Saturday, 27 July 2019

By Hook Or By Crook, Send Najib To Jail

By Hook Or By Crook, Send Najib To Jail

PRIME Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad seems hell bent to get Pekan MP Najib Razak, by hook or by crook.

Mahathir can’t forgive Najib for sure.

As the country’s 6th Prime Minister (2009 – 2018), Najib stood up against Mahathir and pushed him to the corner.

Mahathir has attacked and brought the downfall of all prime ministers while they were still in the office.

He pulled off the same trick on Datuk Seri Najib in the 14th General Election (GE14).

But not before he was sent to political wilderness, albeit momentatily by Najib’s political shrewdness.

For a while the 94-year-old nonagenarian was shaken and stirred.

Mahathir’s multiple plans to oust Najib failed to materialise.

When Najib retaliate with his own plots, a sulking Mahathir left Umno and became a political wanderer.

After much thoughts, Mahathir then decided to swallow his pride and embrace his staunch political enemies – the DAP and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

He was forced to work Lim Kit Siang and Anwar, much to his chagrin.

Although it irked him, it worked in GE14.

Barisan Nasional was knocked off its perch from Putrajaya, and in came Pakatan Harapan and the return of the 4th Prime Minister Mahathir as the country’s 7th Prime Minister.

Now time for revenge without any mercy and boundaries.

No one will be spared.

Trumped Up Charges?

As for now, Najib faces 42 charges of corruption, money-laundering, abuse of power and criminal breach of trust.

Rumours claim that the BN advisor could face a further 49 similar charges!

His wife Rosmah Mansor is facing 20 corruption charges while her son Riza Shahriz Abdul Aziz faces 5 charges for money-laundering.

Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, former Najib’s deputy, faces a record 87 graft charges, the highest of them all and former Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman faces 51 corruption charges.

Many Pakatan supporters would welcome these charges, bragging that Mahathir is cleaning up the country.

But the truth is faraway.

Mahathir wants to send Najib, his family and his friends to jail through criminal proceedings.

Based on previous 22-year premiership, many Malaysians would bet that Mahathir would have his way.

No one can try to lecture to Mahathir and supremacy of constitution, rule of law, independence of judiciary, fairplay, sovereignty of law and fair trial.

Those who knows Mahathir will acknowledge that the two-time prime minister will abuse his power and bend all rules to achieve his agenda.

Thus, no one can blame ordinary Malaysians to assume that no matter what happens at the respective trials, the judges will convict the accuseds even if there case facts and evidences tell otherwise.

Najib-SRC Trial

Take the example of Najib’s trial pertaining to SRC International Sdn Bhd.

Strong evidences have emerged that businessman Low Taek Jho, commonly known as Jho Low had collaborated with certain Ambank officers and SRC International directors to manipulate Najib’s private bank accounts presumably for money-laundering activities.

The manipulation was carried out beyond Najib’s knowledge, let alone his consent.
Transcript of BBM conversation between Jho Low and former Ambank relationship manager Joanna Yu Ging Ping confirmed this.

This particular BBM transcript evidence was not included in the pile of digital evidences that the prosecution submitted to Najib’s defence team before the start of the trial in January.

Nonetheless the transcript was part of the full report prepared by investigators from Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) on BBM digital evidences obtained from communication devices seized from several Ambank officers, including Joanna Yu.

The prosecution hid the Jho Low – Joanna Yu transcript from knowledge of the court and defence because it would clear Najib from any crime.

By right, Najib should not be charged at all.

Moreover, without court testimonies from Jho Low and SRC International former CEO Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil, the judge can never conclude the trial.

But hearing is going on!

This is called miscarriage of justice and mockery of rule of law, by definition travesty of the justice system.

All these are hallmarks of Mahathir’s previous regime.

Now all have returned.

Mahathir fears Najib re-emergence as a popular political leader via ‘Malu Apa Bossku’ platform.

In fact, Umno and BN now are riding on Najib’s ever growing popularity.

Many Malaysians believe that Mahathir always wanted his Mukhriz to be the next prime minister.

So presumably he doesn’t want Najib to be the stumbling block on his grand plan, hence piles of court cases.

Mahathir has always blamed Najib for the failure of Mukhriz to become Umno’s vice-president.

That’s the start of Mahathir-Najib feud.

Now Mahathir wants to avenge by sending Najib to jail forever.

Tax Arrears

Perhaps sensing that court cases may not be enough to jail Najib, the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) had filed civil suit against Najib to pay RM1,692,872,924.83 allegedly owed between 2011 and 2017.

A whopping RM1.69 billion is probably the largest imposed against an individual in the country, said tax and customs law practitioner S Saravana Kumar.
LHDN filed the suit on June 25, 2019.

The legal position on taxation in Malaysia is that all due amounts must be settled before a person files an appeal.

If Najib fails to lodge an appeal against these assessments, the taxes become final and conclusive within 30 days.

However an appeal would not stop LHDN from commencing civil proceedings against a taxpayer who has not settled his or her taxes.

This is provided for under Sections 103 and 106 of the Income Tax Act 1967.

Case management for the lawsuit against Najib has been fixed for July 25.

It is learnt that the writ of summons was served on Najib as the sole defendant on July 4.

The suit was initiated after Najib failed to act on LHDN’s initial demand in March this year for additional tax assessments of RM1.47 billion.

This resulted in a 10% hike of RM147 million in April and another compounded 5% hike of RM80 million in May.

The 10% increase was imposed under Section 103 of the Income Tax Act after Najib failed to pay the initial RM1.47 billion within 30 days of the date the assessment notice was issued.

The former prime minister also failed to settle the renewed sum within 60 days under the same provision, which resulted in the compounded 5% hike.


The country’s economy definitely not doing well while value of Ringgit is ever depreciating.
National debts increasing by the day.

Public assets being sold and privatisation is back to haunt Malaysians.

But Pakatan government seems not prioritising its efforts to resolve these issues with progressive long term plans.

Putrajaya is more keen to resolve them through short term solutions, in other words, short cuts, which in long term will have serious repercussions on the country’s well-being.
Mahathir’s government is unconcerned about it though.

He is more focused to finish off Najib.

He believes once Najib has been put away, the path is clear for Mukhriz to grab the coveted premiership.

Thus by hook or by crook, Mahathir is determined to send Najib and Co to jail. – NTHQiBord,  27 Julai, 2019.

Friday, 26 July 2019

Pembelaan Terhadap Wahbah al-Zuhayli


Pembelaan Terhadap Wahbah al-Zuhayli

Seperti yang semua kawan ana tahu, bahwa ana adalah salah satu dari orang yang sangat kagum dengan Dr. Wahbah al-Zuhayli, pengarang kitab al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuh. Dan semua orang juga tahu bahwa Syeikh Wahbah sangat alim dan telah berhasil mengarang berpuluh kitab yang dipakai oleh hampir semua sarjana muslim di dunia moden ini.

Akan tetapi, desas desus yang tersebar di Indonesia terutama di kepulauan Jawa, bahwa Syeikh Wahbah adalah seorang Wahabi. Sangat disedihi, tuduhan ini tidak matang dan hanya disebarkan oleh orang yang kurang faham Syeikh Wahbah dan hanya menilai dengan sebuah pendapat Wahbah tanpa melihat keseimbangan pemikiran beliau yang lain.

Ya! ana memang pengkagum Syeikh Wahbah. Tapi ana juga memiliki pegangan akidah dan konsep fiqh tersendiri yang kadang berbeza dengan Wahbah. Tapi itu bukan berarti ana akan dengan mudahnya menyatakan Dr. Wahbah adalah Wahabi. Jujur saja, walaupun tuduhan ini berasal dari Pesantren yang menjadi pusat pendidikan, tapi ana katakan, orang yang menyebarkannya bukanlah alim bahkan dia terpesong kerana kurang dalam pengalaman perkembangan pemikiran Islam dan tokoh Islam di dunia luar. Dengan ini ana nasihatkan janganlah santri-santri salaf menjadi katak di bawah tempurung. Ana berharap kita walaupun santri traditional yang duduk di gubuk-gubuk bambu dapat memiliki informasi dan juga wacana yang ilmiah lagi menginternasional.

Analisa Tuduhan dan Penolakan Terhadapnya

Tuduhan ini berawal dari sebuah rakaman Youtube yang dikeluarkan oleh Syeikh Wahbah al-Zuhayli di Malaysia terhadap sebuah golongan kecil dari Asyairoh yang sangat fanatik sehingga mudah mengkafirkan beberapa ulama hatta seperti Ramadhan al-Buti, Nazim al-Haqqani, dan lain-lain. Ketika pernyataan keras ini dilontarkan maka puak fanatik inipun membidas pernyataan Wahbah dengan membuat sebuah wacana dan imej terhadap Wahbah dengan menyatakan bahwa Dr. Wahbah al-Zuhayli adalah WAHABI. Dengan statement ini mereka berprasangka bahwa akan mudah memesong santri-santri salaf lain di dunia pesantren bahwa janganlah kita menerima pendapat Dr. Wahbah. Tapi, ana yang banyak membaca kitab-kitab Wahbah memiliki pandangan yang lain terhadap tuduhan mereka dan ana siap membela Dr. Wahbah al-Zuhayli.

Tuduhan mereka yang pernah diberikan kepada ana adalah cuma 1 sebenarnya, yaitu Dr. Wahbah percaya pada konsep Tauhid 3 yaitu Rububiyyah, Uluhiyyah, dan Asma wa Sifat yang menjadi tonggak akidah puak Wahabi. Tuduhan ini juga berasal dari Youtube yang diambil dari malaysia juga yang secara zahir Dr. Wahbah berkata akidah ini tidak batil kerana hanya al-tasmiyyah (hanya untuk penamaan). Sila buka Eksklusif Dr Wahbah dan Tauhid 3.

Bagi ana Syeikh Wahbah al-Zuhayli tidak salah dalam konsep akidah tauhid 3 ini kerana tauhid ini dapat dilarikan menjadi sesat dan juga bahkan tidak. Kalau demi memberi penamaan kepada seorang murid misalnya tentang konsep tauhid maka tidak menjadi masalah. ini adalah sama seperti memberi nama kepada sebuah fan atau ilmu. Akan tetapi, Tauhid 3 ini disalah-gunakan oleh puak-puak Wahabi kerana konsep Rububiyyah dan Uluhiyyah ini digunakan untuk mengharamkan atau membid'ahkan bahkan mensyirikan amalan-amalan tawassul, istighasah dan lain-lain. Maka tauhid tiga ini adalah dapat kita hukum sebagai wahabi ketika tauhid ini digunakan untuk melarang tawassul misalnya. Contoh kata-kata si Wahabi: "Tauhid Uluhiyyah adalah tauhid orang yang benar-benar mentauhidkan Allah dan bertaqwa kepadanya dengan ibadah yang murni kepadanya sehinggakan tidak meminta kecuali pada Allah atau menjadikan makhluknya sebagai lantaran". Maka ketika ini terjadi, barulah orang yang percaya pada tauhid 3 ini adalah Wahabi sehinggakan menafikan pendapat ulama lain yang disertai dalil yang kokoh dalam memperbolehkan bertawassul.

Buktinya, Dr. Wahbah walaupun tidak menyesatkan tauhid tiga dengan alasan hanya untuk tasmiyah (penamaan), beliau tidak melarang tawassul, dan beliau berpendapat bahwa tawassul itu terjadi khilaf ulama bahkan mayoritas ulama berpendapat tawassul adalah boleh. berikut ini petikan dari fatwa beliau yang berjudul "فتاوى معاصرة" di muka surat 355:

أقرأ في بعض الفتاوى استباحة الاستغاثة والاستشفاع بالنبي والصالحين ما رأيك في هذه المسائل؟ وما رأيك في الذي لم يستغث بالنبي والصالحين احتياطا لدينه وهو يبيحه؟

أجاز جمهور أهل السنة عدا بعض المخالفين جواز التوسل بالأنبياء والصالحين أحياء وأمواتا والمراد التوسل بصالح أعمالهم وقربهم من الله وقد نصت الموسوعة الفقهية بالكويت على هذا أما من لم يتوسل فأرى أنه فوت على نفسه خيرا

Terjemahan Bebas: Aku membaca pada setengah fatwa tetang diperkenankannya beristighazah dan meminta syafaat dengan Nabi dan orang-orang Soleh, apa pandanganmu tentang masalah ini? dan apa pandangan mu tentang orang yang tidak mahu beristighazah dengan nabi dan orang2 soleh kerana berhati-hati terhadap agamanya sedangkan dia (pada dasarnya) memperkenankannya?

Jawaban Wahbah: Majority Ulama Ahli Sunnah - kecuali sebagian yang berbeza dengan majority - memperkenankan bertawassul dengan nabi-nabi dan orang soleh sama ada masih hidup maupun sudah mati. yang dimaksud di sini adalah bertawassul dengan kebaikan amalan mereka dan kedekatan mereka dengan Allah. Dan telah benar-benar menuliskan pernyataan ini oleh kitab Ensiklopedi Fiqh versi Kuwait. Sedangkan orang yang tidak mahu bertawassul maka aku berpendapat bahwa dia hanya membatasi kebaikan pada dirinya sendiri (tidak mau kebaikan datang dari orang lain).

Dari sini, jelaslah kepada kita bahwa Wahbah al-Zuhayli sendiri mengaku keabsahan tawassul. Lalu mengapa kita gatal lidah ingin menuduhnya sebagai Wahabi? sedangkan salah satu alasan mengapa Wahabi itu disesatkan adalah dikarenakan mereka mengkafirkan pengamal tawassul.

Maka dari sini, kesimpulan ana kepada puak-puak yang menuduh Syeikh Wahbah sebagai Wahabi dan menyesatkannya agar bertaubat dan janganlah kita terjerumus kedalam jurang orang-orang yang menuduh apalagi menjadi batu api di dalam aliran Asyairoh sendiri. Waallahu a'lam..

akitiano at 2:53 AM

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Why Is Pakatan Still Robbing Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu And Kelantan?

Pakatan Still Robbing Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu And Kelantan?

Since Pakatan Harapan took over in May 2018, Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu and Kelantan have been robbed a further RM80 billion or so. Pakatan promised since back in 1999 this is going to end. But it appears like they blame Umno and Barisan Nasional for robbing the country while Pakatan Harapan continues this robbery until today.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Oil and gas were discovered in Terengganu back in 1972. At that time, Tun Razak Hussein was the Prime Minister and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah was his sort of economic advisor. If I am not mistaken, Tun Salleh Abas was then (1963-1982) either in the Attorney-General’s Chambers or he was the Solicitor-General. (In 1984, Tun Salleh became the Lord President, now called Chief Justice).

But the Federal Government kept this discovery a secret. According to Lim Kit Siang, Exxon was secretly pumping the oil and was transferring it to ships direct from the oil rigs in the middle of the sea (while the gas was flared). Kit Siang refused to name his source or whistle-blower and said the documents were dropped on his doorstep outside his house in Melaka by anonymous informers.

The reason the Federal Government needed to keep this a secret is because, according to the Federation of Malaya Agreement, all state resources belong to the state (oil, gas, water, timber, gold, tin, etc.), plus, of course, land. Hence the oil and gas would belong to Terengganu, and we are talking about an estimated RM20 billion every year, or about RM900 billion since when oil and gas were first discovered.

Yes, Terengganu had generated close to RM1 trillion since oil and gas were first discovered in 1972.

Tengku Razaleigh was given the job of nationalising oil and gas

And that is what the Federal Constitution of Malaya (now Federal Constitution of Malaysia) stipulates as well. Oil, gas, water, timber, gold, tin, and so on, belong to Terengganu. So, by now Terengganu would have earned close to RM1 trillion, according to the Federal Constitution of Malaysia.

But that was too much money for a small state of merely one million Malays. If they allowed Terengganu to get its hands on that RM20 billion a year, the state would be as rich as Brunei. In 1972, Terengganu was the second poorest state in Malaysia after Perlis. Technically, if they did not have to surrender their oil and gas to the Federal Government, Terengganu would be the richest state in Malaysia.

And that is why they kept the discovery of oil and gas in Terengganu a secret, until Kit Siang went and spilled the beans, that is. The Federal Government needed to by-pass the Federal Constitution of Malaysia so that it could get its hands on that RM20 billion a year (almost RM1 trillion in total today).

And that job was given to Tengku Razaleigh and Salleh Abas.

Salleh Abas drafted the Petroleum Development Act (1974)

Salleh Abas drafted the Petroleum Development Act (1974), which Tengku Razaleigh brought to Parliament for approval. Under the Petroleum Development Act, oil and gas would be nationalised and would no longer belong to the state. A national company called Petroleum Nasional Berhad (Petronas) would be formed and would be given sole rights to explore and exploit oil and gas. The states would be given just 5% of the earnings.

In essence, the Petroleum Development Act (1974) violates the Federation of Malaya Agreement of 1957 plus the Federation of Malaysia Agreement of 1963. The Petroleum Development Act (1974) took away the rights of the states over its oil and gas. The Petroleum Development Act (1974) legalised what was illegal.

And, because of the Petroleum Development Act (1974), an estimated RM4-RM5 trillion of money that belonged to Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu and Kelantan was robbed by the Federal Government.

Now, the title of this article is: Why is Pakatan still robbing Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu and Kelantan?

Through Petronas, Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu and Kelantan were robbed of an estimated RM4-RM5 trillion

Yes, back in 1999, Pakatan Harapan, which at that time was called Barisan Alternatif, promised Malaysians they would undo this travesty and injustice and would give back to Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu and Kelantan what belonged to them: their oil and gas. Pakatan has been the Federal Government for 14 months now and they have still not done that yet. When will it be done?

Since Pakatan Harapan took over in May 2018, Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu and Kelantan have been robbed a further RM80 billion or so. Pakatan promised since back in 1999 this is going to end. But it appears like they blame Umno and Barisan Nasional for robbing the country while Pakatan Harapan continues this robbery until today.


Tuesday, 23 July 2019


Profile picture Tun Abdul Hamid


Former Chief Justice of Malaysia




Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad


Dalam ucapannya di Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) pada 28 September 2018, Tun Dr. Mahathir, antara lain, berkata:

“9. Malaysia baru akan menyokong prinsip-prinsip yang dipromosikan oleh PBB dalam hubungan antarabangsa kami. Ini termasuk prinsip kebenaran, hak asasi manusia, kedaulatan undang-undang, keadilan (keadilan), kesaksamaan (fairness), tanggungjawab dan akauntabiliti, serta kemapanan (sustainability). Dalam konteks ini, kerajaan baru Malaysia telah berjanji untuk meratifikasi semua instrumen PBB teras yang berkaitan dengan perlindungan hak asasi manusia. Ia tidak akan mudah bagi kami kerana Malaysia adalah sebuah negara pelbagai etnik, berbilang agama, pelbagai budaya dan berbilang bahasa. Kami akan memberi ruang dan masa kepada semua untuk membincangnya dan membuat keputusan secara bebas berdasarkan demokrasi.” (Terjemahan saya)

Selepas itu, Waytha Moorthy, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Perpaduan dan Kesejahteraan Sosial), walaupun konvensyen-konvensyen antarabangsa bukanlah terletak di bawah bidangkuasanya, seolah-olah telah mengambil alih bidangkuasa mengenainya daripada Menteri Luar. Beliaulah yang paling banyak mengeluarkan kenyataan mengenainya seolah-olah tidak sabar lagi hendak meratifikasinya.

Kita boleh faham mengapa beliau berbuat demikian. Pertama, sebagai Pengerusi HINDRAF, beliau telah lama dendam terhadap hak keistimewaan orang Melayu dan anak-anak negeri Sabah dan Sarawak, yang, bagi beliau, ibu segala diskriminasi, yang mestilah di hapuskan. Videonya yang diambil di Belanda sepuluh tahun sebelumnya yang menjadi tular itu adalah bukti yang tidak dinafikan beliau.

Kedua, beliau hendak menjadi wira masyarakat India. Walaupun beliau tidak bertanding dalam PRU 14, Tun Dr. Mahathir telah melantik beliau menjadi Ahli Dewan Negara. Tidak cukup dengan itu, beliau dilantik menjadi Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Perpaduan dan Kesejahteraan Sosial).

Bagaimana seorang Pengerusi HINDRAF boleh dilantik menjadi Menteri yang bertanggungjawab bagi Perpaduan dan Kesejahteraan Sosial tidak boleh difahami. Bagaimana seorang yang begitu bencikan hak keistemewaan orang Melayu dan berjuang untuk menghapuskan nya akan mewujudkan perpaduan kaum? Apabila hak keistimewaan orang Melayu hendak dihapuskan untuk menghapuskan diskriminasi antara kaum, tidakkah orang Melayu (dan anak-anak negeri Sabah dan Sarawak) akan bangun menentangnya? Ia bukan akan mengukuhkan perpaduan. Ia akan menggugat perpaduan.

Jika orang Melayu kurang tahu penglibatan Waytha Moorty dalam HINDRAF dan apa itu HINDRAF, apa yang dilakukannya pada hari beliau mengangkat sumpah sebagai seorang Ahli Dewan Negara sudah cukup untuk menjauhkan mereka daripadanya. Dengan membawa seorang sami (bagi orang Melayu) dengan rupa yang menyebabkan dia (patut atau tidak) dipanggil “hantu,” sudah cukup untuk merenggangkannya daripada orang Melayu, jika tidak dibenci pun.

Ditambah dengan videonya di Belanda yang ditularkan di mana beliau menuduh kaum India didiskriminasikan, beribu-ribu kuil Hindu dimusnahkan dan orang-orang India dipaksa memeluk agama Islam, telah menyebabkan orang Melayu menolaknya.

Tidak cukup dengan itu, beliau mengeluarkan pula kenyataan bahawa Kuil Shri Mariamman tidak akan dipindahkan walau pun mahkamah telah membuat perintah dengan persetujuan bahawa ia hendaklah dipindahkan setelah pampasan dibayar. (Pampasan telah pun dibayar.) Maka, lebih daripada 200,000 orang Melayu menandatangani menuntut beliau meletak jawatan atau disingkirkan daripada jawatan Menteri.

Tun Dr. Mahathir cuba membela beliau. Tetapi, itu adalah satu tindakan yang memakan diri sendiri. Dalam hal ini Tun Dr. Mahathir tidak ada pilihan lain lagi: akui kesilapannya dalam melantik Waytha Moorthy sebagai Menteri dan menyingkirkannya.

Walau pun ICERD terletak di bawah bidangkuasanya Menteri Luar, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah tidak banyak bercakap mengenainya. Tetapi, kenyataannya bahawa orang yang menentang ICERD tidak faham Perlembagaan Persekutuan, ternyata tidak membantu beliau.

Tetapi, ada seorang Menteri yang menyibuk walau pun ICERD bukanlah terletak di bawah bidangkuasanya; Dato Seri Mujahid. Mula-mula beliau telah membangkitkan semula RUU Harmoni. RUU Harmoni telah digubal oleh Majlis Peguam bagi pihak Jawatankuasa Kecil Undang-Undang dan Dasar yang dipengerusikan oleh beliau. Jawatankuasa itu terletak di bawah Menteri Perpaduan pada masa itu, Bernard Dompok. RUU Harmoni telah digagalkan apabila Dato’ Seri Najib, Perdana Menteri pada masa itu, terpaksa membuat U-turn mengenai janjinya untuk memansuhkan Akta Hasutan.

Beliau semestinya kecewa dengan kegagalan itu. Sekarang beliau sendiri menjadi Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Walau pun bidangkuasa beliau ialah hal ehwal agama Islam, beliau menyatakan hasratnya untuk menghidupkan semula RUU Harmoni, selepas itu berkata, oleh sebab RUU Harmoni tidak terletak di bawah bidang kuasanya, beliau akan menyerahkannya kepada Waytha Moorthy.

Apa hubungannya RUU Harmoni dengan ICERD? Jawabnya: tujuan RUU Harmoni dan ratifikasi ICERD adalah sama: untuk menghapuskan keistimewaan orang Melayu dan anak-anak negeri Sabah dan Sarawak. Setelah gagal menjadikan RUU Harmoni undang-undang, kumpulan berkenaan mengguna taktik baru: membuat ratifikasi ICERD dan membawa semula RUU Harmoni untuk dijadikan undang-undang. Kita perlu mengambil perhatian bahawa Menteri Luar sekarang adalah seorang ahli Majlis Konsultasi Perpaduan Negara (MKPN) yang dilantik oleh Bernard Dompok, dahulu. Apatah lagi dengan Tommy Thomas sebagai Peguam Negara.

Dato’ Seri Mujahid, rakan-rakannya dan penulis-penulis yang menyokong ICERD, menghujahkan, hampir kesemua negara-negara Islam meratifikasi ICERD, mengapa kita menentang?

Adalah nyata mereka berhujah berdasarkan fakta yang salah. ICERD adalah singkatan kepada International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination atau Konvensyen Antarabangsa Mengenai Penghapusan Semua Bentuk Diskriminasi Kaum. Diskriminasi yang dilarang oleh ICERD adalah diskriminasi kaum, bangsa dan warna kulit, bukan diskriminasi agama.

Soalnya, adakah perlembagaan negara-negara Islam itu mempunyai peruntukan seperti Perkara 153 (menganai hak keistimewaan orang Melayu dan anak-anak negeri Sabah dan Sarawak), Perkara 8(4)(f) (yang menghadkan Regimen Askar Melayu kepada orang Melayu) dan Perkara 89 (mengenai Tanah Rizab Melayu) ? (Kita mempuyai peruntukan-peruntukan itu sebagai ganti persetujuan orang Melayu memberi hak kerakyatan kepada orang bukan Melayu.)

Jika perlembagaan negara-negara itu tidak mempunyai peruntukan-peruntukan seperti itu, maka jika mereka meratifikasi ICERD pun tidak menjadi masalah kepada mereka, sebab tidak ada percanggahan di antara peruntukan ICERD dengan peruntukan perlembagaan dan dasar negara mereka. Itulah bezanya di antara kedudukan Malaysia dengan negara-negara itu. Jika hendak menetapkan hukum yang sama, faktanya hendaklah sama.

Sekarang, Tunisia yang maratifikasi ICERD telah membolehkan perempuan-perempuan Islam berkahwin dengan lelaki bukan Islam. Adakah kita juga akan mengikutinya? Adakah itu salah satu akibat ratifikasi ICERD? Saya katakan, itulah yang yang dituntut oleh orang-orang bukan Islam di Malaysia.

Dari awal, saya menentang ICERD kerana ia bercanggah dengan peruntukan Perkara 153, 8(4)(f) dan 89 dan dasar kerajaan Barisan nasional mengenai UiTM, MRSM, FELDA, ASNB dan lain-lain. Meratifikasi ICERD akan menyebabkan peruntukan-peruntukan Perlembagaan dan undang-undang berkenaan terpaksa dipinda atau dimansuhkan dan dasar-dasar itu dihapuskan.

Merasai tekanan orang Melayu, pada hari Jumaat 23 November 2018, Jabatan Perdana Menteri mengeluarkan kenyataan yang berbunyi:

“Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan tidak akan meratifikasi Konvensyen Antarabangsa Mengenai Penghapusan Semua Bentuk Diskriminasi Kaum (International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination – ICERD). Kerajaan akan terus mempertahankan Perlembagaan Persekutuan di mana di dalamnya termaktub kontrak soaial yang telah dipersetujui oleh wakil semua kaum semasa pembentukan negara ini.”

Dalam ucapan saya di Kongres Menolak ICERD di PWTC pada 25 Disember 2018, saya berkata, walaupun kenyataan itu memuaskan, kita perlu menerimanya dengan waspada. Ini kerana pertama Kerajaan tidak boleh memberi jaminan konvensyen itu tidak akan diratifikasikan di masa hadapan. Perdana Menteri mungkin bertukar. Malah, kita sudah pun ada Perdana Menteri menunggu. Kita tidak tahu apa pendiriannya. Jika Perdana Menteri tidak bertukar pun, mungkin tekanan terhadapnya di dalam kerajaannya sendiri, terlalu kuat hingga beliau terpaksa membuat U-turn. Semenjak 9 Mei 2018 pun, kita telah melihat beberapa kali U-turn dibuat. Satu lagi bukanlah mustahil.

Kedua, selepas itu, dua orang Menteri dan Perdana Menteri menunggu berdolak-dalik dalam Parlimen bahawa ia hanya ditangguh untuk dikaji selanjutnya. Maka, timbullah soalan: mana satu yang betul, tidak akan meratifikasi atau ditangguhkan?

Ketibaan saya dengan ambulans untuk menyampaikan ucapan di PWTC itu mengakibatkan saya menerima fitnah yang sangat jahat daripada dua orang perempuan Cina (mengikut nama dalam facebook mereka, besar kemungkinan dari kumpulan Red Beans) yang meletakkan gambar saya bersebelahan gambar Datuk Hasanah Abdul Hamid dan di atasnya diletakkan kata-kata berikut:

“No wonder he came in an ambulance to encourage the protest to go on. To save his spy daughter.” (Tidak hairanlah dia datang dengan ambulans untuk menggalakkan bantahan diteruskan. Untuk menyelamatkan anaknya, seorang spy.”

Di atas gambar saya terdapat kata-kata “Abdul Hamid ex Chief Judge, pro-Najib, angry his daughter arrested.” (“Abdul Hamid, bekas Ketua Hakim pro-Najib, marah anaknya ditangkap.”)

Di atas gambar Datuk Hasanah terdapat kata-kata “Hasanah Abdul Hamid MIEO ex chief spy arrested (pro-najib)”. (“Hasanah Abdul Hamid MIEO bekas ketua spy ditangkap (pro najib)”.

Mengikut perbezaan umur kami, jika beliau anak saya, saya kenalah berkahwin semasa berumur 12 atau 13 tahun!

Sementara semua itu berlaku, 8 Disember 2018 semakin hampir. Sambil pihak penganjur perhimpunan 812 yang terdiri daripada PAS, UMNO dan NGO-NGO Melayu/Islam sibuk membuat persediaan, penyokong-penyokong ratifikasi sibuk menabur fitnah, memperkecil dan memperbodohkan perhimpunan itu.

Dua tiga hari sebelum 8 Disember, tersibar pula berita bahawa SUHAKAM akan menganjurkan perhimpunan Hari Hak Asasi Manusia pada hari yang sama, di sebelah pagi di Petaling Jaya dan Perdana Menteri akan melancarkannya.

Itu nampak seperti satu usaha untuk menarik orang ramai daripada menghadiri perhimpunan di Dataran Merdeka itu.

Petang hari Jumaat, 7 Disember 2018, manakala bas-bas yang membawa peserta-peserta dari seluruh pelusuk Semenanjung Tanah Melayu sama ada telah sampai ke Kuala Lumpur, dalam perjalanan atau telah bertolak dan daripada maklumat yang diperolehi, boleh dianggarkarkan berapa banyak peserta yang akan hadir, maka keluarlah berita bahawa perhimpunan anjuran SUHAKAM itu ditangguhkan kepada hari Ahad, 9 Disember 2018 atas nasihat Polis dan Perdana Menteri.

8 Disember 2018 menjadi satu hari yang amat bersejarah. Mungkin berkat solat hajat ribuan peserta di atas jalan raya, hujan yang turun hampir setiap petang disertai oleh ribut dan petir itu pun “direhatkan” petang itu.

Biar berapa pun jumlah peserta yang dianggarkan, perhimpunan itu menempah sejarah dalam tiga perkara:

1. Ia adalah satu perhimpunan yang terbesar dalam sejarah negara ini;

2. Ia adalah satu perhimpunan orang Melayu yang terbesar sepanjang sejarah.

3.  Ia adalah satu perhimpunan yang paling aman dan bersih dalam sejarah negara. Tiada satu saman dikeluarkan dan tiada sekeping kertas atau satu sampah yang ditinggalkan.

Petang itu, datang satu berita baik daripada Tun Dr. Mahathir. Di sidang media selepas mesyuarat president parti-parti dalam Pakatan Harapan, beliau memberi tahu bahawa beliau tidak akan menghadiri perhimpunan anjuran SUHAKAM pagi esoknya. Alasannya sangat menarik “Kerajaan telah memutuskan tidak akan meratifikasi ICERD. SUHAKAM masih hendak meneruskannya. Bagaimana saya hendak hadir?”

Itu adalah satu kemenangan bagi perhimpunan 812.

Sambil kita boleh merasa lega seketika, kita tidak boleh leka. Ada beberapa konvensyen lagi yang perlu diberi perhatian. ICERD pun mungkin hendak diratifikasi semula di masa hadapan. SUHAKAM terang-terang berdegil ia akan terus “menasihatkan” (baca menekan) kerajaan Pakatan Harapan untuk meratifikasi kesemuanya. DAP, NGO-NGO bukan Melayu dan orang bukan Melayu tentu sebulat suara di belakang mereka. Mereka ada kepentingan diri. RUU Harmoni mungkin hendak dibawa ke Parlimen semula.

Yang nyata, apa yang berlaku hari ini adalah “kejayaan” Waytha Moorth (dan kerjaan Pakatan Harapan) dalam masa enam bulan: menyebabkan ketegangan antara kaum terburuk semenjal 13 Mei 1969, genap 50 tahun.

Saya fikir, bukan sahaja Waytha Moorty patut disingkirkan, portfolio perpaduan itu juga patut dihapuskan. Sudah lebih 200 tahun orang Cina dan India datang ke sini, tidak pernah ada ketegangan kaum antara orang Melayu dengan mereka, selain 13 Mei 1969, itu pun disebabkan oleh ahli-ahli politik. Rakyat boleh hidup dengan aman dan tenteram jika ahli politik tidak “menjolok” mereka.

Pada masa yang sama, penghasut hendaklah dibawa ke muka pengadilan tanpa mengambil kira mereka penyokong kerajaan Pakatan Harapan atau bukan. Pelaksanaan undang-undang janganlah dipolitikkan, jika mahu ianya berkesan.

10 /12 /2018

Monday, 22 July 2019

AMBank's Cheah Tek Kuang should not have been rewarded with the BToto chairmanship; should instead be formally interrogated.

Monday, September 17, 2018

AMBank's Cheah Tek Kuang should not have been rewarded with the BToto chairmanship; should instead be formally interrogated.

by Ganesh Sahathevan

Cheah Tek Kuang

The Edge reported:

The Ministry of Finance (MoF) said "actions" were taken against both AmBank bankers Joanne Yu and Cheah Tek Kuang by Bank Negara Malaysia for covering up money laundering transactions relating to 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) fund.

In its written reply to Petaling Jaya Utara Member of Parliament Tony Pua Kiam Wee, MoF said Bank Negara has undertaken investigations on financial institutions relating to 1MDB under Financial Services Act 2013, Islamic Financial Services Act 2013, and Anti Money Laundering Act 2001. However, MoF did not say what those actions were.

What the MOF omitted was the fact that Cheah, after leaving AMBank, was rewarded with the chairmanship of Berjaya Sports Toto.

While at AMBank he oversaw lending to the Berjaya Group which was not without problems.

This writer had this to say in 2012 , in a note to associates, when Cheah left AMBank for BToto:

Cheah Tek Kuang, the recently retired MD of AmBank Group Bhd (AMMB), has been appointed chairman of Berjaya Sports Toto Bhd (BToto), a company within the Berjaya Group controlled by Malaysian businessman Vincent Tan. BToto is essentially the cash cow upon which Tan's business interests, including the Berjaya Group, are built.

When ANZ announced its AMMB investment in 2006 this writer reported that ANZ is going to have to wear AMMB's customer relationships which given Malaysia's closely knit political and business structures are not always commercial. This writer showed that AMMB's merchant banking, stock trading and retail banking subsidiaries had been for a long time principal bankers to the Berjaya Group , that AMMB had an unhealthy exposure to the group, and noted then that AMMB could not afford to let Berjaya fail.

ANZ was expected to impose a better risk management regime at AMMB but 3 years later, in 2009 we reported that despite its denials AmBank had mysteriously emerged as the owner of a 43 per cent stake in U Mobile, a telco controlled by Vincent Tan.

AmBank's denials were made in the face of a disclosure to Bursa Malaysia (the Malaysian Stock Exchange) by Multi-Purpose Holdings Berhad. In documents filed at the Exchange Multi-Purpose disclosed that it had an agreement with AmBank to acquire a 43 per cent stake in U Mobile.Given AMMB's non-disclosure of its exposure it could not be determined how its bottom line was affected.

In 2010 AMMB underwrote the IPO of Berjaya Retail Bhd , company of the group. In announcing the IPO Tan said that he would raise about RM 50 million which would be used for expansion. Yet just seven months after the listing in August 2010 Tan moved to privatise the company. His manoeuvre holds the record by a country mile for the fastest IPO listed on the Malaysian Exchange that has then been privatised. The IPO had been reported to be over-subscribed 17.52 times and so it would seem that AMMB would not have been exposed to BRetail stock. However the fall in share price below the RM 0.50 offer price and low volumes traded seem incongruent with the story of strong investor demand.

It is against this backdrop that Cheah has been appointed Berjaya Toto chairman.He remains non-executive director of AMMB subsidiaries AmBank (M) BhdAmInvestment Bank Bhd and AmIslamic Bank Bhd.

Cheah i has since been  replaced by Tan Sri Tan Kok Ping.

Former MD Tan Kok Ping is back at Berjaya Sports Toto as chairman

Syahirah Syed Jaafar


August 01, 2018 19:08 pm +08


KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 1): Berjaya Sports Toto Bhd (BToto) has appointed Tan Sri Tan Kok Ping as non-independent and non-executive chairman of the group effective immediately, replacing Cheah Tek Kuang who has resigned.

Tan was previously the managing director and deputy chairman of BToto from 1992 to 2001. Currently, he is the executive chairman and major shareholder of Magni-Tech Industries Bhd.

In a filing with Bursa Malaysia today, BToto said Cheah, 71, has tendered his resignation, citing his desire to pursue other interests.

According to BToto's Annual Report 2017, Cheah was appointed to the board of the group on July 25, 2012 as the chairman.

He is presently an independent non-executive director of IOI Corporation Bhd, UMW Oil & Gas Corp Bhd and Eco World International Bhd. He is also a director of Yayasan Bursa Malaysia.

Cheah was appointed a Justice of Peace by the Sultan of Selangor in 1999.

In a separate filing, the group said Tan, 71, has more than 40 years of experience in various business sectors which include property development, manufacturing of consumer electronics, garment, corrugated and plastic packaging products.

Tan has also served as non-executive chairman of Berjaya Retail Bhd, chairman of Penang Joint Chambers of Commerce and deputy president of The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia.

He also sits on the board of a subsidiary of Berjaya Land Bhd, as well as in several other private limited companies. He is the executive adviser and former president of the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

BToto shares closed up one sen or 0.42% to RM2.37 today, with 225,200 shares done, bringing it a market capitalisation of RM3.21 billion.

Posted by Ganesh Sahathevan at 7:14 AM 

Strong-arm tactics don’t work anymore, Dr M

Strong-arm tactics don’t work anymore, Dr M

The Pakatan Harapan (PH) leadership is under severe stress. Many challenging issues, new and old, continue to dog the PH government.

Some are inherited, and some are created by external forces including the opposition.

Others, meanwhile, are self-inflicted.

Let us just focus on two raging issues: Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s call to Malay parties to join PPBM, and the gay sex videos allegedly involving Mohamed Azmin Ali.

Mahathir said he found more and more Malay parties being formed, which reduces their chances of winning elections.

When asked whether there would be objections from PH component parties, he effectively said it was not their problem to worry about.

That is a rather high-handed approach to be taken by a prime minister who heads the ruling coalition. The disregard for the views of component parties is not in keeping with the spirit of the coalition or its raison d’etre.

Does Mahathir think that the esprit de corps expected of each party is no longer relevant now that he is safely entrenched in power?

In essence, the call is directed at all Malay political parties. It would therefore mean that it is also directed to PKR and Amanah.

But is Mahathir also expecting these two parties to disband and join PPBM? It would make perfect sense if the call was meant to stir only the Umno and PAS hornets, as they are a troubling opposition.

But to also direct it at component parties is not only politically incorrect but insensitive.

What does it mean to PKR and Amanah?

Khalid Samad was probably being polite when he responded by saying that to bring all Malay parties under one umbrella is easier said than done. Mohamad Sabu was his usual pliant self, agreeing with everything Mahathir does or says.

Mahathir should remember how difficult it was for the relevant stakeholders to bring PH into being. A lot of effort, time and sacrifices were needed. The pains and sorrows of the past had to be forgotten and forgiven to enable the coalition to forge ahead.

Everybody was prepared to put aside personal issues for the sake of the larger agenda of the nation and people.

Now, after all that, it is surely not up to one person, not even Mahathir as an iconic leader, to decide how to go from here.

Anwar Ibrahim has good reason to be concerned over Mahathir’s call. He, too, tried his best to downplay it, saying that Mahathir as the PPBM chairman has the right to decide what political strategy to adopt for his party.

But as the head of PH, Mahathir has to explain the meaning of his call to top leaders of component parties.

Nothing substantive was reported about the PH presidential council meeting. We are left to presume that nothing came out of it.

Then, there is still no closure to the gay sex saga allegedly involving Azmin. At the outset of the police investigations, police chief Abdul Hamid Bador made it clear that the investigations were primarily to determine the authenticity of the clips.

Months have passed, and the police appear to be dragging their feet, unable or unwilling to make a finding on the matter whereas many independent forensic experts have long made their conclusions.

People are beginning to question the credibility and integrity of Hamid, who came to office with a grand promise to abide by the rule of law, and a crusade to clean up the force.

Is this turning out to be a sad case of a wishful cop who came into office with plenty of promises, with sound and fury signifying nothing?

Or is he serving the agenda of certain political masters through the manner in which he is handling the case?

Police investigations now seem to focus on the people who produced and distributed the videos, a secondary plot to the whole issue. The recent arrests raised more questions than answers.

Hamid started to show his displeasure when probed further by the media on the latest turn of events. He has no right to do so.

The 2018 general election was the culmination of the work-in-progress by the then-opposition since its early days. It would be wrong for Mahathir and those around him to think too highly of their contributions to the victory.

Likewise for Mahathir critics, it would be wrong for them to think that they could have pulled off the success without Mahathir at the helm.

The truth is, PH needed the contributions of all its component parties and their leaders to make it successful.

The fact is, even before Mahathir joined the fray at the late stage, PH was already doing fine. In 2008, the opposition managed to deny Barisan Nasional its two-thirds majority. In 2013, its popular votes were more than BN’s.

BN was ready for the taking at the subsequent election.

So when Mahathir made an appeasement with Anwar, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Mat Sabu and other political foes to establish PH, it was the final piece needed in the jigsaw puzzle to bring down the old order. This Herculean feat was made possible through the combined efforts of all.

Now is not the time for any one party or leader to act as he pleases or according to his whims and fancies to the exclusion of other stakeholders.

All parties must adopt a more pragmatic attitude wherein they recognise the larger purpose of PH.

Leaders, no matter how powerful and mighty, must not allow themselves to be carried away by delusions of grandeur.

Time is no longer on Mahathir’s side. He can no longer afford to play too much politics. Instead, he must focus on addressing the problems of the nation.

He must not allow himself to be sidetracked by intra-party politics or a desire to have a stranglehold on power. He should not ride roughshod over the other component parties of PH with the strong-arm tactics of old, but must respect them and not encroach on their respective turfs.

Mahathir must forget his call for all Malay parties to join PPBM, especially if it means to include the ruling parties.

At the same time, he must quickly step in to resolve the gay sex scandal. People expect him to show decisive leadership. This issue has become both criminal and political. He must not allow his personal agenda to dictate his actions.

Mahathir must do what is right and what is expected of him if he wants the people to continue respecting him as the numero uno of the nation.

Do not wait for the people to rise up in an open rebellion. The results would be devastating for all.

The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of FMT.


JUL 21 2019


TUN Dr Mahathir was actually inviting ridiculous remarks and responses when he said how Umno today only accepts memberships among the fools. He seems to have forgotten the era of 22 years he fooled the Malays in Umno and made some of them his stooges.

I was a journalist (I became one a few months before he became Umno president and prime minister) when he took over from Tun Hussein Onn, whom he described as a nice person in his 'A Doctor in The House'. He mentioned nothing about how he led a pact to pressure Hussein to step down n 1977 (according to Dato Harun Idris jotting in his Diary in Prison).

As the president, he ruled the party under a doctrine of 'fear the bosses', thus shutting doors to young and emerging professional leaders to contest any position, unless they got a blessing from him or his inner circle. It was during his tenure that saw the youth joining Pas and other parties because the door to political pinnacle in Umno was slammed, airtight.

That made him the king. His 22-year 'stint' in Umno saw him met with almost no contention, except when Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah tried to oust him as the president in 1987. This has led to Ku Li forming Semangat 46 together with some Umno seniors who were blase with Dr M's dictatorial leadership.

It was after the 1986 incident that saw how the No.1 and No.2 seats remained unopposed, an undemocratic decision opposed by the minority but reluctantly approved by the majority. In this way, only the president was solidly fortified. As for the rest, they had to bank on hopes, popularity and money.

When he said that Umno today only accepts the fools, it actually goes back to his time. His dictator-style of managing Umno was overshadowed by his success in administering the country as a prime minister. But then, only the riches got richer and the Malay/Bumiputera agenda didn't really achieve its objectives.

As I recall, nobody dared to contest his decision but to abide by his serenade. Although not everybody share the same note with him, they just sit back in order to safeguard their positions and interest. I don't have to detail out how he managed to overturn the 'rebellion' after using his presidential power to appoint Sanusi Junid as Kedah mentri besar in 1996).

He was untouchable. Even the Council of Rulers couldn't do much. Umno became an association of fools when every each and single member was made to 'come down on their knee', adopting every decision and action he made.

Umno also couldn't do much when seeing so many graduates and youth joined Pas because the Islamic party was declared an enemy by Mahathir. No way that the young professionals could find a place and solace in Umno when the top seniors and veterans were also squabbling for position.

So, why only now that he said Umno is a party of fools? Why only now that he realised how important to hear the voice of youth in the party? Had they were allowed to contest all posts in Umno then, Mahathr would not last two terms as the president.

But all this was done to safeguard his position in Umno and the Central Government. His close aides too were hoping that he would stay long enough for them to 'grab whatever available to make them rich'. That's explain the shock and 'grief' when he announced with crocodile tears of the intention to retire during the 2002 general assembly.

I do not wish to write longer. However, I would like to tell him nicely that Umno since Abdullah Badawi, Najib Razak and Zahid Hamidi is a party which looks into the importance of youth in nation-building, recognising their talent and effort and giving them more places in the party and civil sector.

Please do not try to create a diversion from the Sandakan case, the white lies by the Cabinet on the many aspects of the economy and other matters, Anwar as the next PM and the intention to have Mukhriz instead of Anwar.

The Malays in Umno now are more alert and more aware of the surrounding, with regards your PH government and its blunders. Just concentrate on your legacy for the rich and famous instead of making foolish remarks about others.

Get your Cabinet ministers to set a world standard in their respective portfolio. You had your long time with riding Umno, some still love and respect you. Some may still remember, some may not but you remember all that took place in Umno since 1981-2003.

By the way, did you write anything in your time capsule, supposed to be opened last year? Why didn't you open it?

Posted 15 hours ago by bujai

Bring in the logic and senses, please!

NAZRI Aziz and Khairy Jamaluddin are the two most outspoken in Umno. They could be right and wrong at the same time but they must be able to suit the moment and occasion. Umno doesn't need 'yesmen' to recap the glorious of the past for it needs positive differing views too.

Their frustration over Umno and Barisan Nasional loses in the 14th general election is substantiated on the 1MDB scandal which both solely blame former prime minister Najib Razak, who faces multiple court cases.

While most members and analysts are of the stand that 'a man is innocent until proven guilty', they are fast to pass own verdict that Najib is guilty, and thus not qualified to hold any positions in Umno or Barisan Nasional. With his appointment as chairman to BN's advisory council, they foresee more torrid time ahead of any possible victory in the next poll.

KJ, for instance, argued that Najib will become a liability for BN and Umno, the same anecdote that he applied on president Zahid Hamidi. To him, 'the clean and perfect leaders' must prevail in the party, and not those who are facing legal battle and personalised issues.

After losing Umno presidential to Zahid in July 30 last year, KJ has gone around claiming the party needs changes and people like him are more capable of injecting new ideas to the grassroots and Malaysians.

Maybe he is in deniable syndrome by rejecting suggestions that the Youth wing, under his stewardship before GE14, had failed to embrace the young voters and bring them closer to Umno. Unlike DAP, PKR, Bersatu and Amanah which embarked on programs to entice them, Umno Youth has been quite complacent.

Nazri too. He enjoyed the confidence fed to him by his political cadres, took for granted the alarm before GE14.

However, the latest vendetta against Najib and Zahid doesn't augur well amid 'penyatuan ummah' between Umno and Pas. I am not very sure if they are against it too because it seems that they are not interested in the Malay unity.

They keep on sharpening their knives against Zahid and Najib when they are supposed to cease, at least temporarily, and help them party to regain strength as preparations for the next general election, which may come as early as next year.

They may have a valid point about Najib. They may have strong foundation to have Najib and Zahid replaced. But party election is still two years away. Except for Nazri who had never went against Zahid, KJ is more adamant in getting a new president. The question is, who? He himself?

Zahid plays a leading role in Umno-Pas political collaboration, which has shown results in Cameron Highlands, Semenyih and Rantau. Unless KJ is more focus on his personal campaign to become Umno president, or even to jump ship (as some analysts have put it), that's his problem.

Nonetheless, I believe Umno needs both of them in playing some parts of its struggle, mainly in fortifying it for GE15 and not to dig up more holes in the wall.

The best option for them now is to sit down with Zahid for the sake of Umno, and also with Najib to stress out their professional arguments as to substantiate their grounds of objection. There could be some light herein because venting their anger in the open forum is not a conduct of wisdom.

Being vocal is good and acceptable but it must come with clear mind. We can turn up as heroes should we abide by the right attitude.

Zahid is not having much difficulties since come back to office on July 30. Najib's role in BN needs to be addressed eloquently and with proper explanation. I hope both of them come to their sense and have trust in dialogues.

Umno and BN are no longer the government. To shake and tear it apart is not in their mind, I believe. If they take a serious thought on unity, come forward. If not, just continue being the facilitators of Pakatan Harapan government!

Isn't Umno still your party? That's what you have claimed!

Posted 1 week ago by bujai


Cheapskate reporting by Straits Times and Mkini

IT WAS a loosened analysis by the Straits Times on Umno and about Tok Mat and Khaled Nordin forming up a team to oust Zahid Hamidi as the party president. The 'stupid' analysis too reflects how shallow the writer's mind is on politics.

But still, I don't blame the newspaper except for the mentality of the editor who approved such a rubbish story.

Ever since Pakatan Harapan came to power, ST keeps to its 'supporting the legitimate government of Malaysia' editorial policy. We understand that. Its for survival but to print such a low quality analysis is far beyond comprehension.

Or does ST share PH politics to wreck Umno and the Opposition? That had never happened under Barisan Nasional and I understand that they were 'advised' not to give much highlights on Umno activities.

Hey, don't blame them solely because they are obeying the index fingers from Putrajaya.

Anyway, such a 'naughty' effort to wedge a war within 'Umno clans' is deplorable. Either ST or any other media, reporting without solid and factual background is unprofessional. I learnt that, and that's exactly what I did when I was with them.

Umno can always take them to task for trying to pit Zahid and Tok Mat. I guess Khaled Nordin did the right move by producing a rebuttal statement in MalaysiaKini (which earlier took the cue from ST story and even did some spinning).

I believe in political agenda. ST has its own, Mkini writers have theirs too but what ST did was a bit overboard. Maybe it happened on a 'dry day' of Ramadan where political and other stories are scarce. But they are in Singapore, and that puzzled me!

However, we must be responsible in news production. By printing stories with no credibility for the sake on filling up the pages, is something we should avoid. My friends in ST and other media understand this. Please give it a special attention.

At least print more photos on the dry day! I don't have to tell you guys what to do because we were in this business together.

Maybe I should tell Mkini to spin more professionally. Don't just produce a garbage-type story to shatter the party and fall totally under Pakatan's dictation. Be more responsible. What's most important is, don't be a cheapskate!

Posted 31st May by bujai


Saturday, 20 July 2019

Rakyat jangan terpengaruh dengan KJ, Nazri

TAN Sri Annuar Musax perlu bagi amaran kepada mana-mana ahli UMNO yang membuat kacau di dalam parti sehingga boleh mengelirukan akar umbi, kata Datin Hajar Abdul Rahman.

Ketua Wanita UMNO Bahagian Batu Pahat itu berkata, ada akar umbi terutamanya di kawasan kampung keliru tindakan segelintir pemimpin UMNO mengeluarkan kenyataan yang mengkritik sesama sendiri.

Mengambil contoh isu Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz mencabar UMNO untuk memecatnya, Hajar berkata, Ahli Parlimen Padang Rengas itu sepatutnya keluar sendiri jika sudah tidak suka dengan parti.

“Kenapa kita nak dengar kehendak Nazri, sedangkan yang kuatkan UMNO ini adalah akar umbi.

“Sepatutnya Nazri kena dengar kehendak akar umbi.

“Tetapi apa pun tindakan Setiausaha Agung (Annuar Musa), (beliau) kena ambil satu pendekatan yang tidak merosakan pemahaman akar umbi.

“Pada masa yang sama bagi amaran kepada orang-orang yang suka mengacau,” katanya ketika dihubungi NTHQiBord.

Sehubungan itu, Hajar menasihatkan akar umbi tidak perlu keliru dengan pendirian Nazri apabila menyatakan sokongan kepada Presiden PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Jelasnya, Nazri sendiri tidak membantu UMNO selepas kalah Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14), sebaliknya membenam lagi parti Melayu itu.

Malah Hajar berkata, Nazri pada awalnya tidak suka dengan kerjasama UMNO-PAS, tetapi lebih suka kepada DAP dan PKR.

“Kita mahu hendak orang yang ada kemuliaan untuk lakukan ‘turnaround’, daripada tak suka kepada suka.

“Jadi bila rakyat dah mula suka kepada kita, apa masalahnya?” katanya.

Hajar berkata, akar umbi tidak perlu melayan kerenah Nazri yang boleh memberi kesan negatif kepada UMNO.

Katanya, tindakan Nazri sebenarnya mengganggu keharmonian parti dan ahli UMNO diingatkan supaya menjauhi pemimpin seperti ini.

“Pada saya bukan kerana Tan Sri Annuar tidak ambil tindakan, kerana UMNO tidak perlu memecat sesiapa.

“Kalau orang tu tak suka, biarlah dia yang pergi, tak perlu libatkan ramai orang, hanya libatkan dia seorang,” katanya. – NTHQiBord, 20 Julai 2019.

Rakyat jangan terpengaruh dengan KJ, Nazri

SETIAP orang berhak menyuarakan pandangan dan pendapat masing-masing, kata Ketua Penerangan UMNO Kedah, Datuk Suraya Yaakob.

Namun beliau berharap rakyat tidak akan terpengaruh sikap yang ditunjukkan Ahli Parlimen Padang Rengas, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz dan Ahli Parlimen Rembau, Khairy Jamaluddin.

Baru-baru ini, Nazri dan Khairy meluahkan rasa tidak puas hati terhadap pelantikan Datuk Seri Najib Razak sebagai Pengerusi Lembaga Penasihat Barisan Nasional (BN) sehingga menggugat keharmonian UMNO.

Namun bagi Suraya, Nazri dan Khairy tidak sepatutnya menunjukkan sikap sedemikian secara terbuka sehingga mengundang suasana negatif terhadap parti.

“Mengikut undang-undang mereka ada hak untuk bersuara dan terpulang mahu bercakap mengenai apa,” katanya.

“Bagi saya, kalau soal parti biarlah ia kekal di dalam parti sahaja, tak perlu libatkan orang luar,” katanya kepada NTHQiBord.

Suraya berkata, setiap orang berhak memilih siapa yang mereka suka dan berhak menyatakan persetujuan ataupun tidak.

“Semua orang ada pandangan masing-masing, tak semua orang yang suka pada kita dan akan bersetuju dengan kita.

“Biasalah kalau ada yang bersuara lebih sikit,” ujarnya.

Namun Suraya berharap apa yang berlaku di dalam parti itu tidak akan memberi kesan kepada suara rakyat.

“Kita cuma berdoalah supaya ia tidak memberi kesan kepada parti dan rakyat.

“Rakyat tak boleh terpengaruh dengan (situasi) ini dan oleh itu kita kena anggap itu pandangan peribadi seseorang,” katanya. – NTHQiBord, 20 Julai 2019.I