that PH leaders were silent in the face of what he described as attacks on Islam by government leaders did not sit well with Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Last night, the prime minister labelled him as “deaf”, and defended the government’s Islamic credentials.

Asri had earlier taken issue with the authorities over the arrest of Muhammad Zamri Vinoth Kalimuthu, a Muslim preacher closely associated with Perlis religious authorities, over remarks allegedly insulting Hinduism.

He said Putrajaya was practising double standards, and accused it of not acting against those who made remarks offensive to Muslims.

Asyraf said he agreed with Asri’s stand.

“Till today, we see no action taken against government leaders such as (Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department) P Waytha Moorthy and (Human Resources Minister) M Kula Segaran over speeches that incite and strain racial and religious ties, despite numerous reports lodged against them,” he said.

Johor sultanate is centuries old, Umno sec-gen reminds greenhorn minister

Johor sultanate is centuries old, Umno sec-gen reminds greenhorn minister

Malaysiakini  |  Published:   |  Modified: 

Following the salvos from Putrajaya and those aligned to Pakatan Harapan, Annuar Musa has come to the defence of the Johor palace.

The Umno secretary-general trained his guns on Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman for his remarks concerning Johor crown prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim.

Annuar cautioned the Bersatu Youth chief not to be overzealous in “apple polishing” his boss, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who is also Bersatu chairperson.

“Thankfully, Tunku Ismail responded in a mature manner and did not entertain this childish attitude.

“Syed Saddiq is purportedly fighting for the people...

“How many days have you (Syed Saddiq) been championing the people compared to the Johor sultanate which has been doing it for centuries?” he added in a Facebook post.

The Ketereh MP also reminded Syed Saddiq (below) that Bersatu only won 13 parliament seats in the last general election, and that Pakatan Harapan had been defeated in the last three by-elections.

 “What is there to be proud of?” he asked.

As always, the Umno leader also had DAP in his crosshairs, which he suggested was the true holder of power in Harapan.

“Your (Syed Saddiq) victory (in the last general election) is due to your willingness to pawn the pride and position of the Malays and Islam to DAP, which is using your party as a tool,” he added.

Annuar also censured the minister for dragging the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) into politics.

He claimed that Tunku Ismail's contribution to Malaysian football was far greater than Syed Saddiq's.

Yesterday, Syed Saddiq responded to the crown prince's statement that the prime minister should be changed, by questioning the latter over his failure to make a similar call when former premier Najib Abdul Razak was saddled with accusations of widespread graft.

He also noted how Tunku Ismail resigned as FAM president in less than a year, and contrasted this with the responsibilities Mahathir is shouldering.

“If one finds it hard to take care of FAM and had to resign after less than a year, imagine the responsibilities of a prime minister who is sincere in reviving the nation," he said.

Monday, 29 April 2019

Malaysian PM’s Wife Seeks Central Bank Governor’s Ouster

Malaysian PM’s Wife Seeks Central Bank Governor’s Ouster

 July 30, 2015


By: Our Correspondent

Prime Minister Najib Razak’s controversial wife, Rosmah Mansor, is trying to drive another powerful woman, internationally respected Bank Negara Governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz, out of the central bank,  according to knowledgeable sources in Kuala Lumpur.

Rosmah is said to be enraged over leaks of her personal financial details. She also fears that Zeti has detailed information on the 1Malaysia Development Bhd. scandal that could bring down the government and the prime minister. Insiders say Rosmah, a lightning rod for criticism over her lavish spending, is the field marshal directing the defense of her beleaguered husband’s government.

“My own view is that Najib will fight to the political death because of the wife,” a longtime academician and political analyst told Asia Sentinel. “She is much stronger than Najib and will not accept any retirement package. She is powerful in her own right.”

The year-long scandal has paralyzed Malaysian politics and played a major role in weakening the economy as Najib twists and turns to keep his enemies at bay. Earlier this week, Najib sacked several members of his cabinet for apparent disloyalty; he has also moved against critical news outlets.

Independent authority

Driving Zeti out won’t be easy. The Central Bank Act of 2009 – ironically passed that year at Zeti’s request after Najib became prime minister – insulates the central bank from political influence. The governor can only be appointed or fired by the Malaysian King, a rotating monarchy that passes among nine sultans. The current king is from Kedah, the home state of Mahathir Mohamad, Najib’s most implacable enemy.  The king reportedly has told Mahathir he is staying out of the matter so that the law can take its course.

Rosmah is said to have targeted Zeti after the Sarawak Report published details on July 9 about the deposit of RM2 million [US$523,400] into her account in Affin Bank, after which Rosmah demanded that Zeti find out who leaked the information within 72 hours or resign.

When Zeti apparently declined, she came under attack from blogs said to be linked to Rosmah.

Blogs in the fray 

One of the blogs, “Fromtheeleventh,” alleged that the police Special Branch intelligence unit is investigating Zeti and three other Bank Negara officials for sedition and carrying out a parallel investigation into Selangor state water contracts involving Zeti’s husband, Tawfiq Ayman, and their son Alif.  The blog also alleged that Tawfiq is being investigated for allegedly illegal commissions paid in a bank deal in which third parties benefited from insider information, supposedly which could have been provided by the central bank.

“By virtue of the close relationship between husband and wife, Ayman has access to confidential information that has been used for his benefit in his business dealings,” the blog said, indicating that “new information” had been supplied to investigators.

“The husband is a little shaky,” said a Malaysian businessman, “but Zeti has always acted quite properly.”

Another extremely well-informed source told Asia Sentinel, “I am not aware of this personally, but I would totally believe that Rosmah would try to push Zeti out if she felt threatened. Bank Negara does have lots of smoking guns on all the dodgy bank transfer documentation, both involving Rosmah and also Najib, 1MDB etc. Zeti isn’t an angel and there could be dirt on her somewhere that could be used, though she’s not been associated with any major personal scandals that I can recall.  It’s more that she’s gone along with wonky stuff as required by politics and maybe got rewarded for her compliance.”

But, he said, “I do believe she still thinks of herself as a professional central banker, so she might actually draw the line here. My impression is that Bank Negara is the most likely of all the investigative entities to really be able to pin something on Najib and Co.”   




August 12, 2015petrakubrik

Corruption had been cultivated decades ago under a different name and leadership. It won’t be right to turn the other cheek and fast forward to the current issue and put the entire blame on the current government.

With the current fiasco happening in the country one would think that the man who held the longest-serving position as the Prime Minister of Malaysia would’ve been the first to stand up and defend the country from any sort of attacks. Instead, his having a field day by ranting and claiming that Malaysia still owes it all to him.

The same man who gravely despised foreign media is now using them to bring down Malaysia. 


After weeks of being silent, Mahathir returned with a vengeance with his stale opinions running the country down to the ground, by abusing his freedom of speech with daily doses of rants and slamming the government that he used to lead. One of recent was that Najib is currently undermining the democracy of the country.

If democracy is dead, this would not be the headline by any newspaper. http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/nobody-believes-najibs-donation-claim-says-dr-mahathir

Mind you, this is the same person who dismissed the Lord President and suspended the Supreme Court judges due to a complaint of noisy renovation.

The Tunku Bendahara of Johor claimed that his father, the late Sultan Iskandar Ismail had been used by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to remove the country’s top judge in the late 1980s. http://www.mmail.com.my/malaysia/article/dr-m-used-dad-to-get-rid-of-chief-judge-says-son-of-late-johor-sultan

Remember what happened when people wanted to bring Mahathir down? Major newspapers were forced to shut down and more than 100 people from the opposition and the same party was thrown into prison without trial. Startling how now it is okay to have a street demonstration to oust Najib Razak as the last resort.

Many Malaysians has looked up to you yet only someone in pure desperation would ever provoke a street demo to oust the current Prime Minister.

In 2013, Mahathir insulted Ambiga by making a rude statement to have the federal constitution revoke Ambiga’s citizenship due to the Bersih, fast forward 2015 Mahathir is currently working hand in hand with people he has so openly despised.

Bersih wants former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad to retract his statement that the federal constitution must be amended to revoke the citizenship of “errant lawyers” like Bar Council leaders and Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga. 


Is this really the last resort? Or is there something darker and much more sinister that Mahathir is trying to hide?

Zeti should answer allegations against her family, says Maicci president

Zeti should answer allegations against her family, says Maicci president


 August 7, 2015

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 7, 2015:

The Malaysian Associated Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Maicci) has called on Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) governor Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz to refute the serious allegations made against her on social media.

According to a report by The Star, Maicci president Tan Sri K.K. Eswaran said allegations of Zeti’s family members awarded government contracts via unethical means have been circulating online.

“When allegations are made against the Prime Minister on social media, everyone says he has to clear it.

“But why isn’t anyone questioning her about the allegations?” he was quoted as saying in a press conference following the association’s management meeting yesterday.

In addition Eswaran also called for the authorities to take stern action against various media that publishes news which purposely undermines Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s leadership.

“Whoever have written unnecessary articles and admitted to have bought stolen documents must be taken to task and investigated,” he was quoted as saying while adding that Maicci backs Najib as the association is confident that he will be cleared of all charges.

Eswaran’s response came in the heels after several blogs posted numerous details involving Zeti’s husband Datuk Tawfiq Ayman and son, Alif Ayman allegedly involved in corruption activities over government contracts.

Additionally, Zeti as well as several BNM officials were also implicated in these blogs for allegedly being involved in a plot to topple Najib from his post.

The blogs also claimed that the parties involved are being investigated under Section 124 of the Penal Code for activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy

However, last week, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar denied rumours that Zeti is being investigated.

Sunday, 28 April 2019

Beli Kedai Roti, Dapat Satu Bandar

Beli Kedai Roti, Dapat Satu Bandar

Mahathirisma (Mahathirsm) istilah yang pernah menjadi sangat popular pada satu ketika dahulu. Konsep Mahathirisma inilah yang menyebabkan Malaysia kehilangan lebih kurang RM200 bilion selama 22 tahun semasa pemerintahan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang ke empat. Kini, konsep dan istilah Mahathirisma telah muncul kembali dalam penyambungan semula projek Bandar Malaysia. Dasar inilah membuatkan Cina kaya bertambah kaya dan Melayu bertambah miskin.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

IWCity, Ekovest hit limit up on Bandar Malaysia revival

(The Sun Daily) – Tycoon Tan Sri Lim Kang Hoo-linked Iskandar Waterfront City Bhd (IWCity) and Ekovest Bhd and hit limit up this morning on the revival of the Bandar Malaysia project.

At 11.45am, IWCity was trading 30 sen or 29.14% higher at RM1.32 on 14.53 million shares done, while Ekovest was trading 29 sen or 43% higher at 96 sen with 183.1 million shares changing hands.

Last Friday, Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad said the government welcomes the commitment by Iskandar Waterfront Holdings Bhd (IWH) and China Railway Engineering Corp Sdn Bhd (CREC) to make an advance payment of RM500 million, in addition to the original deposit sum of RM741 million to be paid within 60 days from the date that the government officially reinstates the project.

IWH and CREC were the winners of the Bandar Malaysia project before their status as the master developer was scrapped in May 2017. IWCity is a subsidiary of IWH. Tan is the executive vice chairman of IWCity and executive chairman of Ekovest.

Kemunculan kembali kroni-kroni dan proksi zaman 1980an dan 1990an

Ekovest Berhad

Ekovest adalah sebuah syarikat pembinaan yang ditubuhkan oleh Lim Kang Hoo. Ekovest menjadi terkenal kerana penglibatannya didalam pembinaan Menara Berkembar Petronas (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), dan bangunan-bangunan utama di Putrajaya semasa Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia keempat.

Iskandar Waterfront Holdings

Iskandar Waterfront Holdings mempunyai nilai pembangunan kasar berjumlah RM125 bilion didalam projeknya yang merangkumi tanah seluas 4000 ekar tanah di Iskandar Johor. Pelabur-pelabur yang bekerjasama didalam projek Iskandar ini ialah ‘Billionaire’ Robert Kwok, Peter Lim dan Jeffery Cheah, serta beberapa syarikat pembangunan hartanah yang terbesar di China (Country Garden Holdings), Greenland dan Australia.

Govt revives Bandar Malaysia, IWH-CREC ups advance payment to RM1.24b

(The Edge Markets) – Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today announced the revival of the Bandar Malaysia project, which was abruptly terminated in May 2017.

The decision was made after due deliberation during a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Bernama quoted him as saying.

Dr Mahathir said Bandar Malaysia would have a significant impact on Malaysia’s economy and would serve as a global hub to further attract high impact global finance, technology and entrepreneurial firms.

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), in a statement, said IWH-CREC Sdn Bhd, the project’s master developer, is committed to make an additional advance payment of RM500 million.

DAP bergembira dengan kejayaan tauke Cina Lim Kang Hoo

Robert Kuok’s Brother Was A Communist Terrorist

Robert Kuok’s Brother Was A Communist Terrorist

Today, Robert Kuok is still China’s agent. And whatever deals Malaysia is making with China helps China make money. Robert Kuok’s brother tried to bring Malaysia under China’s domination by using guns and bullets and was shot dead. Robert Kuok is succeeding where his brother failed, by bringing Malaysia under China’s domination through the economy.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Robert Kuok’s lawyer, Cecil Abraham, is trying to silence me. He wants me to stop writing about Robert Kuok, the man Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad appointed to the Council of Eminent Persons (CEP) to handle matters with Communist China.

Why Robert Kuok? Because he has links with Communist China and can influence China. In fact, Robert Kuok’s brother was a Communist Terrorist (CT) who was shot dead in the Malayan jungles.

Yes, Robert Kuok’s brother was just like those terrorists who killed more than 300 people in Sri Lanka recently over Easter. The only thing is the CTs killed and wounded almost 10,000 people, not just 300.

1. Robert Kuok Suing Raja Petra Again

2. My Reply To Robert Kuok’s Legal Letter

3. Mahathir Warns Malays About The Dangers Of Allowing Chinese Into Malaysia

4. China’s regional dominance worrying, says Dr Mahathir

Robert Kuok is no different from his brother. While Robert Kuok’s brother used guns and bullets, Robert Kuok uses money to bring down the Malay government. And money is more powerful than guns and bullets in bringing down governments.

Cecil Abraham says I have committed libel and they can sue me for that.

What libel? Every hour of every single day for the last 1,600 days since December 2014 they have been accusing Najib Tun Razak of being a thief. Every hour of every single day for the last 1,600 days they have slandered Najib. So what libel is Cecil Abraham talking about? He is drunk or what?

Robert Kuok’s brother was a Communist Terrorist and was shot dead

Robert Kuok’s brother used guns and bullets (and sometimes bombs) in trying to bring down a legally-elected Malay government. Robert Kuok is using his money to do the same thing. He is financing DAP, PKR and Pakatan Harapan. In fact, he even gave Nurul Izzah Anwar RM250,000 for her wedding. That dirty money got no fengshui so her marriage ended in divorce when her husband caught her with another young man.

DAP is anti-Umno, anti-Malay, anti-Islam, anti-Raja-Raja Melayu, anti-Sharia, anti-Hudud, anti-Bahasa Melayu, anti-DEB, and much more. And so is the CPM (Communist Party of Malaya) who Robert Kuok’s brother fought and died for.

Robert Kuok was already dealing with China since long before the peace treaty between the CPM and the Malaysian government was signed in 1989. So, at the time China was still officially at war with Malaysia, Robert Kuok was China’s agent.

Robert Kuok is succeeding where the CPM and his brother had failed

After South Vietnam fell and North and South Vietnam got united in 1976, Malaysia established diplomatic relations with Vietnam Baru. Vietnam then apologised to Malaysia for supporting the Communist Terrorists and said they did so because China had ordered them to. Yes, Vietnam confessed that China had ordered them to help the CPM to bring down the government through an armed insurrection. And only in 1989, 13 years later, did the CPM sign the peace treaty with Malaysia.

And in all this time Robert Kuok was China’s agent and made billions because of it. Are you saying this is libel? Are you saying all this is not true? Which part is a lie?

Robert Kuok is helping Pakatan Harapan to bring Malaysia under China’s domination

Today, Robert Kuok is still China’s agent. And whatever deals Malaysia is making with China helps China make money. Robert Kuok’s brother tried to bring Malaysia under China’s domination by using guns and bullets and was shot dead. Robert Kuok is succeeding where his brother failed, by bringing Malaysia under China’s domination through the economy.

And for saying that Cecil Abraham wants to sue me? Then sue. I would also like that so that this story becomes a big story. Then 20 million Malays will know how these Chinese tycoons got rich on the sweat of the Malays, especially those Malays in the Felda settlements, and how they use the billions they made to attack the Malays, Islam, the Raja-Raja Melayu, Bahasa Melayu, DEB, the Sharia, and Hudud.