Monday, 26 August 2019


Persaudaraan Ukhuwah

MUSIBAH adalah sesuatu yang menimpa kita, yang tidak mengenakkan. Yang tidak menyulitkan diri kita. Misalkan, tertimpa rasa sakit, demam dan sakit kepala.

Musibah juga bertingkat, mulai dari yang kecil seperti tertusuk duri sampai pada tingkat paling besar, bencana alam. Semua adalah musibah yang menyakitkan dan menyulitkan diri apabila tertimpa.

Tapi bagi orang beriman, itu bukan masalah terbesar. Sebab ada jaminan dari Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, bahwa tidaklah menimpa seorang Muslim sebuah musibah, baik itu berupa rasa sakit, galau, demam, sampai duri yang tertusuk kecuali itu merupakan penggugur dosanya.

Bagi seorang Muslim, yang namanya musibah itu bisa jadi sesuatu yang baik selama ia menerima dengan baik dan berprasangka baik kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. Dalam Hadits lain Rasulullah juga bersabda, bahwa jika Allah mencintai seorang hamba dia akan memberikan musibah atau ujian.

Lantas apa “musibah terbesar” bagi seorang Muslim?

‘Musibah’ terbesar adalah ketika Muslim satu dengan yang lainnya memutuskan silaturahim, ketika mereka bermusuhan tidak bertegur sapa, ketika mereka merenggangkan ukhuwah.

Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Hadits Nabi, tidak akan masuk surga orang tidak mengajak berbicara saudaranya melebihi 3 hari. Rusaknya ukhuwah akan berdampak pada kesulitan dan kesengsaraan di dunia terlebih di akhirat nanti.

Maka tidak heran jika Nabi menjadikan kesempurnaan iman itu di antaranya melalui hubungan persaudaraan yang baik.

Beliau bersabda, “Tidak beriman salah seorang di antara kalian sampai dia mencintai untuk saudaranya seperti dia mencintai untuk dirinya sendiri.”

Maka ‘musibah terbesar’ bagi seorang Muslim bukanlah bencana alam, tapi ‘musibah terbesar’ adalah retaknya ukhuwah.*

Setiap kaum muslimin seharusnya bersaudara.  Menjelaskan beberapa penyebab rusaknya ukhuwah atau persaudaraan di antara umat Islam.

“Apa sebab kita tidak bersaudara?”  .

Seharusnya,  siapa saja yang menjadikan Al Quran dan As Sunnah sebagai pegangan hidup berarti mereka adalah bersaudara. Kemudian mereka menggunakan tafsir sesuai pemaahaman sahabat, tabiiin, tabiut tabiin. Karena, menurutnya, hanya sahabat nabi yang lebih mengetahui Rasulullah ketika berdakwah.

“Karena kalau sahabat saja dikafirkan, lalu siapa referensi kita. Karena mereka yang melihat, melindungi dan selalu mengikuti dakwah Rasulullah,” .

Maka kaum muslimin saat ini seharusnya selalu diiringi kehidupannya dengan haus akan ilmu dan belajar dari ulama. Menilai saat ini ketika belajar dengan ulama kebanyakan kaum muslimin malah lebih banyak berkomentar daripada menjalani proses belajarnya.

Tugas seorang muslim adalah saling paham dan memahami. Jika tidak ada saling paham di antara kaum muslimin, maka harus ada sikap saling mengenal.

“Fiqih itu luas, yang sempit itu hati kita. Jika kita saling mengetahui fiqih, kenapa kita mendapati ikhwan dan akhwat pedas dalam berkomentar. Mungkin mereka belajar fiqhnya itu setengah setengah,”

Selain itu penyebab rusaknya ukhuwah adalah tidak adanya sikap berkomitmen dalam akhlak setelah selesai mengaji. Karena, seharusnya ilmu selalu beriringan dengan akhlak, begitu juga sebaliknya.

Selanjutnya, perusak ukhuwah Islam saat ini adalah fanatisme kelompok, yang mengira dan menganggap kelompok masing-masing adalah paling benar, dan mengklaim bahwa kelompok yang tidak sependapat dengannya adalah sesat.

Oleh karenanya,   terus mempererat tali silaturahmi dan persaudaraan antar kaum muslimin. Karena, salah satu perkara besar salah satunya adalah ukhuwah.

“Kita tidak bisa menegakkan agama ini sendirian, maka mari bersama-sama,” .

Saturday, 24 August 2019

Parti baru Dr M tak perkukuh Melayu

Penganalisis: Parti baru Dr M tak perkukuh Melayu

Jul 19, 2016 (Dikemaskini Jul 19, 2016)

Penganalisis politik, Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Muati Ahmad berpendapat, penubuhan parti-parti baharu dari serpihan parti berteraskan Melayu, Umno dan PAS selalunya tidak boleh bertahan lama atau sekadar hanya membabitkan satu atau dua pilihan raya umum sahaja.

Beliau mengambil contoh apa yang berlaku kepada Parti Negara dan Semangat 46 dan mengaitkannya dengan pengumuman penubuhan parti baru oleh bekas perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“Kalau kita tengok pada sejarah yang lepas-lepas, parti-parti serpihan daripada parti arus perdana parti berasaskan orang Melayu cuma dua sahaja, Umno dan PAS. Dalam sejarah Umno pun pernah pecah parti serpihan umpamanya dulu Datuk Onn menubuhkan Parti Negara kemudiannya Semangat 46, diikuti PKR.

“PAS pun ada Berjasa, HAMIM dan sebagainya, tapi paling lama pun parti-parti serpihan ini boleh bertahan cuma satu atau dua pilihan raya dan selepas itu akan hilang dan berkubur,” ujarnya, memetik laporan Umno Online.

Jelas beliau, sebarang penubuhan parti baharu akan dilihat lebih meriah tetapi apalah erti kemeriahan itu sekiranya tidak boleh memberi kekuatan padu kepada undi orang Melayu.

“Jadi saya tak boleh nak nilai berapa lama parti baharu yang Mahathir buat ini boleh bertahan sebaliknya sebarang penubuhan parti baharu yang merupakan pecahan daripada parti arus perdana tadi tentulah akan memecahkan undi orang Melayu.” katanya lagi.

“Kadang-kadang ada pengundi yang sebelum ini mengundi Umno/BN mungkin merajuk atau kecewa atas sebab-sebab tertentu dan dia akan mengundi parti yang baharu namun keterujaan kepada benda baharu ini tidak lama, tetapi apa yang dikhuatiri jika sekali kuasa terlepas ke tangan orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab maka saya kira kesannya amat berat,” katanya.

Beliau yang merupakan pensyarah di Fakulti Bahasa Moden dan Komunikasi (FBMK), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
menambah, penubuhan parti baharu mungkin memberi kesan terhadap kerajaan tetapi ia tidak berpanjangan.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

More to the call on UMNO to distance from Najib


More to the call on UMNO to distance from Najib

Though losing the Sungai Kandis by-election, BN claimed there were positive indications. However, analysis has no value. It is too early, voters and the seat is a lubuk (goldmine) of PKR.

The pre-mature confidence became the basis for Dato Johari Gani to question the strategy to put Dato Najib in the forefront of the campaign. [His statement at the end of the posting].

It became an interesting debate on the role of Dato Najib in UMNO and the future way forward for UMNO. Interesting because it is not the practise of UMNO to express such manner of views openly and with such frankness.

The spirit of Malaysia Baru has got the better of UMNO.

In the midst of the exchanges, Tan Sri Annuar Musa suddenly made statements out of context to the current subject thus making it possible there could be more than midst the eye. 

Annuar said UMNO is ready to work with any political parties with DAP included. And, he also said UMNO will takeover governmennt mid-term. That is a change from earlier claim of not finishing the term.

The expressed call to throw Najib under the bus, to quote Sara Petra seemed a political drama with more to come.

More so, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim is confirmed as the only candidate for PKR Presidency and the much talk of Azmin challenging him turns out as nought.

The speculation is Zahid has been talking with Anwar. Is Zahid the only one?

Throwing Najib under the bus

Jo Gani's statement received a harsh response from competitor within his division and typical personal attack arguments which tend to be unsuitable under the current liberal political environment from the change brought by Najib.

Zahid merely gave a gentle advice to show respect and not kick a man when he is down. More so, Najib contributed much to the party. However, he beg Najib to not mind the friendly fire.

While there are weakness in Jo Gani's view [read a response below], it did not come out of no where. Analyst and political pundits have expressed the same.

Vocal blogger and socmed writer, Zaharin Yaasin was one of the earliest to express this view.

Slander, lies and misinformation contributed immensely to BN's loss but the mistakes and failure in communication and propaganda is our own.

Nevertheless, the loss of BN could be attributed to the several political waves coinciding; young voters, Chinese tsunami, #Undirosak of traitional voters, and the most prominent and expectedly more than expected, anti Najib wave.

In response to Jo Gani's statement, Tan Sri Anuar Musa explained Najib was not part of the Sg Kandis strategy and Najib himself explained he was helping out at the request of the candidate, Dato Lokman Noor Adam.

He claimed he does not need UMNO and it is unfair on UMNO to defend him as he can defend himself.

Najib was also responding to further views of Anuar Musa and VP Dato Khaled Nordin to claim Najib is now a burden thus UMNO need to distance itself and leave the baggage behind.

Khaled repeated a view he said before the general election loss that UMNO must accept the reality it was rejected by the people. By leaving Najib behind, only can UMNO move forward.

Jo Gani repeated Najib a burden for UMNO again.

PPBM leaders and PPBM supporter masquarading as UMNO leader took opportunity to be a batu api. Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik was doing Mahathir's bidding to call for sacking of Najib from UMNOZam picked on Zahid.

Those are frank and quite hurtful remarks made of Najib. Anuar, Johari and Khaled were receiving the brunt of Najib's supporters with accusations of betrayal, hypocrit and opportunistic.

However, Zam's public remarks through his Tweeter is losing credibility as he playing along conspiracy theories. Obviously, Zam is trying to get into the good book of Mahathir through such verbal initiatives.

However, this time is could be hurtful on Zahid to claim Najib remained in control of the party. Already coffee shop talk is claiming Zahid is weak, lack leadership and party directionless.

To make it more convincing, they are saying Datin Seri Rosmah is calling the shot.

Here we go again.

Can UMNO distanced itself from Najib?

The way the public debate on the role of Najib is going will not likely hurt Najib's feeling.

He has gone though worse slander and undergoing the worst with 7 charges laid on him with a new investigation on UMNO money allegedly stolen by security personnel at PMO.

The question that need be ask is: can UMNO distanced themselves from Najib?

Its not just the alleged wrongdoings but the policies and programs he initiated to the transform the country, the people friendly spending and abundant investment together with goodwill from foreign engagements.

Certainly UMNO and BN need to find a formula to aggresively winover voters as pointed out by Jo Ghani.

It is not smart strategy to keep defending Najib when it does not look possible he could turn perception on him like Anwar was able to do. Maybe he has to wait after age of 90.

The debate could be testing the water and a way to attract attention which if agreed by the public, it is away with hopefully draw support for UMNO .

As far as Zahid, he has other strength that many seemed to ignore. There could be more behind the debate.



8 OGOS 2018


1. Keputusan Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) DUN Sungai Kandis sangat penting kerana merupakan PRK pertama selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU-14) yang menyaksikan UMNO berkolaborasi dengan PAS.PRK ini menyaksikan isu-isu yang kita bangkitkan mengenai kegagalan Pakatan Harapan (PH) untuk memenuhi janji-janji mereka, antaranya seperti memansuhkan tol, menetapkan harga minyak RM1.50 seliter dan penangguhan pembayaran hutang Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) dan lain-lain janji lagi.

2. Cuma, apa yang menjadi tanda tanya kepada kita adalah sejauh mana isu-isu yang kita bangkitkan ini menjadi daya tarikan kepada pengundi di Sungai Kandis terutama pengundi-pengundi Melayu yang majoritinya mewakili lebih 70 peratus di situ.

3. Keputusan PRK ini yang menyaksikan majoriti 5,764 undi diperoleh calon PKR boleh diinterpretasikan dalam pelbagai sudut. Adakah masyarakat Melayu sudah tidak ambil peduli sama ada sesuatu kerajaan itu menepati janji-janji pilihanraya atau tidak? Ataupun pengundi-pengundi lebih berminat untuk melihat kerajaan yang mempunyai kredibiliti dan bebas dari isu-isu yang melibatkan korupsi dan salah guna kuasa?

4.Mungkin juga berita-berita rampasan wang tunai dan barang barang kemas di kediaman bekas Perdana Menteri menguatkan lagi persepsi korupsi dan salah guna kuasa yang telah ditanam di dalam minda dan jiwa rakyat selama ini?  Meskipun ada penjelasan diberi, persepsi korupsi dan salah guna kuasa ini mungkin masih tebal dan penjelasan yang di beri masih tidak cukup untuk meyakinkan pengundi-pengundi untuk memberikan undi mereka kepada UMNO.

5. Di PRK Sungai Kandis baru-baru ini kita juga dapat melihat bekas Perdana Menteri dan Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak telah berkempen dengan begitu aktif. Memandangkan kes mahkamah Datuk Seri Najib masih belum lagi di bicarakan dan mengambil kira persepsi korupsi dan pecah amanah yang masih lagi membelengungi beliau, apakah strategi UMNO dalam mempertengahkan Datuk Seri Najib sebagai salah seorang tokoh yang aktif berkempen bagi PRK Sungai Kandis baru-baru ini suatu strategi yang bijak? Perlukah UMNO merehatkan Datuk Seri Najib dari menyertai kempen-kempen pilihanraya akan datang? Kita perlu ingat bahawa UMNO bukan berkempen untuk ahli-ahlinya sahaja tetapi kepada pengundi Sungai Kandis yang mana soal persepsi boleh menentukan kalah menang seseorang calon.

6. Barangkali akan ada yang mengatakan mengapa Datuk Seri Najib perlu direhatkan  sedangkan Menteri Kewangan Pakatan Harapan DAP, Lim Guan Eng yang sedang didakwa di mahkamah pun tidak ambil peduli perkara ini. Pendirian saya kita  tidak perlu mencontohi DAP. UMNO mempunyai benchmark nya yang tersendiri dan kita perlu menjadikan ini sebagai suatu titik mula untuk mencipta suatu benchmark baharu yang mana UMNO mengutamakan integriti dan kredibiliti pemimpinnya sebagai agenda yang penting dalam perjuangan. Kita perlu letakkan benchmark ini kepada setiap pemimpin bagi memulangkan keyakinan pengundi bahawa UMNO adalah sebuah parti yang mempunyai benchmark yang tinggi mengatasi DAP.

7. UMNO perlu mengatasi masaalah persepsi integriti dan kredibiliti ini jika mahu terus relevan. Kita perlu lupakan era terdahulu sebelum PRU-14. UMNO kini sudah pun ada Presiden dan kepimpinan baru. Era Presiden terdahulu sudahpun berlalu menjadi sejarah. Jika UMNO tidak berubah dan masih berterusan mempertahankannya legasi dan isu-isu yang membawa kepada penolakannya di PRU 14, maka tidak mustahil jika UMNO juga akan menjadi sejarah. Contohnya, ramai kalangan kita tidak faham isu 1MDB dan SRC dan sebahagian dari kita tidak faham isu ini secara total. Oleh itu, apabila kita berbahas isu-isu ini di dalam Parlimen, ianya di buat tanpa mengetahui maklumat yang lengkap dan tepat. Ianya hanya akan menyebabkan pemimpin-pemimpin kita hilang kredibiliti.

8.Dari segi gabungan UMNO-PAS pula, PRK Sungai Kandis ini menggambarkan bahawa pakatan UMNO-PAS tidak langsung memberi sebarang kesan terhadap kebolehan  meraih undi melebihi apa yang UMNO peroleh pada PRU-14. Sewaktu UMNO, PKR dan PAS bertanding mengikut haluan masing-masing pada PRU-14, UMNO mampu mendapat 11,518 undi, tetapi hari ini selepas pakatan UMNO-PAS berlaku di PRK Sungai Kandis, kita cuma dapat 9,583 undi.  Walau apa sahaja yang  kita spin untuk `menyedapkan’ hati kita, pokok pangkalnya kita telah kalah. Kita kalah dengan jumlah undi yang jauh lebih rendah selepas kita berpakat dengan PAS.

9. Apakah pakatan UMNO-PAS ini adalah terlalu awal atau pakatan ini merupakan pakatan yang agak sukar untuk diterima sebahagian besar ahli-ahli PAS? Kempen PAS kepada ahli-ahlinya adalah PAS mesti memilih parti yang lebih kecil kemudaratannya daripada  parti yang memudaratkan lebih besar. Kalau inilah landasan prinsip PAS untuk berpakat dengan UMNO, adakah pakatan ini praktikal? Adakah kita bersedia untuk menolak pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang dari segi persepsinya telah kelihatan tidak amanah, korup dan hanya mementingkan sesuatu kaum sahaja dalam perjuangan?

10.Ada maklumat yang disampaikan kepada saya bahawa PAS sememangnya suka UMNO lemah. Dalam erti kata lain, di mana sahaja UMNO lemah, PAS akan mendapat keuntungan. Bila UMNO lemah di Kelantan, PAS terus berkuasa selama 6 penggal; bila UMNO lemah di Terengganu, PAS berjaya menguasai kerajaan negeri dan bila UMNO lemah di Kedah, PAS mendapat lebih banyak kerusi pada PRU-14. Di kawasan-kawasan bandar pula, apabila UMNO lemah, parti-parti PKR dan DAP mendapat keuntungan. Jadi, UMNO dan BN tidak boleh lemah.

11. UMNO pernah bersama-sama PAS mempertahankan Rang Undang-Undang Akta Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) 1965 atau RUU 355 untuk memperkasakan bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah,  membela nasib etnik Rohingya, pernah bersama PAS dalam isu-isu persoalan agama tetapi ini sahaja belum dapat meyakinkan orang PAS di Sungai  Kandis untuk melihat ia sebagai faktor utama untuk mereka memberi undi kepada Umno/BN.

12. PAS tidak pernah menunjukkan bahawa mereka sanggup duduk di atas pentas yang sama dengan UMNO untuk berkempen seperti mana dilakukan oleh PH  - parti DAP, Bersatu,  PKR dan Amanah yang bersama-sama di atas pentas semasa berkempen. Ini secara tidak langsung memperlihatkan belum ada lagi persefahaman atau  penerimaan kedua-dua parti dari segi mempraktikkan Pakatan UMNO-PAS ini secara jujur dan ikhlas.

13. Sehubungan itu, saya berpandangan UMNO sepatutnya mengekalkan kedudukannya  sebagai sebuah parti nasional dengan tidak sepatutnya bergantung atau terikut dengan rentak parti yang lebih kecil dari Umno. Sebagai sebuah parti nasional kita mestilah mengambil kira bukan sahaja kepentingan orang-orang Melayu sahaja tetapi juga kepentingan kaum-kaum lain dinegara ini.

14.Kalau diperhatikan, ada di kalangan  pemimpin Umno kita berucap sehingga mengguris hati perasaan orang-orang bukan Melayu. Mereka ini barangkali boleh berbangga dengan menang dikawasan masing-masing tetapi apa gunanya kita menang dikawasan kita sahaja sedangkan ucapan-ucapan sensitif ini yang menyentuh perasaan orang bukan Melayu menyebabkan ramai rakan-rakan seperjuangan UMNO/BN “terkorban” di kawasan bandar dalam pilihanraya yg lepas.

15. Ada juga dikalangan Umno yang menggunakan isu keagamaan bagi meraih sokongan.  Apakah benar orang Melayu yang menyokong PKR, orang Melayu yang menyokong Bersatu atau orang Melayu yang menyokong Amanah akan membiarkan sahaja  Islam ini diperkotak-katikkan atau UMNO hanya takut pada bayang bayang sendiri?

16.Perkara-perkara  inilah yang perlu dilihat semula oleh pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO dan fokus semula kepada asas penubuhan UMNO itu iaitu disamping menjaga kepentingan Melayu yang sememangnya termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan, kita tidak mengecilkan kepentingan dan hak kaum-kaum lain. Ini lah hakikat yang perlu di terima oleh UMNO dan ini juga lah resipi yang digunapakai oleh pejuang-pejuang UMNO terdahulu dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan negara ini dan ianya merupakan resipi yang terbukti berjaya selama 61 tahun.

17. Kejayaan BN selama 61 tahun ini adalah kerana orang Cina, India dan kaum-kaum lain merasakan bahawa mereka boleh meletakkan kepercayaan dan kepentingan mereka kepada BN. Sebab itu PAS selama berpuluh-puluh tahun tidak dapat membentuk kerajaan persekutuan kerana mereka  tidak dapat meyakinkan masyarakat Cina, India dan kaum-kaum lain untuk bersetuju dengan ideologi PAS yang tidak bersifat nasional. Kalau kita menurunkan taraf kita sebagai parti nasional kepada tahap PAS, maka kita telah mengecilkan perjuangan UMNO ini.

18. Kalau boleh saya ungkapkan kata-kata seorang ketua bahagian UMNO iaitu “Syarat kalah bukan semestinya lemah dan syarat menang, bukan semestinya kuat”. Walau apapun, yang pasti untuk menang, kita mestilah kelihatan sebagai parti yang sentiasa menjadi harapan kepada setiap pengundi, tidak kiralah sama ada orang Melayu, Cina, India dan lain-lain. Kalau ada di kalangan parti-parti komponen dalam BN yang lemah, maka UMNO perlu mencari strategi baru untuk menguatkan mereka kembali.

19. Saya memohon maaf sekiranya ada rakan-rakan seperjuangan, ketua-ketua bahagian,  ahli-ahli Majlis Tertinggi atau para pejuang  UMNO yang merasakan bahawa pandangan saya ini mengguris hati dan perasaan mana-mana pihak. Saya hanya mahu UMNO bangkit semula menjadi sebuah parti nasional yang kuat, inklusif, penuh kredibiliti dan berwibawa.  Saya yakin, apabila parti kita kuat, orang akan mencari kita. Proses memperbaiki parti perlu diteruskan, yang lainnya kita berserah kepada Allah.

Salam Perjuangan.
Johari Abdul Ghani



1. Memang BN kalah pada PRU-14 sebab isu 1MDB. Dan isu GST. Dan Perdana Menteri dan Pengerusi BN pada ketika itu adalah Dato’ Seri Najib.

2. Namun BN kalah bukanlah sebab 1MDB, GST dan Dato’ Seri Najib itu sahih kesalahannya, tetapi BN kalah sebab persepsi yang dimainkan oleh Pakatan Harapan yang menggambarkan yang isu-isu ini amat teruk dan salah di mata rakyat, walaupun hakikatnya jauh dari itu. Kita kalah sebab kita tewas dalam perang persepsi. Kita telah tewas dalam politik. Kita telah tewas dalam permainan ini.

3. Hampir semua isu politik adalah polemik, iaitu tidak ada yang betul-betul benar atau betul-betul salah secara total, dan tiada hitam dan putih, namun banyak yang kelabu dengan pelbagai pendapat. Siapa yang menang adalah siapa yang membawa hujah yang nampak lebih meyakinkan. Kebenaran tidak dimonopoli oleh mana-mana pihak, setiap pihak berpendapat mereka adalah di pihak yang benar. Permainan persepsi mengubah lanskap politik, bukannya kebenaran. Semua pemain politik berpengalaman tahu perkara ini.

4. Hakikatnya, selepas 5 tahun penyiasatan ke atas 1MDB oleh pelbagai pihak dari dalam dan luar negeri, tiada satu pihak pun yang mengemukakan bukti yang kredibel bahawa Dato’ Seri Najib telah mencuri wang 1MDB seperti yang ditohmah. Apabila pernah ditanya kepada Tun Dr Mahathir berkenaan bukti dakwaan beliau ke atas Dato’ Seri Najib, Tun Mahathir pernah berkata beliau tidak ada bukti. Dan sehingga kini walaupun 7 pertuduhan telah dikenakan ke atas Dato’ Seri Najib, dokumen maklumat bukti masih tidak dikemukakan oleh pihak pendakwaan. Mereka berkata mereka belum bersedia dengan bukti-bukti walaupun tangkapan dan tuduhan telah dibuat terlebih dahulu. Kebarangkaliannya bukti yang ada di tangan pihak pendawaan adalah “bukti” yang lemah, sebab itu mereka pun nampak teragak-agak untuk memulakan perbicaraan dan mengemukakan senarai bukti kepada mahkamah dengan dokumen 51A mengikut Kod Prosidur Jenayah.  “Bukti” yang banyak dikitarkan oleh para penyokong Pakatan adalah infografik-infografik dan penulisan-penulisan andaian dalam media sosial dari sumber yang diragui, namun cukup untuk memainkan sentimen kebencian.

5. Salah kita ialah kita tewas dalam permainan persepsi ini. Kita mungkin boleh membuktikan di mahkamah bahawa Lim Guan Eng bersalah menerima sogokan dengan pembelian banglonya dengan segala bukti kukuh, namun kita masih tidak berjaya meyakinkan rakyat bahawa beliau korup dan perasuah. Jika dibandingkan di antara kes 1MDB dan kes rasuah terowong Pulau Pinang, jumlah wang Kerajaan dan rakyat yang hangus disalahguna dalam kes rasuah projek terowong tersebut adalah lebih dari RM300 juta bersamaan dengan satu tahun kutipan cukai negeri Pulau Pinang, walhal jumlah pelaburan modal sebenar wang Kerajaan dalam 1MDB adalah hanya RM1 juta sahaja, selebihnya diraih dari pasaran modal. Sebab itu saya pernah berkata dahulu bahawa kes rasuah terowong itu adalah lebih besar dari kes 1MDB walaupun persepsi yang sampai kepada rakyat adalah sebaliknya. Dan saya juga pernah berkata yang jika Dato’ Seri Najib dibicarakan di mahkamah kerana kes 1MDB, YB Lim Guan Eng juga perlu dibawa ke mahkamah kerana kes rasuah terowong tersebut. Namun mengapa sesetengah pemimpin UMNO kini terlalu mudah untuk menyalahkan Dato’ Seri Najib tetapi membiarkan YB Lim Guan Eng pula terlepas? Adakah mereka juga telah termakan hasutan Pakatan?

6. Apabila kita tewas di Sungai Kandis, belum beberapa hari sahaja Dato’ Seri Johari Ghani terus cepat menyalahkan Dato’ Seri Najib atas kekalahan tersebut. Saya telah turut sama berkempen di Sungai Kandis dan tahu kawasan ini. Ia adalah kubu kuat PKR. Kita telah tewas di kawasan ini sejak tahun 2008. Jika dicampurkan undi kita dan PAS semasa PRU-14 dahulupun kita masih kekurangan lebih 4 ribu undi. Tiada siapa yang anggap kita akan menang di sini, namun kita tetap berjuang. Dengan peratusan keluar mengundi yang amat rendah iaitu pada 50%, adalah satu kejayaan sebenarnya apabila Lokman Adam dapat mengekalkan lebih 80% daripada undi yang kita dapat dalam PRU-14 yang lepas. Walaupun dengan fakta-fakta ini, Dato’ Seri Najib tetap juga dipersalahkan.

7. Walaupun GST itu satu sistem cukai yang baik dan telus untuk negara dan ekonomi seperti yang diakui kini oleh banyak pihak termasuk pemimpin Pakatan sendiri, namun sebelum PRU-14, Pakatan telah berjaya meyakinkan rakyat bahawa GST itu tidak baik untuk mereka. Walaupun kita bijak berpolitik dalaman dalam UMNO, namun kita telah gagal membawa dan melawan hujah lawan di pentas politik rakyat. Pada kali ini, jika kita tidak mengakui kelemahan ini, menyalahkan orang lain dan masih tidak berubah, kita mungkin akan gagal lagi meyakinkan rakyat bahawa SST itu tidak baik berbanding GST, padahal ianya sebaliknya.

8. Sesiapapun yang menjadi Perdana Menteri dan Kerajaan akan diuji dan diasak dengan pelbagai isu dan tohmahan. Jika Perdana Menteri keenam bukan Dato’ Seri Najib dan tiada isu 1MDB sekalipun, saya pasti sesiapapun yang menjadi Perdana Menteri pada ketika itu akan diasak dengan isu-isu lain untuk dijatuhkan. Jika tiada isu, mereka akan reka dan jadikan isu. Sesuci-suci pemimpin seperti Rasulullah SAW pun pernah difitnah, dihalau, direjam dengan batu dan dicuba bunuh.

9. Pada tahun 1970, Dr Mahathir menuduh Perdana Menteri pertama Tunku Abdul Rahman sebagai cenderung kepada kaum Cina, ini untuk menimbulkan kemarahan orang Melayu kepada Tunku. Dalam memoirnya Tunku menceritakan bagaimana tohmahan ini tidak betul dan berniat jahat untuk menjatuhkan beliau. Selepas itu, Dr Mahathir menggunakan taktik kotor yang sama dengan isu yang berbeza untuk menjatuhkan Perdana Menteri-Perdana Menteri ketiga, kelima dan keenam. Pada tahun 1980, Dr Mahathir dikatakan merancang untuk menjatuhkan Tun Hussein Onn Perdana Menteri ketiga dengan menggunakan isu Datuk Harun Idris. Dua tahun selepas itu Tun Hussein Onn terpaksa melepaskan jawatan akibat tekanan Dr Mahathir. Pada tahun 2008, Dr Mahathir menjatuhkan Pak Lah sebagai Perdana Menteri dengan menggunakan isu “Budak Tingkat 4” dan Perdana Menteri “Half-past six”. Sepuluh tahun kemudian beliau menggunakan isu 1MDB untuk menjatuhkan Dato’ Seri Najib dengan tohmahan persepsi dan tuduhan tanpa bukti.

10. Kegagalan kita di PRU-14 tidak sepatutnya diletak di bahu Dato’ Seri Najib sahaja. Kita pun bersalah kerana gagal dalam permainan persepsi dan hujah untuk meyakinkan rakyat dalam isu-isu mereka. Dan kita masih tidak boleh mengalahkan Dr Mahathir. Kita kalah dengan permainan politik Dr Mahathir. Jika kita mahu salahkan seorang yang merosakkan Melayu dan UMNO selama ini, namanya ialah Dr Mahathir, bukan Abdul Rahman, bukan Hussein Onn, bukan Pak Lah dan bukan Najib.

11. Jika kita kini mengambil langkah menyalahkan Dato’ Seri Najib sahaja dalam kekalahan kita ini, dan mencari target atau kambing hitam untuk dikorbankan, maka kita tidak akan bermuhasabah. Selagi kita tidak mengakui kesilapan dan kelemahan kita dan hanya menyalahkan orang lain ke atas kegagalan kita, selagi itu kita tidak akan berubah ke arah yang lebih baik. Betul Dato’ Seri Najib perlu bertanggungjawab ke atas kekalahan kita kerana beliau Presiden parti pada ketika itu; dan beliau telahpun meletakkan jawatan. Namun kita pun perlu bertanggungjawab juga.

12. Dato’ Seri Johari, kita kalah di Titiwangsa bukan sebab kelemahan hujah kita di kampung, namun sebab kelemahan hujah kita di bandar. Kita bijak berhujah di kampung, dengan bahasa yang mudah difahami oleh orang kampung, sebab itu kita banyak menang di kawasan kampung. Namun kita tidak bijak berhujah di bandar dengan tahap hujah yang meyakinkan pengundi di bandar, dan kadangkala kita cenderung menggunakan tahap hujah dan bahasa di kampung untuk cuba meyakinkan pengundi di bandar. Mungkin sebab itu kita banyak tewas di kawasan-kawasan bandar. Hujah di kampung dan di bandar memerlukan pendekatan yang berbeza kerana demografi mereka adalah berbeza. Jika kita bercerita ayam itik di kampung kepada golongan pengundi yang sofistikated, profesional atau belia di bandar, mereka tidak akan menerima hujah kita jauh sekali menyokong kita, malah mereka akan memandang rendah kepada kita. Lebih teruk lagi ialah apabila mereka ini balik kampung untuk mengundi dan mempengaruhi orang kampung. Kebanyakan pengundi dan rakyat kini adalah lebih sofistikated dan bijak dari dahulu walaupun di kampung. Kita jangan memandang rendah tahap akal dan pemahaman mereka. Hujah kita perlu lebih bernas. Jika kita sudah pakar meyakinkan orang di kampung, kita perlu meningkatkan usaha untuk meyakinkan orang di bandar pula. Kini 75% pengundi tinggal di kawasan bandar. Jangan salahkan ahli politik kampung atas kegagalan kita berpolitik di bandar.

13. Dan Dato’ Seri Johari juga menyalahkan isu 1MDB dan Dato’ Seri Najib tentang kekalahan di Titiwangsa walaupun beliau (Johari) berlawan dengan ahli politik muda yang tidak dikenali iaitu Rina Harun. Seingat saya di Titiwangsa sebelum PRU-14 dan sebelum penamaan calon, banyak tanda-tanda penolakan pengundi Titiwangsa ke atas Dato’ Seri Johari sebagai Ahli Parlimen sehingga ada flash mob dan poster-poster bertebaran yang berbunyi “Asal Bukan Johari.” Ini tidak ada kena mengena dengan 1MDB atau Dato’ Seri Najib. Rakyat menolak Dato’ Seri Johari sebagai wakil rakyat mereka. Mungkin jika tiada isu 1MDB pun, Dato’ Seri Johari akan tetap kalah di Titiwangsa.

14. Mungkin sesetengah daripada pemimpin UMNO kita kini takut untuk bersuara menentang Kerajaan sebab mereka ada kes dan fail yang dipegang oleh SPRM dan takut jika mereka bersuara pekung mereka akan dibuka dan mereka akan didakwa. Semua orang yang pernah alami zaman Dr Mahathir sebagai Perdana Menteri keempat semasa tahun 80an dan 90an tahu yang Dr Mahathir selalu menggunakan taktik kotor Macchiavellian dengan mengugut ahli politik kotor dengan “buku hitam” beliau yang mengandungi kes-kes kesalahan  dan rasuah ahli-ahli politik sama ada kawan atau lawannya. Mungkin sebab itu ada bekas menteri yang kerap menghentam parti sendiri dan bekas pemimpin yang dijulangnya sebelum ini tetapi tidak berani pula membangkang Kerajaan kini. Bila dibahas isu SST di Parlimen yang sepatutnya memberi peluang untuk kita membangkang Kerajaan Pakatan, beliau sebaliknya membuat laporan polis untuk menyiasat bekas pemimpin BN sendiri pula berkenaan GST. Dalam Kerajaan Pakatan ramai pemimpin yang ada fail SPRM termasuklah menteri dan timbalan menteri seperti YB Lim Guan Eng, Azmin Ali, Sivarasa, Zuraidah dan ramai lagi. Mereka bukanlah parti yang bersih seperti yang digembar-gemburkan. Namun banyak kes mereka tiba-tiba kini digugurkan selepas mereka berkuasa. Ketidakadilan ini yang perlu kita semak-imbangkan. Dan kita pula bukanlah parti yang semuanya rasuah seperti yang digembar-gemburkan oleh Pakatan. Masih ramai orang UMNO yang berjuang kerana prinsip dan bukan kerana wang, dan mereka ini bersih dalam perjuangan. Kepada sesiapa dalam UMNO yang tiada fail SPRM, usahlah takut untuk bersuara.

15. Kita selalu kata Pakatan tidak tahu menjadi Kerajaan. Namun sebenarnya kebanyakan dari pemimpin kita pun masih tidak tahu untuk menjadi pembangkang. Apa yang sesetengah pemimpin kita buat kini termasuklah Dato’ Seri Johari Ghani ialah mengambil jalan mudah, dengan tidak perlu mengambil risiko menyerang Kerajaan, namun menyerang rakan kita sendiri yang telah jatuh; dan tidak perlu bermuhasabah dan berubah, tetapi menyalahkan orang lain ke atas kegagalan bersama atau diri sendiri. Selagi perkara ini berlaku dalam UMNO, kita tidak boleh menang menewaskan Kerajaan Pakatan.

16. Saya bukan lagi pegawai kepada Dato’ Seri Najib, dan saya tiada jawatan dalam parti. Saya menulis ikhlas dari hati dan tidak terikat dengan sesiapapun. Ini adalah pandangan jujur saya untuk parti dari akar umbi. Sebelum ini saya memang tidak suka tembak ke dalam parti seperti yang kerap dilakukan oleh sesetengah pemimpin, kerana lawan sebenar kita adalah di luar sana. Namun pada ketika ini saya rasa saya patut bersuara walaupun sekerdil mana sekalipun suara ini untuk mengelakkan ketidakadilan dan penganiayaan yang tidak sepatutnya kepada sesiapa. Jika pandangan kecil saya ini mengguris hati sesiapa, saya mohon maaf.

Marhaen UMNO
8 Ogos 2018

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Guan Eng's stolen GST accusation will fall flat on his face

08/10/18--00:47: Guan Eng's stolen GST accusation will fall flat on his face

That is writer of the blog Third Force, Reggy Jessy riduculing Lim Guan Eng for wanting to auction off the believe to be illegally seized superyatch Equinimity.

The new cabinet members have many versions of Ahmad Maslan, the former Deputy Minister who was the favourite target of then opposition and public for ridicule. Since then, there is a Mat Maslan II emerging as in the education Minister, Dr Ahmad Maszlee. Young Syed Saddiq would continue to utter senseless and inconsistent remarks everytime his mouth opens up in front of the press.

Now that they are in government, opposition leaders like Mat Sabu, Salahuddin Ayub, Saifuddin Nasution, Teresa Kok, Khalid Samad, Zuraidah Kamaruddin, Kulasegaran, and even Azmin recently with the "met Singapore official on HSR" boo boo turned out to be splitting image of Mat Maslan.

Unfortunately, the bigger Mat Maslan as in Lim Guan Eng went un-noticed.

One possibility is the subject and technicalities of economics and finance is not within the general understanding of the majority of the public. Secondly, Guan Eng is capable of avoiding ridicule by doing counter attack in an arrogant, annoying and abrasive Bintang Tiga subversive propaganda manner.

In the recent Parliament session, his back was up against the wall with difficult questions from BN oppositions. He repeatedly used counter attack line, "Kamu tahu atau tidak" and revealed something unheard off conveniently linked to 1MDB. [Read past postings for comment on China pipeline and Ayer Hitam land]

Using 1MDB as argument and Dato Najib or better still Datin Seri Rosmah as target, one can side track any debate and even get away with murder. The majority of the public may not realise or possibly in-denial of the level of knowledge and incompetence of their elected leaders on governance and public policy matter.

The recent debate on GST vs SST saw another back against the wall situation for Guan Eng. His statement on "harga barang" turned out to be different from their GE14 campaign and turned out as  inconsistent with the one by Tony Pua.

"Harga barang" was the main thrust of their campaign against BN and more effective than the 1MDB scandal.

GST was made the main blame when in fact, it was partly so in the initial stage of the implementation. As Saifuddin Nasution and Salahuddin Ayub admitted, it was the traders who took advantage of the confusion and chaos at the initial stage of the situation.

As Minister of Finance, Guan Eng insisted on the cancellation of GST but the not made known reason was to appease the Chinese traders and businessmen unable to evade taxes. Private attempt to convince him to maintain GST albeit lower rate was stubbornly refused.  

Since "harga barang" did not "turun" in the 3 months GST was zerorised, public beginning to realised GST is a better system, SST will result in rise in prices and government revenue will be seriously limited.

An example is in the discussion below:

Even Mat Maslan in his debate in Parliament, was no reflection of the past perception made against him.

This time around Lim Guan Eng reaction was not 1MDB, but in the mode of Goebbels' tell a bigger lie propaganda methodology, he accused BN of stealing RM18 billion of GST collected.

Complain of refund being paid late, for 2 years as claimed Gerakan lawyer, Andy Leong, have been heard but stolen for RM18 billion is something else.

RM18 billion stolen and Guan Eng has not made a police report? Since when do government had problems with GST refund payment? Why is it when H takes over, suddenly RM18 billion went missing as much as suddenly all train projects cost more to construct?

When asked, he said the internal audit had not been done. But how on earth could he made that conclusion and openly accuse under the protection of Parliament such blatant lies.

There is a code of conduct for Parliamentarian lying in the respected hall. However, it will likely not be taken up by the select committee and as happen under BN rule, any action against such misconduct will tend to be levied against opposition Parliamentarian.

So it is clever of UMNO Youth Chief, Dr Asyraf Wajidi to ask for PAC to convene and investigate. The Chiarman of PAC is Ronald Kiandee from UMNO.

Khairy Jamaluddin demanded Guan Eng bring the perpatrators to justice as it is a serious allegation. Its more than the alleged RM2.6 billion donation and RM42 million SRC money Najib is being charged for.  

He pledged to report Najib and Minister of Finance to the police and MACC. That irked many of Najib supporters especially the manner Khairy is acting these days, there are those expecting him to jump ship after losing his bid for UMNO Presidency.

If the investigation turned out something, then just continue what need be done.

However, if it turned out to be a lie, Guan Eng could be in hot soup with the law or in Parliament. As it is, he is trying to wiggle out of the clear cut corruption case against him which insider claim he is sure to "kena", even the "terowong" case is clear cut guilty.

His propaganda mode already destroyed his credibility to the international media. China is believed to refuse to meet and deal with him. Any proceeding against him could permanently damage his credibility.

It will be unlike the damage made against Najib using propaganda and abuse of court and law enforcement.

As for the allegation, no money is stolen.

But goes into a consolidated trust account. The now silent MOF DG with the colourful shoes and fascination for Fazura had to come out to explain.

A facebooker, Syahir gave a lengthy and excellent explanation on the tax law and procedures. In brief, all money collected goes into a consolidated account. There is in article 97 of the Federal Constitution:

Syahir explained the outstanding unrefunded money and unavailability of money for refund does not mean it was stolen but the money was not remitted from the consolidated account or claims by traders are false.

Below is an example of traders making fraudulent claims on the refund:

Under SST, restaurants can make a lot of money from profiteering:

A civil servant familiar with GST system also wrote to Malaysiakini here.

Guan Eng ... its the age of social media and citizen journalism. Only the uneducated and gullible to propaganda would fall for such cheapshot.

There will always be those with access to information that will reveal the truth. Its just a question of reach but if it is found and explained well, it could go viral. Syahir has 1,400 likes and 396 comments.

Maybe this bullshit from the new government should be stopped. Active political activist, Major Dato Huan Cheng Guan said in his Facebook:

I think BN should apply court injunction to stop all this nonsense. Tak guna kita dok justified sahaja. BN belum kalah pun dok justified dan defend tiap tiap hari , kini dah kalah pun dok defend dan justified lagi. BN kena more aggresive , traditional method wont works anymore. Madey dah kata penyokong PH itu uneducated. Kalau mereka dah uneducated , macam mana kami justified pun tak guna. Kena more aggresive and action oriented.

There is no rule of law but rule of Mahathir but as opposition, BN should not give up so easily.

Anyway, beginning to think it could probably be that it is not Guan Eng trying do a political propaganda against BN, but he does not understand all this and just do not fit to do the job. 

No charge on 1MDB but lingerie for propaganda machinery


No charge on 1MDB but lingerie for propaganda machinery

Malay Mail broke a rumour yesterday claiming Dato Najib will be arrested when he present himself for further statement at MACC yesterday.

A source claimed Najib will be locked up over night and be presented to court today for three more new charges for money laundering (AMLA). .

Najib was not locked-up but The Star this morning reported MACC confirmation.

When the rumour first broke, there were many reaction to the rumour from questioning when will the charges on the few years of accusation made on 1MDB to why cheap shot of only AMLA.

There were snide remarks by few lawyers in our WA group. The claim of rule of law under the  new government is made fun off. And, the Attorney General's withdrawal of  outstanding cases against PH leaders and a matter of time, Lim Guan Eng's corruption case too were raised.

Coincidently or by design, Indonesia announced they have seized the superyatch allegedly belong to Jho Loh and it turning it over to the Malaysian authority yesterday.

It is supposed to be an attention diversion from many issues pervading the new government.

Legality questioned

Surprisingly, it is Matthias Chang who now questioned the legality of the seizure.

He and Dato Khairuddin Abu Hassan were instrumental in making the report to DoJ and various authorities at financial centres around the world.

Dear Brand New AG Tommy Thomas,

Did you advise the Malaysian govt (which has a few lawyers as Ministers) and Tun Mahathir whether it is lawful for Indonesia to "return" the yacht "Equanimity"to Malaysia???

Has AGC or the Malaysian Govt. submitted any formal claims to any US COURTS OR INDONESIAN COURTS that she is entitled to ownership or custody or control of the yacht pending final disposal of ownership rights claimed by parties in the US Court in California???

What is the legal basis???

Are you or AGC aware whether any court in any jurisdiction has made a final order as to the rights of competing claimants to the said yacht in pending proceedings??

Who applied for an order (if any) for the yacht to be handed over to Malaysia when it is already subject to seizure order applied by the US DOJ and obtained from a US Court to transfer custody or control of the yacht to US jurisdiction following assistance obtained from the Indonesia's Ministry of Justice pursuant to the said Order from USA.

What representation did AGC made (if any)  to Indonesia or to DOJ or to the US COURT that granted the original order for arrest and seizure???

You had PUBLICLY declared that you had formed a Team of top Senior Federal Counsels to pursue civil claims against the 1MDB CULPRITS.

What claims (if any)  have you (ie AGC) filed in any courts in Malaysia,  Indonesia. Singapore, USA,  Switzerland,  HongKong etc?

If not, why not???

The news of the transfer of the yacht has made my stomach turned topsy turvy...

Hopefully you will issue a Press Statement surrounded by the members of your Civil Team, asap to clarify AGC's stand on the legality or illegality of the above action.

Matthias Chang

Though it is critical of Tommy Thomas, there were still cynical reaction. Does Matthias not know there is no more rule of law but rule of Madey?

And the usual character attack claiming he is now left out in the cold despite his gallant effort to bring the 1MDB issue to life. Apparently, Council of Eminent Persons is left out in the cold too and requested to wrap up their work by DAP.

Jho Loh's legal team raised issues on its legality and accusing Mahathir as ignoring rule of law.

That would be interesting because Raja Petra speculated Tun Daim had met Jho Loh in China and cut a deal with them to pin Najib. Jho Loh's father had all along been Mahathir's man.

Never mind the conspiracy theory. Jho Loh's team managed to challenge the first seizure in court by the Indonesian authorities. But a former Federal Court judge just shrugged off the argument as red herring to divert attention.

AGC response is as below:

There will be more questions on the legality of the seizure.

Noticeably, no section and act of law is mentioned to conclude it is done according to Malaysian law. Its could be trying to draw out Jho Loh.

Diversion from 100 days Manifesto

Raja Petra and Reggy Jessy of Third Force see the Equinimity seizure as Mahathir trying to divert attention.

Same goes with Lim Guan Eng who is now revealed being denied entry by China and it will only be Teresa Kok that will accompany Mahathir for the China visit.

Guan Eng and his senior aide, Tony Pua is being challenged to provide proofs on his allegation towards China on the pipeline deal. COPC refuted the allegation.

He has used 1MDB as an excuse to evade difficult questions on his financial management in Parliament.

When asked on the alleged RM1 trillion debt, in which another Minister acknowledged Moody's confirmation of debt at RM686 billion, Guan Eng resort to evade with an allegation RM7 billion used to pay for 1MDB debt.

Pressed further to explain the asset side, he move on to made other allegation on Ayer Hitam land being sold to China as though it is a stand alone deal. .

It is rather disappointing that there is still no 1MDB charge against Najib. Even the Equinimity seizure raised many other questions on the process.

The superyatch was mentioned in DoJ document as to have come from money allegedly diverted through the IPIC deal to another account of similar name in Cayman Island.

A legal issue in the making in which the likelihood is the seizure is more for political drama than serious legal process.

Many years down the road, the case could be thrown out but the damage to UMNO is permanent. The media could black out the damaging part of the legal proceeding and highlight the ones that made Najib a villain.

Mahathir's uneducated diehard could not appreciate the minute but relevant case fact and legal details.

Quite sure many are taken by Guan Eng's statement that government will sell the superyatch to recover the money. Lawyers raised issue on his remark.      

Since Matthias mentioned the team of lawyers hired by Tommy Thomas, Sabahkini2 raised the issue on the lawyer that inspected the superyatch on its arrival at Pulau Indah.

Tommy Thomas hired his own firm! A probable offense under Section 23(2) of the MACC Act. Is he telling us that the AG Chamber is unfamiliar with receiving seized asset from abroad?

Harian Metro reported the seizure of the superyatch will cost the government RM3 million a month.  So the remark Mahathir should just sell off 1MDB if it is such a burden and why the need to go to such costly extent.

Equinimity another lingerie propaganda

The political argument expected to surface is maintaining the superyatch more important than the needs of fishermen, farmers, palm oil small holders, tahfiz teachers, and generally the common folk rakyat.  

Maybe it will not create much dent. he revelation on the value of money, jewellery, handbags etc of RM1.1 billion seized from Najib's home and condos in Bukit Bintang is damaging to Najib and UMNO.

The Equinimity serve as an attention grabber that will attract onlookers to Pulau Indah. It will be an iconic image for the public to remember.

Its similar to the attention Dato Azmin Ali gave to the lingerie investment of Khazanah Nasional to highlight and sensationalised the loss making investment to put cover over the larger profit made.  

Another round of charges related SRC may not be 1MDB but it will seal it for Najib and UMNO.

The usual defensive arguments may not hold water as the perception Najib is guilty of corruption and UMNO was part of it will be imbedded in the public psyche and legality does not matter any more. 

Malaysia risk international isolation due to Mahathir's politics


Malaysia risk international isolation due to Mahathir's politics

Since the last posting HERE, Tun Dr Mahathir admitted in Parliament that Japan may not provide the low interest loan new government needed but excused as bringing the cost down.

However, it is only typical Mahathir's logic for the uneducated public and not likely to be the real reason. He should have learned his lessons from getting whacked by the foreign exchange market twice.

And Mahathir would have realised the Japanese non-committal, but polite, gesture during his first overseas visit as PM again to Tokyo.

Pre-empting that possibility, Mahathir sent Tun Daim to meet Prime Minister Li Keqing to deliver a letter last Wednesday July 18th. It is likely the prequel to his 5-day visit to China to meet President Xi Jinping beginning August 17th.

However, domestic happening ruined the plan. It opened the Council of Eminent Persons (CEP) to attack and the visit is not likely to appease the infuriated China. In fact, Malaysia run the risk of being isolated internationally.

Mahathir should restart Langkawi International Dialogue to make him look good as though he is the leader of the third world countries of Africa, South America and Asia.

CEP was Mahathir's execution arm but when attacked, he did not come to its defense. He allowed it to be reduced as answerable to the cabinet.

Rais Hussein line to describe the "tussle" between CEP and cabinet should be viewed as positive is rather defensive and not substantive. New Foreign Minister Dato Saifuddin Abdullah also defended Daim.

But no DAP leader defended the CEP.

On the allegedly failed China trip, Saifuddin tried to tone down Chinese temperature by not blaming them for the alleged lop-sided deals.

Likely scripted by Putrajaya or Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana with comments from a senior analyst at Malaysia's ISIS, Asia Times tried to potray a flexible China more keen to have Malaysia as the showcase of its OBOR program.

It could be wishful thinking to expect China government to soften after losing face. If Mahathir's visit fails, Malaysia runs the risk of facing international isolation as major nations take an arms length attitude towards Malaysia. There are several reasons to expect so.

First and foremost, Israel and their old score with Mahathir should not be discounted. In our mid-June posting, Don't tell me markets down due to Zionist conspiracy it is mentioned that:

Malaysia strong stance against Israel in defense of the Palestinian people may have attracted strong retaliation against itself from Israel or US.

For instance, US took exception on countries voted against US call on Jeruselem as Israel capital. The Times of Israel headlined it as "US says it’ll be ‘taking names’ of countries that oppose Jerusalem move at UN." 

Naturally, Malaysia is on the list. 

It is haunting to be reminded of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remark, "Countries that don't have relation with us ... they're gonna be isolated."

The words of Netanyahu kept ringing in our head.

Second, the return of Mahathir and his past record in diplomacy and human right may likely isolate Malaysia. He had always been critical of more powerful nations and has too few friends on the international stage .

High up among the countries that would maintain arms length with Mahathir's Malaysia would be the European Union, including the United Kingdom..

Mahathir's anti-US stance in the past and his recent remarks of the POSUS Donald Trump may not make ties with the US any better. The leaked letter to the CIA from the former Head of Research, Dato Hasanah will have its impact on Mahathir and new government of Malaysia.

Najib denied knowledge of the letter. It remain highly improper of the kaki bodek and quarelsome Hasanah to have such stance put in writing. Equally improper is the intentional leak of a highly classified letter which is most likely the doing of Putrajaya.

Mahathir's attempt to totally expose the 1MDB debacle will embarass the Middle East and affect relations with the Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar. Heard one Arab state is considering to totally pullout its more than USD10 billion investment out of Malaysia.

If China's stop order of Malaysian palm oil and recent agreement to buy from Indonesia is bad enough, Mahathir run the risk of getting India to retaliate too should corporate issues involving Ananda Krishnan and Tony Fernandez there and also extradition of Zakir Naik not resolved

Third would possibly be the Singapore factor. It is as much Mahathir's adversarial attitude towards them.

One of the first few country that paid courtesy visit on Mahathir upon winning GE14 was Singapore. He responded with cynical remarks on Hsien Loong's batik shirt, intention to reclaim an island next to Pulau Batu Putih, and revived accusation Singapore short changed Malaysia on water deal.

Singapore does not need to go to war with Malaysia but their significance as a financial centre will have detrimental impact on Malaysia

On the same day before Daim met the Prime Minister, MACC raided on the ECRL and CCCC office. The likelihood is Dato Shuki Abdull responded to the revelation made by Lim Guan Eng and his DAP team at MOF claiming the China deals were the avenue money was raised to fund 1MDB loan repayment. That became an embarassment to Daim.

It was Singapore's Straits Times that leaked the story. [here and FMT report here]. Subsequently, there were speculations Shukri was misled by Lim Guan Eng and it was DAP's game to sabotage and curb the power of CEP.

An observer believed DAP was working through PAP's think tank, ISEAS to fail attempt to patch-up with China. And, it serves Singapore's pro-US position.

Fourth, the incessant exposure by Mahathir to the foreign press to continue to use Najib as his bogey and accusing the past administration as riddled with corruption could only lead to countries maintining arms length on Malaysia. The latest on CNN here.

Unlike Mahathir's heydays, Najib and his then hard working Foreign Minister, Dato Anifah Aman had raised Malaysia's profile in international relation and endeared themselves to many countries.

So Mahathir need to destroy the reputation and severe foreign support for Najib before he could get it started for Saifuddin. He is likely to privately expose more of Najib's alleged wrongdoings to his foreign counterparts.

There is likelihood it would affect Najib's personal reputation and develop mistrust towards him. It will most likely worsen Malaysia's reputation too as Mahathir continue his "pencuri, perompak dan penyamun" GE14 campaign slogan to the international stage.

Fifth, the China factor could be most critical because Malaysia is economically dependent on China for export, finance and investment.

Part of the unstated reason the US Department of Justice supported Mahathir's political onslaught of a global scale on Najib through the 1MDB case is believed to be their response to Malaysia's move to be more business friendly than tolerable with China.

On another aspect, rabid exposures of the various China deals by DAP leaders may risk Malaysia to retaliation from China should it permanently cancel and renegade on all the agreements for the various strategic projects made with China.

The cancellation of palm oil and durian orders and China tourists to Malaysia are only a warning that they got what they wanted and is not about to back down. Statements on possible compensation for work done does not indicate China is taking all these lying down.  

There is more at stake than Mahathir's change in narrative to be more welcoming to China's investment and justifying the about turn by offering investment terms more suitable for the 1990s than today.

God forbid should there be a looming risk of a clash of the superpowers on Malaysian soil.

No diplomatic narrative by former ambassador to Argentina, Dato Dennis Ignatius could evade the possibility that Malaysia risk international isolation for the irresponsible, excessive and reckless domestic politics of Pakatan Harapan.

More embarassing to Mahathir and permanently detrimental to Malaysia should any of the 1MDB and 1MDB related investigation and charges failed to deliver any meaningful conviction. 

Is Nikkei hinting Japan's reluctance to Mahathir's request?


Is Nikkei hinting Japan's reluctance to Mahathir's request?

The public is excited over the cheap branded-species durians found in abundance by the roadside these days. However, they do not realise it is indicative economic powerhouse China has retaliated economically.

Palm oil prices and latex has fallen below cost and plantation companies are looking at loses. Millions of farmers are facing the prospect of poverty level income. The silent retaliation has impacted on tourism, stock market, bond market, and ringgit.

It is no secret during and after the election that Tun Dr Mahathir is severing the economic ties with China built by Dato Najib on the long friendship established by his father. The storyline Mahathir wish to create for his fellow PH politicians is he is moving back to his old friend, Japan.

But on the same July 10th that Japan Forward wrote, "Malaysia’s Mahathir Says, ‘Look East’ to Japan, Away from China", Nikkei Asian Review published a damaging article, "Mahathir's economic vision a hard sell for investors."

Three days ago, July 16th, NIkkei continued its pessimistic tone in an article, "After the upset: What Mahathir's return means for Malaysia" with the poser on the 93 year old ability to deliver the high hope of youth. Is the mouse fixing the pumpkin?

NIkkei is the world's largest circulation financial newspaper. Its political leaning is described as moderate conservative but its humble beginning as an in-house publication for one of Japan's largest sogososha, Mitsui & Co. maybe reflective of Japan's view of Malaysia.

In the July 10th article, an excerpt reads:

Mahathir has been relentless in holding the previous government accountable for corruption. Najib has been indicted on charges of embezzlement from state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad.

But the government has offered little of substance in terms of new economic policy. Mahathir has revived policies from his previous stint as prime minister from 1981 to 2003, including looking to establish a new national automaker and learning Japanese quality control practices as part of a renewed "Look East" policy.

But with the global auto industry changing at a dizzying pace, any new venture would face unclear prospects of success. Proton Holdings, the fruit of Mahathir's previous effort to create a national carmaker, is hardly a runaway success, posting sluggish sales in recent years. The company is now 49.9%-owned by China's Zhejiang Geely Holding Group.

Kuala Lumpur will need to get Malaysia on track toward fiscal health to stem the ringgit's decline. This will require a clear growth strategy alongside the belt-tightening measures already underway.


Despite ending with a note of hope and tolerance of his past from a Malaysian Chinese busnessman, the July 16th article remain pessimistic in the excerpt below:

A populist agenda?

Mahathir had more of an agenda than merely taking on a tainted successor, however. As he took office, he reaffirmed his commitment to a series of populist economic measures he had outlined during the campaign: overturning an unpopular 6% goods and services tax, restoring fuel subsidies and reviewing big infrastructure contracts, particularly those with Chinese concerns.

Credit rating agencies expressed concern about the proposals. Moody's Investors Service warned on May 14 that such policies would be "credit negative" for the country, adding that there was "little clarity" about the new leader's economic agenda. Fitch Ratings noted that the GST contributed 18% to government coffers in 2017, and replacing it with a narrower sales and services tax could result in a correspondingly higher deficit.

Prominent Malaysian businessmen echoed this sentiment. Munir Majid, chairman of CIMB ASEAN Research Institute and president of the ASEAN Business Club, said there still needs to be more debate about economic policy.

"With respect to the election promise to abolish GST and replace it with a sales and services tax, there is concern that government revenue would fall and that the fiscal deficit would widen from the present 2.8%, whereas the previous government's promise was to bring it down further," he said. "There are also a number of other commitments, such as bringing back fuel subsidies, that would adversely affect the revenue base as well."

The stock market delivered a mixed message when it opened after a two-day post-election holiday, with shares falling at the open but recovering to close slightly higher.

Mahathir's plans to return to the old model known as Malaysia Inc. -- a nationalistic legacy that Najib smashed during his nine years in office -- have only added to questions about his economic plans.

"Actually, the idea of a business-friendly government was mooted long ago when we introduced the Malaysia Inc.," Mahathir said on May 10. "The corporation is intended to build the Malaysian economy with the help of investors from inside and outside the country."

Inspired by a similar model in Japan, the 1980s-era idea favored the privatization of key state agencies with the government holding substantial stakes. Mahathir appointed allies to control and spearhead privatized companies, fueling criticism that he practiced favoritism. This lack of corporate governance contributed to the collapse of some of these companies, including Malaysia Airlines and national carmaker Proton.

Najib dismantled the model, restructuring the shareholdings in these companies by putting sovereign funds in control.

With a fresh mandate, Mahathir seems determined to drive the economy forward. During his first term, Mahathir promoted a plan known as Vision 2020 -- a pledge that Malaysia would join the club of developed countries by 2020. But that vision has become blurry in recent years. Malaysia's gross national income per capita of $9,660 in 2017 was well below the World Bank's threshold of $12,236 to qualify for high-income status.

"Mahathir will need to leave Malaysia in good hands so that the country can finally escape the middle-income trap after three disappointing decades since the Asian financial crisis," noted Alicia Garcia-Herrero of Natixis, an investment bank.

Munir said the government will focus on evaluating state budget and debts, including all major ongoing infrastructure projects. This may prove an obstacle to China's Belt and Road-related investments in the country, notably the 55 billion ringgit ($13.9 billion) East Coast Rail Link. While Najib had promoted ties with China, some Malaysians -- including Mahathir -- have expressed concerns over the debt commitment on the 688km link being built and financed by Chinese companies.

In a move that has raised further worries among regional observers, Mahathir hinted at a more protectionist agenda, saying that while the country welcomes trade and investment with foreign countries, Malaysia will not bow to any external pressure.

"Sanctions by big powers will not influence our policies," he said, apparently referring to U.S. President Donald Trump's punitive tariffs and his recent reversal of the Iran nuclear deal, which lifted sanctions on the Gulf state. "We know the powers of such countries apply sanctions on countries who do not agree with them."


Mahathir could claim not wanting to be dictated by powerful nation. But the emerging reality is Malaysia is looking at the prospect in a term used by Israel's PM, Benjamin Netanyahu's towards country's not supporting term as "international isolation" and it's immediate impact is on the economic front. .

The Middle East is upset with the loud, and aggressive yet-to-be-substantiated accusations implicating them made on the 1MDB debacle. Heard one nation is considering to pullout its US$15 billion investment. RAPID only received first tranche of Aramco's financing.

China now accused by Sarawak Report has given their retaliatory hint that is potentially devastating to the economy. Mahathir expressed his reluctance to meet US President, Donald Trump.

EU may not be keen on his past human rights record and more so, with the current abuse of power to ignore rule of law and another sacking of judiciary.

Mahathir is back to his old self to pick fight with Singapore which in turn puts relation with Asean neighbours on cautious mode.

His only hope for support is Japan but Nikkei is hinting of fading prospect with Malaysia's post-GE14 economic mess attributed to the verbal diatribe of his and the new Minister of Finance. Japan of today has almost nil interest rate but it is not globally engaging as before.

Perhaps on another planet or world, there will be room for a leader of a small nation such as Mahathir to get everything their way.  

Hypocrisy and Lies, A Pakatan Harapan Saga

Hypocrisy and Lies, A Pakatan Harapan Saga

Pakatan Harapan

By Aathi Shankar

It’s time for Pakatan Harapan to cease its misleading propaganda on the so-called “61 years of failures”.

If 61 years of first Alliance (1957 – 1973) then Barisan Nasional rule (1973 – 2018) was a failure, then Mahathir Mohamad’s 22 years of misrule as PM4 (1981 – 2003) was a major flop.

Isn’t it not?

After all, wasn’t Mahathir undeniably an icon of mega corruption, dictatorial rule, abuse of power and power craze during his previous 22-year era?

Mahathir past misrule was tainted and marred by various mega scandals – Maminco, Perwaja Steel, Forex, cooperatives, KLCC and MAS, to name a few.

PM4 imposed hardline dictatorial rule and, abused and wielded his power and the law to the fullest to imprison political opponents and silence detractors.

In 1988, Mahathir sacked judges and compromised the independence of the judiciary, a vital element to uphold the doctrine of separation of power in a democratic society.

PM4 has always used race and religious cards to divide and rule the people.

He has always uttered racist remarks against Malaysians, especially non-Malays and non-Muslims, such as calling Dong Zhong as “communists” and, Tamils and Indians as “kelings”.

He had also criticised Malays as “lazy and easily forgetful” (malas dan mudah lupa).

PM4 systematically wiped out the presence of non-Malay Muslims in the government employment sector.

PM4 had been proven to be a major flop.

Thus, why the hell then Pakatan promoted, marketed and appointed Mahathir as PM7 in GE14?

BN had already kicked out Mahathir but Pakatan picked up the outcast, made him the leader of Pakatan Harapan.

Why PH desperately promoted and marketed Mahathir, the BN strewn garbage, as the messiah to save Malaysia during GE14?

PH desperadoes used Mahathir to capture Putrajaya, isn’t it?

PH made Mahathir, a BN outcast, as PM7.

So why complain now?

During GE14, PH conned the people to believe that Mahathir was a changed man.

The performance of Mahathir over the past 15 months has proven that PM7 was no different than PM4.

During GE14, many innocent people believed in PH promises, especially in the 100 days promises.

All those promises have now proven to be false baits to fish votes, ah!

PH carried out an aggressive hate campaign against BN and then Prime Minister Najib Razak during GE14.

PH created and propagated make-believe fairy tales on 1MDB and so-called kleptocracy.

Until today, after completing 54 days of Najib-SRC trial with testimonies from 57 witnesses, not a single tenable evidence had been produced in court to prove that Najib stole any money from neither SRC or 1MDB.

In fact, evidence and testimonies by witnesses in court proved that Najib received cash gifts and donations worth some RM2.6 billion from Saudi Arabia kingdom.

Indeed, evidence and testimonies have proven that Najib had returned nearly 80% of the money back to the sender.

If Najib had returned a large chunk of the monetary gifts and donations, how the hell then the Attorney-General pressed charges on him?

Trumped up charges against Najib just to justify PH’s false “kleptocrat” election campaign?

The fact is the greatest robber is now PM7 – promoted, marketed and appointed by PH.

That qualifies PH as a hub for robbers, thieves and corrupted political personalities.

If PH leaders aren’t corrupted, robbers and thieves, they wouldn’t have appointed the greatest robber as PM7, right!

Birds of same feathers flock together, aren’t they?

The cover-up of Penang tunnel scandal, bungalow scandal and Semburit gay porn video scandal have exposed PH as a haven of hypocritical liars, who would even sell their community and even the country for a few dollars more.

Being a corrupted, kleptocrat and the hypocritical political agency itself, obviously, PH is unqualified to talk on morality, integrity and dignity, and the Alliance-BN 61-year rule.


The strange case of 1MDB…

The strange case of 1MDB…

1MDB Malaysia Berhad

By Wong Jae Senn

It may not have occurred to some but the 1MDB is a very strange case. Pitched as the epitome of kleptocracy or king of thievery, whichever you would prefer, the facts of the case still remain unusual who prefer facts over fiction.

Low Taek Jho, alleged mastermind behind the 1MDB bond issuance and siphoning off money in cohorts with his contacts in IPIC, defrauding 1MDB through a “fake” company – FLED.

Nik Faisal, manager of the account under Najib’s name, and a suspect who purportedly forged signatures on cheques and documents – FLED.

Terence Geh, executive director of 1MDB, i.e. where the buck should stop – FLED.

Tan Sri Zeti Aktar Aziz, ex-BNM governor who was aware of the transactions and even green-lighted the foreign fund transfers – NEVER HAULED FOR QUESTIONING.

The MACC investigating officer Rosli Hussain, testified that MACC initiated a probe-based solely on Clare Rewcastle Brown’s Sarawak Report post titled: ‘Sensational Findings – Prime Minister Najib Razak Personal Accounts Linked To 1MDB Money Trail’ – on July 2, 2015. Clare too was NEVER HAULED FOR QUESTIONING, despite claiming to hold tonnes of smoking evidence to substantiate her allegations.

Dato’ Seri Najib Razak, ex-Finance Minister and ex-director of 1MDB’s advisory board, who had a bank account that was managed by someone else for corporate and charity uses – ESSENTIALLY IS THE SOLE ACCUSED AT THIS POINT.

So, the main players who were handling the money and 1MDB’s dealings have fled. The central bank governor who approved the transactions was not questioned about it. The bank officer handling the account admitted that there were irregularities in how the account was managed, which could even breach banking regulations, and that the account holder was kept in the dark about what’s going on with his accounts.

Ignore for a moment that DS Najib was the accused. Does this look like how a proper investigation and trial should be conducted? Does it look like it’s being thorough and that it won’t set any unwanted precedents, e.g. director of an advisory board being held accountable but the director of the executive board doesn’t need to be responsible?

Regardless of whether we support DS Najib or not, we must ensure that our courts and judicial system guarantee everyone a fair trial, instead of being yet another state apparatus that conducts kangaroo trials to silence opponents.

Wong Jae Sen is a BENAR political analyst
The views expressed here are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of New Malaysia Herald.