Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Saya bukan sebahagian plot anti-Najib, kata Khairuddin berhubung laporan 1MDB

Saya bukan sebahagian plot anti-Najib, kata Khairuddin berhubung laporan 1MDB


 Ana Ghoib



Timbalan Ketua Umno Bahagian Batu Kawan Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan kesal kerana Umno tidak dapat melihat secara positif tindakannya membuat laporan polis terhadap 1MDB syarikat yang merupakan idea Najib itu. – Gambar The Malaysian Insider


Menafikan beliau sebahagian daripada plot dalaman Umno untuk melemahkan presiden parti dan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, ketua bahagian parti yang membuat laporan polis terhadap 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) berkata beliau bertindak bersendirian.

Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan, timbalan ketua Umno bahagian Batu Kawan berkata beliau tidak bertindak bagi pihak orang lain dalam membuat laporan terhadap dana yang dibebani hutang, di mana Najib adalah pengerusi.

Khairuddin menegaskan tiada siapa berada di belakangnya dalam apa yang beliau sifatkan sebagai “perjuangan peribadi untuk kebenaran”.

“Saya nak nyatakan dengan jelas (sebelum ini). Saya bertindak sendirian berdasarkan prinsip saya sendiri … saya berdiri sendiri dalam hal ini,” katanya kepada The Malaysian Insider hari ini.

Khairuddin, dilaporkan penyokong kuat Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang lantang dalam kritikan beliau terhadap Najib dan dana berkenaan, berkata beliau hanya bertindak demi kepentingan awam.

Membuat laporan polis terhadap 1MDB, tiada kaitan dengan Umno, presiden atau mana-mana menteri kewangan, kata ahli perniagaan itu yang bersama Umno selama lebih 25 tahun.




Khairuddin adalah sepupu kepada Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan penerbit buku kontroversi “50 Dalil Kenapa Anwar Ibrahim Tidak Boleh Jadi PM” yang digunakan terhadap Anwar sebelum pemecatannya daripada kerajaan dan tuduhan liwat pada 1998.

Dalam laporan polis pada hari Jumaat, Khairuddin meminta siasatan “terperinci dan menyeluruh”, menggesa pihak berkuasa menyoal siasat pengarah dan wakil daripada mana-mana syarikat yang mungkin terlibat dalam skandal 1MDB.

Katanya, beliau membuat laporan terhadap syarikat dan lembaga pengarahnya selepas mengkaji pelbagai laporan dalam media cetak nasional dan antarabangsa serta media online yang “jelas terbukti” terdapat kelemahan dalam pengurusan dana pembayar cukai 1MDB.

1MDB – idea Najib – dana kekayaan negara kedua selepas Khazanah Nasional Bhd. Syarikat itu baru-baru ini mendapat perhatian selepas beberapa pemimpin pembangkang mendedahkan hutang dana yang besar, tawaran tanah meragukan dan kerahsiaan ke atas urusannya.


Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, secara terbuka mengkritik Najib dan mempersoalkan dana, meminta Putrajaya menerangkan bagaimana 1MDB memberi manfaat kepada rakyat Malaysia kerana ia menanggung RM38 bilion hutang dalam tempoh hanya lima tahun beroperasi.

Selain Dr Mahathir, kritikan terhadap Najib dan dana juga datang daripada blogger pro-Umno, paling menonjol wartawan veteran Datuk A. Kadir Jasin, yang melaporkan Dr Mahathir sangat bimbang sehingga mengadakan mesyuarat dengan para pegawai atasan 1MDB serta menyoal sendiri mereka.

Khairuddin berkata beliau sedih Umno Pulau Pinang tidak dapat memahami mengapa beliau membuat laporan terhadap syarikat swasta itu.

Beliau berkata, ia mengecewakan apabila kepimpinan parti negeri mengarahkan bahagianya untuk membincangkan tentang beliau dan apa yang dilakukannya.

“Beribu-ribu orang, termasuk pemimpin pelajar, mengucapkan tahniah kepada saya kerana apa yang saya lakukan.

“Jika seorang ahli Umno boleh melakukan sesuatu seperti ini, mereka tidak fikir ia memberi cahaya positif kepada parti dan membawa belia kembali dan menyokong Umno?” katanya, sambil menambah tidak faham mengapa beliau diberi tekanan sebegitu rupa kerana melakukan sesuatu yang baik untuk orang ramai.

“Adakah salah bagi saya melakukannya sebagai pembayar cukai, atau warganegara yang bertanggungjawab? Tanya semua keldai itu. Adakah ia salah? Adakah ia sepatutnya peranan seorang ahli politik untuk melindungi kepentingan rakyat?

“Saya hanya meminta semak dan seimbang sebuah syarikat swasta. Adakah kita bukan sebuah negara demokratik? Mereka begitu emosi dan tidak rasional. Saya tidak tahu mengapa. Saya tidak faham,” katanya.

Khairuddin juga berkata beliau bercakap dengan setiausaha parti negeri Datuk Musa Sheikh Fadzir dan Setiausaha Agung parti Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor semalam dan kedua-duanya menasihati beliau supaya menarik balik laporan polis yang dibuat.

“Tetapi pendirian saya jelas. Saya berjuang untuk rakyat. Hati nurani saya jelas. Kita perlu tadbir urus yang baik dalam syarikat-syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC).

“Saya rasa ia adalah bijak membiarkan polis menyiasat. Jika hasil siasatan menunjukkan semua adalah baik, maka saya akan menerima dengan hati terbuka,” katanya.

Khairuddin berkata beliau juga bersedia menghadapi sebarang akibat daripada Umno, sambil menambah: ” Saya menjawab kepada Allah SWT. Yang lain tidak menjadi hal.”

Beliau berkata sedang memikirkan untuk melepaskan jawatan parti supaya boleh bertindak atas kapasiti sendiri, dan tidak membebankan rakan-rakannya di bahagian ini, dan parti sama ada di peringkat negeri dan kebangsaan.

“Saya sudah berfikir mahu meletakkan jawatannya sebagai naib ketua bahagian. Saya tidak mahu Umno terlibat.”

Semalam, Umno Pulau Pinang menegaskan tidak bertanggungjawab dengan tindakan Khairuddin, berkata beliau bertindak dengan sendiri. Hari ini, Astro Awani melaporkan Timbalan Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno negeri Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican berkata Umno Pulau Pinang tidak akan tergesa-gesa mengambil tindakan ke atas Khairuddin.

“Kami tidak akan tergesa-gesa kerana Umno adalah sebuah parti demokratik. Kami akan menilai sama ada terdapat apa-apa pelanggaran disiplin.

“Jika terdapat suatu pelanggaran tatatertib, bukan sahaja dia (Khairuddin) tetapi tindakan akan diambil terhadap semua orang,” kata ahli Parlimen Kepala Batas itu dipetik sebagai berkata awal hari ini.

Sejam selepas Khairuddin membuat laporan itu, 1MDB mengeluarkan kenyataan pada malam Jumaat dengan mengatakan laporan itu tidak mempunyai asas undang-undang. Ia juga mengalu-alukan sebarang penyiasatan mengenai hal ehwal dan peluang untuk menangkis tuduhan berniat jahat. Malaysian Insider

Stop the play-acting in Perwaja scandal


Stop the play-acting in Perwaja scandal

Kim Quek   

Published: 17 Jun 2002, 8:59 am   
Modified: 29 Jan 2008, 6:21 pm

The public has been entertained to another round of wayang kulit(shadow plays) in the long running saga to cover up the RM10 billion Perwaja Steel scandal.

We have firstly Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad telling the world in a joint press conference from Switzerland (June 10) that he had finally obtained assurance of help from the Swiss government to unlock the secretive RM76 million fund which was illegally siphoned off from Perwaja Steel.

This statement dishonestly implied that Malaysia never had such cooperation from the Swiss in the past. However, the truth is that the Swiss authorities had actually given all the information and documents that Malaysia asked for as early as in May last year.

Then, we have the New Straits Times trumpeting the above Mahathir announcement in a headline splash (June 13), which has the dual effect of not only reinforcing the above deception, but also staging the grand illusion that the nailing down of this RM76 million fund is about all there is to the entire Perwaja scandal.

Whereas, the truth is that this RM76 million fund forms only a tiny portion (less than 1 percent) of the staggering RM10,000 million losses from the public coffers under scandalous circumstances, and should therefore never have taken centre-stage.

Perhaps the prime minister has underestimated the people's memory. It was only in March this year that the Swiss authorities gave a sharp rebuttal to the PM's attempt to scapegoat the Swiss for the Anti-Corruption Agency's (ACA) failure to crack the Perwaja scandal.

Prior to this, in a question-and-answer session with students in London on Feb 26, Mahathir tried to justify ACA's impotency to find any culprit over the six long years of prolonged investigations by pointing the finger at the Swiss authorities, accusing the latter of refusing to divulge details of the relevant bank account.

This allegation drew a prompt denial from the spokesman of the Swiss Justice Department, Folco Galli, who stated in a German language newspaper on March 1 that documents relating to two relevant bank accounts — one in Geneva and another in Zurich — had been given to the Malaysian authority in May last year. Galli disclosed that the Malaysian authority had never requested for these accounts to be frozen, in spite of being given the relevant details.

In a follow-up statement from Kuala Lumpur towards end March, the local Swiss Consul Ulrich Schlaesli reiterated that the Swiss Justice Department had "responded to all requests in a fast and uncomplicated manner". Schlaesli added that the Swiss authorities had even received expressions of gratitude from Malaysian officials for the former's speedy response.

The ball was therefore at Mahathir's feet. Did he or did he not lie when he said ACA's efforts had been frustrated by the Swiss' non-cooperation?

Regrettably, Mahathir has not responded to the above Swiss statements, despite public requests for him to do so, giving the unmistakable impression that he had been untruthful.

That impression was further strengthened when none other than Switzerland President Kasper Villiger himself disclosed in the same joint press conference with Mahathir on June 10 that since 30 years ago, the secrecy laws have ceased to apply to funds accrued through corruption and other criminal means, debunking the myth routinely churned out by Malaysian officials that Switzerland's strict banking secrecy laws have been obstructing Malaysian investigators.

As such, Villiger further stressed, secrecy laws had not been a hindrance to Malaysia gaining the information it was seeking with respect to the funds concerned.

The Perwaja Steel scandal is a fiasco of immense gravity and dimensions. It is the largest, causing the nation to suffer a loss in excess of one tenth of the national budget. These losses were caused by massive mismanagement and widespread frauds of staggering proportions, sustained over many years, most of which falling under the autocratic reign of a Mahathir crony Eric Chia.

This colossal disaster more than symbolises the ruling Barisan Nasional government's corrupt and inefficient administration, it drags the prime minister's name through the mud, from which he has not exonerated himself.

Former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim lodged a police report on 22nd July 1999 (Report No 19625/1999) naming Mahathir as the virtual head of Eric Chia's scandal ridden administration.

Anwar stated in the report:

"Eric Chia in fact repeatedly claimed that his actions had the support and under the directions of the Prime Minister Dato Seri Dr Mahathir. And this is further substantiated with letters written by the prime minister himself. With the so-called mandate, the Board was sidelined, tender procedures were blatantly ignored and there were questionable, 'unsatisfactory' payments made to certain parties".

Mahathir has not, to date, answered the above charges. Neither the police nor ACA nor the AG has taken any action on this police report.

Considering the peculiar political background that surrounds this scandal, it is little wonder that not a single prosecution has resulted from the years of investigations by the various law enforcing agencies, despite the existence of what must have been hundreds of criminal cases which took place while Perwaja's losses continued to climb to monstrous proportions.

These huge public debt, together with the condonation of high crimes against the state, will surely have such immeasurable adverse impact on the nation that its reverberations will continue to haunt this nation for many years to come.

Meanwhile, the authorities will continue to work hand-in-glove with the mass media to produce wayang kulit to hide the ugly mountain with a mole-hill and shield the main culprits from proper exposure. And naturally, the audience is expected to cheer the heroes on in oblivious innocence.

The Perwaja Steel Saga

Posted on 27 June 2007 - 08:23am

KUALA LUMPUR (June 26, 2007): After an expensive three-year criminal breach of trust (CBT) trial, the prosecution's case against Tan Sri Eric Chia Eng Hock collapsed today, negated by its own evidence and crippled by its failure to call essential witnesses.

Sessions Court judge Akhtar Tahir said this of the prosecution in acquitting and discharging the 74-year-old former Perwaja Steel boss of a RM76.4 million embezzlement charge without calling for his defence.

"In this case, the court was deprived of making the maximum evaluation on whether the prosecution has proven a prima facie case as the material witness were not even called," he said.

"For all the reasons outlined, I have decided that the prosecution has failed in proving a prima facie case against the accused in both the main and alternative charge."

Chia, who was also former managing director of Perwaja Rolling Mill and Development Sdn Bhd, was charged with dishonestly authorising the payment of RM76.4 million into the account of Frilsham Enterprise Incorporated with American Express Bank Ltd in Hongkong for technical assistance, when no such payment was due.

Alternatively, he was charged with dishonestly disposing of the funds by entering into an agreement with NKK Corporation and authorising the payment of the amount without the approval of the board of directors or tender committee of Perwaja Rolling Mill and Development.

Chia told reporters he had no cause to celebrate the court decision as the case had "ruined my family", his children had gone to work overseas and that his friends had deserted him.

Earlier, Akhtar said the prosecution's documents, and the sequence of information in the documents, go against its own contention.

"The prosecution's case was also not supported by its own witness who testified that payment had to be made before the commencement of technical assistance," he said.

He also wondered why the prosecution did not pursue two important witnesses who could have provided crucial pieces of evidence.

È then company secretary R.R. Durai Rajasingam who drafted the technical assistance agreements regarding the RM76.4 million payment, and took down minutes of the board meeting, as he was the best person to testify if the technical assistance agreement was submitted or not.

"Since (Durai) Rajasingam was not called, the court could not make a decision on the matter."

NKK Corporation general manager N. Otani, whose signature in the letter claiming for the payment was allegedly forged.

Akhtar said Otani would have been the best person to verify his signature and without that, the court had to fall back on the chemist evidence which was not strong or conclusive.

Akhtar also said the conduct of Chia at the time of event did not indicate that he was trying to cover his tracks, as he would not have made a written endorsement if the payment was not due.

"If he wanted to cover his tracks, he would have done so then and not a year later," said Akhtar.

Chia was represented by Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah while senior Deputy Public Prosecutor Datuk Yusof Zainal Abiden and DPP Nordin Hassan prosecuted.

Short takes:

Chia's counsel Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah said: "The irony of the situation is this - every document produced by the prosecution supports the defence.

"Assuming you forget all witnesses, and just tender the document - Tan Sri is acquitted- just on the document," he said.

"So from the begining we wondered why the charge was ever brought in this case."

Muhammad Shafee was interruped at this juncture by Chia who likened the prosecution to blind men playing cricket.

"They couldn't see the ball, they couldn't see the stick, they couldn't see the direction so if you send blind men to play cricket this is what will happen," he said.

"I will not be surprised if they will appeal at this moment," Muhammad Shafee said.

It was not an easy case because there was a lot of prejudice and spinning of contents of the document by the procecution, said Muhammad Shafee.

"My frank opinion that this case was not politically motivated, but I think there has been a great deal of pressure because this case has been there forever," he said.

"But we knew from the begining there was no case," said Muhammed Shafee who admitted that he was prejudiced against Chia's case based on the news reports he had read due to the spinning of the story.

"But when I came in and looked at the documents, I was pleasantly surprised that I have more than an arguable case," he said.

Chia turns philosophical

Ex-Perwaja Steel MD speaks of oil and water, his family ... and God

KUALA LUMPUR (June 26, 2007): Former Perwaja Steel managing director Tan Sri Eric Chia Eng Hock turned philosophical in trying to describe what had happened to him in the last 11 years.

"When there is oil and water mixed together it is murky. If you wait for a while, the oil will float. You understand my meaning?" he told reporters who had approached him for a response to the court decision which was in his favour.

Chia, who was acquitted and discharged from criminal breach of trust (CBT) charges, said the accusations and case against him caused the break-up of his family and resulted in him losing a lot of friends.

Sitting in the lawyers gallery after the hearing, Chia likened his situation to oil and water.

Asked if he was going to celebrate the court's decision, he gave an emphatic "no", saying the case had "ruined my family".

"Because of what happened, my son left to work in the US, my daughter in Hongkong, and I live alone," he said.

Asked why they left, he said: "Shame, because of shame."

"Go to Hongkong, nobody knows her, go to US nobody knows him. Don't you think I broke my family?" asked Chia.

He said he now meets them only once a year and speaks to them over the phone once a month.

"So, whoever made the slander will have to pay someday," he said.

Asked if he was worried if the prosecution would appeal, Chia said: "Go ahead. I'm not afraid."

Asked how he felt now that all had been said and done, he replied: "When I was in UMW, when I was in EON, at that time I put my hands on the table and my hands will meet 200 other hands with so many fingers, each of them are friends.

"Because of this case, I put my hand on this table, there're not enough friends, because they have all run away from me, some think that I'm a crook."

He said he could now move on, but added: "But what about my broken family, you don't have a family ... how do you proceed with your life?"

"My children have careers abroad and now at this age, how do they come back and start a career here?

"This is my country, this is my home, I will live and die here. I'm proud of my country."

"Dr Mahathir (former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad) told me that when I came from Singapore at the age of 17, I only had RM5 in my pocket, this country has blessed me and made me a rich man, and he told me Perwaja needs somebody. "Kau kena bayar budi kepada bumi (you have to pay gratitude to this land)," Chia said, adding that this was in 1988.

Asked if he felt vindicated, Chia said: "Yes, I have wasted 11 years. (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim went to Parliament on May 26, 1996 ... check your records ... he said I abused my position in Perwaja and because of that Perwaja lost money and went bankrupt," he said.

"Every purchase that Perwaja made was guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance, so how can I abuse the purchase of equipment? Without the government guarantee, I cannot purchase."

Asked if he felt angry, Chia said: "I leave it to God, you want to hear? You know how angry God is?

"On May 26, 1996, Datuk Anwar Ibrahim went to Parliament and accused me of abusing my position and cheating Perwaja.

"Aug 8, 1998 - two years and four months later - Datuk Anwar went to jail ... the deputy prime minister went to jail. God was angry.

"You don't believe in God, you'd better believe. Believe in the mercy of the Father of Heaven. Don't bluff, don't cheat, don't slander. Wrong is wrong, right is right.

"If you have wronged somebody, be a gentleman and ask for forgiveness. When you have forgiveness from the man you have wronged, God will pardon you. Till then, God will never pardon."

The Perwaja Steel Saga

1988: Tan Sri Eric Chia handpicked by then premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to turn loss-making Perwaja Steel around.

1995: Chia resigned as managing director.

1996: Perwaja declared insolvent, with debts and losses totalling RM10 billion. Police and ACA launch investigations.

May 1996: Former deputy prime minister and finance minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim blamed Chia in Parliament for Perwaja's loss.

1999: Then ACA director-general Datuk Ahmad Zaki Husin said several matters remained unresolved as no parties had come forward to provide assistance.

September 2000: Ahmad Zaki said the Swiss account of a foreign company registered in the British Virgin Islands formed a vital piece of evidence but ACA, did not have the power to get information on the Swiss account. The account contained part of the RM76.4 million which was said to have been taken out of the country to Hong Kong before it went to Japan and then Switzerland.

October 2002: Parliament told probe into Perwaja had been completed.

2003: Investigators from AG's Chambers gather evidence in Japan, Switzerland and Hongkong.

Feb 9, 2004: Chia arrested by ACA.

Feb 10, 2004: Chia charged with embezzlement.

August 2004: Chia alternatively charged with dishonestly disposing of the funds by entering into an agreement with NKK Corporation of Japan and authorising the payment without the approval of the board of directors or tender committee of Perwaja Rolling Mill and Development Sdn Bhd.

May 4, 2007: Prosecution closed its case after calling 29 witnesses. 

Monday, 20 August 2018

Zahid was tricked by Khairuddin Abu Hassan into meeting Mahathir

Zahid was tricked by Khairuddin Abu Hassan into meeting Mahathir

June 24, 2018 

Raggie Jessy

TTF: Zahid was tricked by Dato’ Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan into meeting Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the latter’s office. The purpose of the meeting was for Mahathir to ask Zahid if he was willing to disband UMNO and coax all Members of Parliament (MPs), branch and division leaders from the party to join PPBM. Zahid refused flatly and suffered Mahathir’s wrath. Furious, the Prime Minister got several online media activists to viral pictures and messages of the meeting and suggest that Zahid had crawled to his office to beg for help. TTF will come out with the full story soon.

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno acting president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said he offered himself for the post of Umno president as he believed in continuity of the party’s leadership hierarchy.

Having been entrusted to carry out the responsibilities of Umno president, he felt he would be able to carry on the struggle shouldered by past leaders.

The Bagan Datuk member of parliament said he was also an individual who believed in open party elections where anyone could contest for the post of president and deputy president, such that the proposal was agreed to by the supreme council, for Umno’s polls this year.

His agenda for change in Umno include revamping the party’s charter, restructuring the party organisation and opening the Umno membership system to the concept of volunteerism.

“My other agenda include uniting the Malays without being racist because we have seen how that unity had now been shredded into small groups,” he told a press conference at Bangunan Umno today.

Meanwhile,  Zahid said he visualised a new amalgamation of parties to replace the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition that had been rejected by the voters in the 14th general election.

He said the new coalition could comprise race-based parties and like BN must prioritise the plural society concept without neglecting the interest of their respective races.

“A coalition or a party similar to BN has to be formed so that all parties be put under one roof and work together to form the next government.

“We must acknowledge that our struggle is not merely for the interest of our own race,” he told reporters at his office at Menara Dato Onn today.

The former deputy prime minister said, the issue must be discussed together with the other interested coalition components.

Source: The Mole

Sunday, 19 August 2018

What’s wrong if I speak up, Najib asks Nazri

What’s wrong if I speak up, Najib asks Nazri

Soo Wern Jun


4 days ago

© Free Malaysia Today Najib masih berusaha sedarkan PH tentang GST

KUALA LUMPUR: Former prime minister Najib Razak said his resignation from Umno posts did not mean he should not speak out on current issues, after former minister Nazri Aziz told him to distance from the party.

Najib said he felt obliged to respond to accusations against the administration he had led.

“I am also entitled to defend my policies and to clear the perceptions and some of the manipulation of facts and figures by the new government,” Najib told reporters today.

“I think that’s only fair. Self-defence is a right given to any individual and citizen, that is why I am exercising my right to explain our policies and the reason why we have done certain things,” he said.

Yesterday, Nazri questioned Najib for being vocal, saying the former Umno president was making it hard for the party to move on in the wake of its general election defeat.

He also said it was time for Umno to stop associating itself with Najib.

Najib had actively campaigned for Barisan Nasional in the recent Sungai Kandis by-election. He has also been issuing statements criticising various policies of the Pakatan Harapan government.

Najib today said he had not interfered in party matters following his resignation from Umno after the May polls.

“I have not interfered in the administration of Umno, for example, in the appointment of office bearers, and in deciding the candidate for Sungai Kandis,” he said, adding that Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has his full support.

He said he was only carrying out his duties as an MP.


Saturday, 18 August 2018

Notice to Lim Kit Siang: I will be acting against your son for the spread of fake news

Notice to Lim Kit Siang: I will be acting against your son for the spread of fake news

March 7, 2018 

Raggie Jessy


To: Lim Kit Siang

Attn: Lim Guan Eng

In a report published by The Malay Mail Online yesterday, you were quoted as asking the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) if it would seek the removal of articles published via Malaysia Today, articles you alleged were “dastardly and preposterous” against you. According to the report, the request for removal by your good self was to test “whether (or not) the MCMC is an independent, impartial and professional organisation.” 

In light of this development, I have undertaken to point out the fake news and disinformation campaigns that your own son, Lim Guan Eng, has thus far waged against the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), the ruling Barisan Nasional, UMNO and the MCA. The latter’s libellous attacks and slander against the general establishment threatens to incite distrust against persons of authority and the democratically instituted Government of Malaysia (GoM).

Not only do these acts border on psycho-neurotic tendencies, they can never be condoned, as Guan Eng is himself a figure of authority entrusted by the people of Penang to lead the state government. However, his ability to do so is now in question considering that his actions, mannerisms and etiquette both in front of newsmen and in media reeks of subversive tendencies that threaten to jeopardise national security and harmony.

It is for this reason, above all, that I urge you to focus more on getting your son to step down both as Chief Minister of Penang and Secretary-General of the DAP rather than worry about publications by this party or that party. To help you appreciate the gravity of the situation, I have undertaken below herein to highlight in point-form key events as they have unfolded to substantiate the idea that Lim Guan Eng is without a doubt the personification of disinformation and fake news in Malaysia.

Proof that Lim Guan Eng is the bearer of fake news:

1. Last Sunday, I challenged Guan Eng to issue a formal retraction of a 4th of March 2013 report by the Penang state government’s official gazette, Buletin Mutiara.

2. According to the report, not only did the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) awarded the RM6.3 billion Penang Undersea Tunnel project register a paid-up capital of RM4.6 billion, both Zenith Construction Sdn Bhd and CRCC jointly held a 70 percent stake in the conglomerate.

3. However, on the 23rd of January 2018, Dato’ Seri Wee Ka Siong more or less rubbished the report by pointing out that CRCC denied it was ever a shareholder from the get-go.

4. Then, on the 11th of February 2018, the MCA Deputy President further noted that the Chinese construction giant had long stopped work owing to the SPV’s failure to fulfil 95 percent of its obligations, said to be worth some RM69 million.

5. In an apparent response to the MCA leader, on the 7thof February 2018, Guan Eng denied for the umpteenth time that he ever contended CRCC was a shareholder.

6. But not only is this a blatant lie on the Chief Minister’s part, there is ample evidence to prove that he did in fact tie the Chinese construction firm up with the tunnel SPV in terms of shareholding.

7. Considering that Guan Eng insists on lying forward, the aforementioned evidence is effectively testimony to the fact that the Chief Minister of Penang is in the business of disseminating disinformation and untruths in a manner that is wilful and probably with intent to deceive the people.

8. Considering also that these lies are communicated by him in the same breath he hurls slander against the MACC, the ruling Barisan Nasional, UMNO and the MCA, we can conclude with a reasonable degree of certainty that his mission is to incite hatred among Malaysian citizens against persons of authority and the democratically instituted GoM.

9. When I challenged Guan Eng to issue a formal retraction of the 4th of March 2013 report by Buletin Mutiara, I did so with prior knowledge that he had gone on record several times to deny that CRCC ever had a shareholding in tunnel SPV.

10. But not only did he ignore my challenge, he continued to eclipse the blunder by accusing Ka Siong of denying that the president of the MCA, Dato’ Seri Liow Tiong Lai, “abused his power as Transport Minister to pressure CRCC, which Wee and BN first dragged into this political controversy.”

11. That makes no sense whatsoever, particularly since it is the Chief Minister himself who misled the people into thinking that the tunnel SPV was financially backed by a Chinese construction giant worth RM4 billion.

12. Furthermore, it is the DAP led state government that seems to have conspired to award the RM6.3 billion tunnel project to the ill-capacitated SPV by breaking procurement rules, lying about shareholding and publishing fake news via the state’s official newsletter.

13. The fact that the Chief Minister has no intention of putting right what is wrong is made manifest by his refusal to issue a formal retraction of the 4th of March 2013 report by Buletin Mutiara.

14. His refusal to do so goes a long way to show that his administration may have published fake news with the wilful intent of further deceiving the people and misleading authorities.

15. For the record, all I’ve done today is to adduce as evidence one of the many instances in which Guan Eng has promoted the spread untruths and fake news.

16. If I were to list down the countless number of times the Chief Minister promoted the same while defending the multibillion tunnel project, the alleged bungalow-for-land scam deal, the cancer-causing illegal factory in Kampung Sungai Lembu (where I personally cornered him) and the Tanjung Bungah landslide, there is no telling how long this notice will go.

17. Which is why, I will leave the remaining details for another editorial assuming you deny the validity of all the aforementioned or falsely accuse others of publishing fake news.

What can we conclude from all this?

1. The Chief Minister of Penang and his state administration should be investigated by the Ministry of Home Affairs pursuant to the Printing Presses and Publication Act 1984 for publishing fake news via the state run Buletin Mutiara. The Third Force is currently in talks with some people of authority and is in the midst of compiling evidence to be presented to the Ministry of Home Affairs in the nearest time possible.

2. The Chief Minister and his administration should also be investigated by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) pursuant to the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 for furnishing fake news online via the state-run portal Buletin Mutiara and some other channels. As in the case above, The Third Force is currently in talks with the same persons of authority and is in the midst of compiling evidence to be presented to the MCMC in the nearest time possible.

3. As previously mentioned and based on arguments presented herein, we can conclude with a reasonable degree of certainty that the Chief Minister’s mission is indeed to incite hatred among Malaysian citizens against people of authority and the democratically instituted GoM.

4. In our opinion, Lim Guan Eng is in no way suited to serve as Chief Minister of Penang and the leader of a political party as he has displayed both subversive and psycho-neurotic tendencies on countless occasions, particularly during the many press-conferences he held in which he hurled slander against the ruling Barisan Nasional, UMNO, the MCA and the MACC.

Note: Please treat this notice as “notice that has been served”

(Edited: 1pm, 7/3/18, 4.09pm again the same day)

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Too early to tell if PH will govern Malaysia better: Panel

Too early to tell if PH will govern Malaysia better: Panel

(From left) Straits Times foreign editor and panel moderator Zakir Hussain; OCBC Bank's head of treasury research and strategy Selena Ling; Professor Joseph Liow, dean of NTU's College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences and S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies; and Straits Times Malaysia bureau chief Shannon Teoh at The Straits Times Global Briefing yesterday.ST PHOTO: KHALID BABA


Ruling coalition must focus more on governing and less on blaming others, says NTU dean

Lim Ai Leen

Assistant Foreign Editor


It is early days yet to judge if the new Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition will rule Malaysia better than Barisan Nasional, with much of the three-month-old government's efforts focused on blaming the former administration that governed for more than six decades.

"I have not seen much by way of clear, succinct policy discussion apart from GST (goods and services tax). Right now, all the energy is on scapegoating... At some point, the Pakatan government has to actually govern," said Professor Joseph Liow, dean of Nanyang Technological University's (NTU) College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences and S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies.

He said the new administration's efforts to recover assets allegedly purchased with funds stolen from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) - including a US$250 million (S$344 million) superyacht and a Bombardier jet grounded at Singapore's Seletar airport - "makes for good entertainment", but there needs to be more governing.

Prof Liow was one of three panellists speaking at The Straits Times Global Briefing yesterday titled "Malaysia: 100 days after the general election", which was presented by OCBC Premier Banking.

Malaysia's Parliament abolished the GST statute last Wednesday. The 6 per cent tax introduced in 2015 was effectively scrapped in June, after the PH government swept to power in May.

Removing the GST was one of 10 pledges that PH promised to deliver on within its first 100 days in power, with the milestone falling on Friday.

The pact has not done badly on its campaign promises, said panellist Selena Ling, who is OCBC Bank's head of treasury research and strategy.

"Six out of 10 (pledges) are either fulfilled or in the process of being fulfilled. The remaining four are being postponed... due to the fact that basically they are taking a very hard look at how to boost their fiscal finances now that they have scrapped GST," she said.


Six out of 10 (pledges) are either fulfilled or in the process of being fulfilled. The remaining four are being postponed... due to the fact that basically they are taking a very hard look at how to boost their fiscal finances now that they have scrapped GST.

OCBC BANK'S HEAD OF TREASURY RESEARCH AND STRATEGY SELENA LING, on how PH has fared in fulfilling its promises.


The increase in deficit (for 2019) may be about a few billion ringgit, or half a per cent of GDP.


The government has made some headway with stabilising petrol prices through subsidies, reviewing mega projects with foreign countries and setting up commissions of inquiry to reform governance at troubled state firms like 1MDB and national land agency Felda, she said.

But it has not made progress on other promises, such as abolishing Felda farmers' debts, deferring study loan repayments amounting to RM39 billion (S$13 billion) and implementing a medical care scheme for lower-income groups.

The government's ability to keep expenses within its fiscal deficit target of 2.8 per cent of gross domestic product will be scrutinised closely, Ms Ling said, now that there is a "RM20 billion to RM30 billion funding gap" after GST revenue fell to zero from June, and with the GST to be replaced by a new sales and services tax only from next month.

"The increase in deficit (for 2019) may be about a few billion ringgit, or half a per cent of GDP," noted The Straits Times' Malaysia bureau chief Shannon Teoh, who also spoke at the forum.

Still, Malaysia's economic growth looks to be on track, with second-quarter GDP growth numbers - out on Thursday - expected to ease to 5.2 per cent, from 5.4 per cent.

Prof Liow noted that the multicultural PH also faces the delicate task of crafting a progressive Malay agenda that does not sideline other communities, and handling the "ketuanan Melayu" (Malay lordship) patronage system that has for decades dispensed state largesse via contracts awarded to the country's dominant ethnic group.

"There are a lot of expectations in the upcoming review of the 11th Malaysia Plan (that) they would probably try and reform some of the GLCs", said Ms Ling, referring to government-linked companies. "A lot of the contracts that were being given as part of the largesse... I think that is about to change."

Mr Teoh said the flashpoints to watch for in Malaysia's political landscape are internal polls next month for Parti Keadilan Rakyat, which has the most number of MPs in PH, whether Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad will hand over leadership to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in 2020 as promised, and the Sarawak state polls - a key gauge of voter sentiment - which must be held by 2021.

"Melayu Jadi Bodoh Kerana Mau Undi"

Thursday, December 1, 2016

"Melayu Jadi Bodoh Kerana Mau Undi" -
Mahathir , Utusan Julai 2012

Selepas PRU-13 dahulu , PM Najib Razak teruk dihentam oleh sebilangan orang-orang Melayu disebabkan terlalu banyak kemudahan diberikan pada komuniti Cina tetap kaum Cina tetap tidak menyokong kerajaan Barisan Nasional berdasarkan keputusan PRU-13. Antara yang hebat mengecam kaedah Najib untuk mengambil hati kaum Cina ialah mantan Perdana Menteri , Tun Mahathir .

Tun Mahathir seolah-olah membidas Najib apabila pentadbiran di bawah pimpinan Perdana Menteri mengiktiraf lebih 70 kursus kolej TAR bagi pengajian Diploma dan Diploma Lanjutan.

Dalam satu temuramah dengan akhbar Utusan Malaysia pada awal July 2012, di bawah tajuk Dilema Melayu Hari ini, Tun Mahathir berkata

“Saya berpendapat kita sudah kaku dan tidak menjawab balik kerana takut dituduh rasis. Sampaikan tuntutan dibuat yang melanggar perjanjian dahulu pun kita tak jawab."

“Malah, mereka buat lebih tuntutan lagi,”

"Jika dahulu untuk masuk kerja kerajaan diploma hanya melibatkan universiti awam tetap sekarang ini diploma daripada Kolej Tuan Abdul Rahman, kita kena terima. Ini semua kerana kita mahu undi. Semua perkara yang berlaku ini adalah kerana kebodohan orang Melayu"

Nampaknya kata-kata bekas PM itu akhirnya seperti meludah ke langit tepat kena muka sendiri . Mana tidaknya , kerjasama parti "bungaraya" dan "roket" sekarang adalah kerana mahu undi. Entah mana pergi-nya prinsip Tun Mahathir kini ?

Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the greatest liar Malaysia has ever seen

Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the greatest liar Malaysia has ever seen

August 15, 2018 

Raggie Jessy


On the 26th of August 2016, Dr Mahathir Mohamad apologised for amending the Federal Constitution of Malaysia in ways that granted the Government of Malaysia (GoM) authority to bypass the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

In a blog posting, the Prime Minister, then a retiree, alluded to a 1994 amendment he effected that allowed any Bill passed by Parliament and Senate to become law within 30 days irrespective if the Agong gave his assent or otherwise. The posting meant two things:

1. Mahathir admitted that he empowered the GoM to pass law without considering objections raised by the Agong, meaning, he did not feel that the Agong had the right to interfere in the legislative process.

2. He vested authority in the GoM to approve Bills that had the potential of further curbing the powers of the Constitutional Monarch as and when the GoM deemed necessary.

The amendment pertained Article 66(4a) of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia.

In 1994, for reasons unknown, the GoM under his watch amended the article for a third time in 10 years pursuant to the Constitution (Amendment) Act 1994.

The amendment annulled a multi-tiered procedure he introduced in 1984 that allowed the Agong to object a Bill in writing. Accordingly, His Majesty was given the right to return a Bill to the House it originated from after 30 days and further delay that Bill for another 30 days in the event it was re-enacted.

But all that is history.

It all began in 1983.

Two years into premiership, Mahathir felt that the only way he could consolidate his position in power is if the powers of the Agong were curbed. It bothered him that the Merdeka Constitution imposed no time limit for rulers to give royal assents to Bills presented to them, meaning, the Agong had the right to drag a Bill indefinitely to delay a law. Mahathir wanted none of that and decided that the only way he could bring into effect a pseudo-totalitarian form of control over government is if he amended Article 66 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia.

Mahathir could easily have amended the constitution to impose a time limit for the Agong to consider a Bill

Instead, he brought into effect a law that granted the GoM the right to bypass the Agong in the event a Bill presented to His Majesty was not approved within 15 days. The said law, the Constitution (Amendment) Act 1983,  precipitated a crisis that led eventually to a compromise between the GoM and palaces nationwide.

In 1984, a second amendment to Article 66 provided a multi-tiered procedure that granted the Agong two 30-day delay periods to consider Bills. The first 30-days was for him to either assent to a Bill or to return it to the House it originated from with written reasons for his objections. The second was for him to review the Bill should the Dewan Rakyat have decided to re-enact it. In the event the ruler still refused to give his assent, the Bill would automatically be deemed law once the 30-day period was over.

It wasn’t a complete bypass per se.

The 1984 amendment did compel Parliament to consider objections raised by the Agong. What this means, is that the Agong did have a say in the finer nuances of laws that were eventually passed by Parliament. That didn’t go down too well with Mahathir, who waited a good eight years for an excuse to further curb the powers of rulers. That excuse presented itself in 1992 when Hockey Coach Douglas Gomez was reportedly assaulted by the then Sultan of Johor.

Following the assault, Mahathir pushed for amendments to the Federal Constitution with the stated intent of removing the legal immunity enjoyed by rulers. The amendments came into effect in March 1983 and saw various clauses to Articles 32, 38, 42, 63, 72 and 181 either being reworded or deleted. The mainstream media played up the amendments in multiple flavours and tones to deliver the impression that our rulers were not of sound judgment. Once the impression was set in, a further amendment was made to the Constitution of Malaysia in 1994 to ‘kill off’ the Agong’s say in matters of legislation.

Mahathir has apologised for this.

In a desperate attempt to destabilise the former Barisan Nasional administration, he told reporters that the amendment was a mistake on his part as it presented the government absolute discretion in matters of legislation. According to him, the amendment left no room for higher authorities to contribute in the process of law-making and tended to strip the rakyat off their right to a say. He then accused Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak of using the loophole to grant himself powers akin to those a totalitarian dictator would grant himself.

But today, he’s singing a very different tune.

Having stolen the 14th general election (GE14) on a platform of lies, he told Parliament that his government had no plans to rectify the situation as he “amended the law in the (best) interest of the nation.” According to him, should the Agong be granted absolute power to reject a Bill, the rakyat would be stripped off their say as Members of Parliament elected by them could easily be ignored by the ruler.

But that is the exact opposite of what he told reporters on the 27th of August 2016. On that day, he declared that the Constitution (Amendment) Act 1994 was undemocratic as it tended towards a dictatorship that had no regard for the voice of the people.

Did I not tell you that Dr Mahathir Mohamad is the greatest liar our country has ever seen?

Azian Azhar Morrissey

We are not living in an era where there is no law and order. During that time the elite (the Malay rulers protected the citizens.

When we got independence the British gave some powers to the rulers and more powers to the people.

Now in the year 2018 we actually do not need them anymore because we have our own people army to protect us. In India after independence most rulers were told to retire.Thus complete abolition of kings in India. In Malaya the Malays still respected the sultans and so they survived.

But now when the Malays became educated and rich they realized that the rulers should be constituitional monarchs.

At this juncture Mahathir undestood the situation and he amended the law to curb the monarchy becoming despotic. He left the scene and the great Najib further misused the good law to become a dictator. Only then Mahathir realised the mistake but he just watched till PH came to power. Can you imagine the royalty's way they dealt with Mahathir till the Sultan of Perak brought some senses to the rulers.

Mahathir is no more like when he was in Umno. He has changed himself and the power vested in him will not be abused. The sultans are safe under him.

Call him a liar is now freedom for the third force so enjoy your time till Anwar takes over when the scenario might change for the worse for even people like me to comment about the royalty as Anwar bowed and prostrated to the rulers as what the Indians in India did to the rulers.The kings were Gods and the people were slaves to be trampled!

Bagaimana Projek RM46 Billion Boleh Jadi RM55 Billion ?

Monday, November 7, 2016

Bagaimana Projek RM46 Billion Boleh Jadi RM55 Billion ?

Bagaimana Projek RM46 Billion Boleh Jadi RM55 Billion ? Masuk projek salah tak masuk pun salah. Masuk projek berbillion depa kata bakal dijajah negara China sebab berhutang dengan syarikat dari China . Ye lah , timbul stigma bakal kena jajah sebab kerajaan BN yang buat kerjasama , kalau kerajaan PR yang buat itu depa kata demi peningkatan ekonomi dan seangkatan dengannya .

Dah lupa ka projek terowong bawah laut kerajaan DAP Pulau Pinang ? Itu kerjasama dengan syarikat China juga , pasal pa tak bising kata Penang nak kena jajah dengan China ? Tapi bila dah kena hantam, bila dah kantoi sebab main kroni terpaksa lah di kensel kan...

Berbalik dengan cerita macam mana RM45 billion boleh jadi RM55 billion . Ini dipersoalkan page FB pro-pembangkang, saja nak tunjuk persepsi kononnya projek tu sengaja di mark-up untuk masuk poket individu-individu tertentu.  

Dipersoalkan kenapa ada beza RM 9 billion lagi ? Ditanya mana pi lagi RM 9 billion tu? Konon-konon admin page ni dah buat research bagai dari laman web CCCC tu sendiri . Tapi sebenarnya bukan research .. tu research putar belit . Nak jawab tuduhan mana pi RM9 billio0n tu mudah ja ... hanya perlu tahu operasi matematik yang ringkas. Ada dua keratan berita dari investor China di laman web mereka .. 

Keratan pertama menceritakan berkenaan projek keretapi elektrik pantai timur yang berjumlah RM46 billion

Keratan ke - 2 menceritakan berkenaan projek dari Gemas - Johor Bharu untuk keretapi landasan elektrik berkembar sepanjang 191.14 km yang bernilai RM8.9 billion.

Congak projek 1 dan projek 2 akan menghasilkan jumlah lebih kurang RM 55 billion. Jadi bagi menjawab persoalan fitnah dimana RM9 billion tu hilang ?

Jelas RM9 billion tu 'hilang' dan masuk poket untuk kerja-kerja berkaitan projek dari Gemas ke Johor Bharu .

Bersifat Hipokrit, 'Statement' Mahathir Dikecam Penyokong Pembangkang

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Bersifat Hipokrit, 'Statement' Mahathir Dikecam Penyokong Pembangkang

Ramai yang mengecam bila mantan PM, Tun Mahathir buat kenyataan kononnya di tahun 2016 ni, Malaysia sepatutnya dah mendahului Singapore. Kenyataan yang dibuat itu jelas nak menunjukkan selepas jawatan PM yang dipegang beliau selama 22 tahun itu dilepaskan, negara mula jadi huru-hara. Apa yang disebut itu juga seolah-olah nak menyalahkan PM yang mentadbir Malaysia selepas beliau gagal menyebabkan Malaysia terus berada di belakang Singapore !

Kecaman yang dibuat di media sosial dilihat datang dari latar belakang pelbagai kaum, tapi mesej jelas yang ingin disampaikan mereka selari iaitu selepas 22 tahun memerintah , mantan PM itu sendiri gagal membawa Malaysia terkehadapan berbanding Singapore . Apa yang berlaku pada hari ini adalah disebabkan 'kerja' mantan PM itu sendiri . Dilihat sekarang, Tun Mahathir makin galak berbicara dengan rakyat seolah-olah apa yang berlaku kini tak ada langsung kaitan dengan apa yang beliau buat dulu.

Artikel bahasa Inggeris yang disiarkan media pro-pembangkang Free Malaysia Today antaranya menyiarkan komen-komen berikut ;

"u make half boiled become administrater nd minister under ur leadership. now they become rotten eggs nd stinking internationaly.....congrates tun. karma teach u lesson."

"Malaysia has been set on the wrong track for decades..not juz recently although the recent development has worsen Malaysia..we knw the current party has been in power for too long n there is not independence, segregation of authority n oversight body..Tun has been in power b4 n is long enuf to change tis..yet juz by commenting such statement like any of us do not help at all but make us feel more depressed.."

"Dr M ... if as a minister in Tun Razak's administration you had sincerity, if as Education Minister and then DPM you had vision, if as Prime Minister you had integrity and made a force to reckon with by ensuring Malaysia had a world class education platform --- Malaysia would have surpassed Singapore.

You supressed people as you did your cabinet and alliance partners.

You are the reason you claim Malaysia is facing at this present time - being a distant second to Singapore...

You sleeping with Opposition is your way to avoid being the focus ...

You are the biggest con and hypocrite there is!"

Berdasarkan komen-komen di atas dan banyak lagi komen-komen lain, kenyataan yang dibuat Mahathir menunjukkan beliau sangat terdesak menjatuhkan Najib hingga bersikap hipokrit seolah-olah cuba mengalihkan perhatian rakyat mengenai perkara-perkara yang pernah beliau lakukan dahulu.

Tabiat Mahathir Sindir Musuh Guna Sentimen Islam Makan Diri

Tabiat Mahathir Sindir Musuh Guna Sentimen Islam Makan Diri

Cerita pasal mantan PM bercakap pasal agama kadang-kadang cukup meresahkan penyokong-penyokong beliau. Cara beliau bercakap seperti memperlekehkan soal agama Islam itu sendiri. Hal ini antara salah satu punca PAS dan penyokong-penyokong mereka cukup anti dengan UMNO, walhal tak semua orang dalam UMNO itu setuju dengan apa yang diperkatakan Mahathir. Mungkin disebabkan dah jadi Presiden UMNO selama 22 tahun, PAS dan penyokong-penyokongnya melihat Mahathir dan UMNO adalah sinonim. Pada mereka pandangan Mahathir adalah pandangan UMNO.

Pernah satu ketika dikala persidangan UMNO 1997, Mahathir bercakap soal menutup aurat dikalangan wanita, hal itu benar-benar terkesan dalam hati orang-orang Islam. Natijahnya, apabila pilihanraya berlaku, UMNO kehilangan sokongan orang-orang Melayu selain faktor gelombang reformasi apabila Anwar Ibrahim disumbat ke dalam penjara.

Dalam persidangan UMNO pada September 1997 di PWTC, Mahathir antara lainnya menyebut ;

"Tujuan menutup aurat ialah kerana di zaman Nabi, Arab Jahilliyah mempunyai nafsu yang kuat sehingga sering menculik dan merogol wanita daripada kabilah-kabilah lain. Akibatnya ialah peperangan antara mereka yang tidak pernah tamat"

Selepas isu menutup aurat, Mahathir sekali lagi bercakap soal sunnah Rasullullah mengenai janggut di majlis tertutup Majlis Agama Kebangsaaan juga pada tahun 1997.

"Dia bukan ada Gillette. Zaman nabi ada Gillette ke? Tak dak. Pisau cukur pun tak dak masa tu"

Cerita pasal kenyataan Mahathir mengenai sunnah janggut nabi dan pisau cukur itu dijadikan modal oleh pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang untuk berceramah. Malah pernah dibangkitkan sendiri oleh Nurul Izzah dalam satu ceramah beliau. Orang-orang UMNO masa tu cukup malu dan memang terkedu tak tau nak jawab apa bila hal berkenaan dibangkitkan oleh Presiden sendiri. Nak kata fitnah pun tak boleh sebab dah terang-terang ada bukti. 

Terbaru , hari Ahad lepas .. Mahathir buat lagi peel lamanya . Kini lebih teruk, kita faham dia cukup benci dengan Najib dan isu RM2.6bil dan 1MDB-nya . Tapi perlu ke guna contoh zaman Nabi lagi ??? Dibuat kenyataan tu dalam majlis rasmi DAP pula, yang dah terang-terang tak bersetuju dengan konsep Islam , soal RUU355 pun dah melompat-lompat depa bantah.  Hal berkenaan Nabi tak perlu-lah dijadikan bahan lawak atau sindiran, lebih-lebih lagi dalam majlis rasmi penentang hukum Islam. Guna sajalah contoh lain tanpa gunakan elemen agama, nak berpolitik dan cari sokongan pun berpada-padalah ..

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Selepas Setahun Kontroversi 'Bersekongkol' dengan Pembangkang, Pegawai SPRM Pilih Bersara Awal

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Selepas Setahun Kontroversi 'Bersekongkol' dengan Pembangkang, Pegawai SPRM Pilih Bersara Awal

Datuk Bahri Mohamad Zain yang sebelum ni menjawat jawatan Pengarah Siasatan Khas SPRM hari ini dikatakan telah bersara lebih awal dari tempoh sepatutnya. Beliau sebelum ini dilihat agak kritis dalam siasatan yang melibatkan 1MDB & SRC International. Daripada petikan-petikan artikel pro-pembangkang, persaraan awal itu dikatakan kerana Bahri kecewa dengan hasil siasatan terhadap SRC. Bahri sebelum ini juga diwar-warkan mempunyai ketidakserasian dengan beberapa pegawai tertinggi SPRM termasuk pendapat mengenai hasil siasatan.

Dari laman web SPRM,

"Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam kenyataan media bertarikh 3 Ogos 2015, hasil siasatan SPRM mendapati dana sebanyak RM2.6 bilion yang dimasukkan ke dalam akaun milik YAB Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak adalah derma yang disumbangkan oleh pihak tertentu. SPRM tidak boleh mendedahkan identiti pihak yang mendermakan dana RM2.6 bilion kepada YAB Perdana Menteri."

"Bagaimanapun untuk makluman orang ramai, SPRM telah memperoleh penjelasan daripada pihak penderma tentang derma yang diberi kepada YAB Perdana Menteri. SPRM telah mendapat tahu tentang butir penderma melalui dokumen yang diambil dari bank dan didapati bahawa terdapat empat surat yang diserahkan kepada pihak bank apabila jumlah wang yang besar dimasukkan ke dalam akaun YAB Perdana Menteri.

Dalam dokumen itu ada dijelaskan bahawa sumbangan RM2.6 bilion adalah sebagai derma. SPRM telah mendapatkan penjelasan daripada pihak penderma yang berasal dari Timur Tengah dan pihak berkaitan juga telah mengesahkan sumbangan derma tersebut.

Sumbangan derma RM2.6 billion itu tiada kaitan langsung dengan 1MDB. Perbincangan juga telah diadakan dengan Peguam Negara Malaysia yang meminta supaya SPRM membuat penjelasan mengenai perkara ini sementara siasatan masih dijalankan.

Sehubungan itu, SPRM juga ingin memaklumkan bahawa YAB Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak akan diminta untuk memberi penjelasan mengenai sumbangan derma yang diterima beliau kepada SPRM."

"SPRM juga ingin mengulangi bahawa siasatan berkenaan isu SRC International yang melibatkan dana RM4 bilion masih dijalankan oleh SPRM. Siasatan berkaitan dana RM2.6 bilion dan isu SRC International merupakan dua perkara yang berbeza.

Oleh itu, SPRM mahu menekankan bahawa SPRM tidak pernah menyatakan kes yang disiasat ini telah ditutup. Sebaliknya, SPRM hanya menyatakan ia bukan dari wang 1MDB. Diharap penjelasan ini akan memberi gambaran sebenar mengenai isu yang disiasat oleh SPRM.

SPRM sekali memberi jaminan siasatan akan dijalankan dengan bebas, telus dan profesional. Adalah diharapkan semua pihak memberi ruang kepada SPRM dalam menjalankan siasatan dengan menyeluruh tanpa membuat sebarang spekulasi.

Sebagai Suruhanjaya yang bebas, SPRM bertanggungjawab menjalankan siasatan dengan bebas, telus dan profesional tanpa fear or favour. SPRM tidak akan membiarkan mana-mana pihak untuk mempengaruhi atau campur tangan dalam siasatan yang dijalankan."

Berdasarkan petikan dari laman web SPRM itu sendiri, jelas menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan pendapat antara Bahri dan kumpulan penyiasat SPRM.

Sebelum ini, nama Datuk Bahri juga menjadi agak panas sedikit akibat keceluparan isteri beliau yang memuatkan status FB untuk tatapan umum dengan menghina dan melabel PM Najib Razak dengan pelbagai gelaran. Reaksi sebegini saja jelas menunjukkan Datuk Bahri juga mungkin mempunyai sentimen yang serupa. Mungkin sebagai penjawat awam yang berpangkat beliau sekurang-kurangnya boleh menasihati si isteri. 

Hasil dari muat naik status FB isteri Datuk Bahri, seolah-olah memberi persepsi maklumat-maklumat hasil siasatan badan itu didedah kepada umum dek keceluparan si isteri. Sikap Datuk Bahri yang dilihat condong untuk bersetuju dengan beberapa pihak terutama dari pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang juga dilihat tidak sesuai dan kelihatan agak 'bias' ketika menjalankan siasatan.

Walau bagaimanapun, selepas persaraan ini, kita jangan terkejut sekiranya Datuk Bahri akan dilihat berdiri bersama-sama pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang dalam pentas ceramah mereka.

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Skandal Forex Punca Ringgit Jatuh Dari RM2.5/USD hingga RM3.8/USD ?

 Friday, January 27, 2017

Skandal Forex Punca Ringgit Jatuh Dari RM2.5/USD hingga RM3.8/USD ?

Pada 2 Jun 2012, satu forum yang dianjurkan Penang Instute di Dewan Sri Pinang membahaskan perihal "Skandal Forex Bank Negara" . Forum itu membariskan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng dan Ketua Pembangkang pada ketika itu Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Forum itu membicarakan peranan yang dimainkan Bank Negara pada tahun 1992 dalam urusniaga forex yang menyebabkan negara kehilangan sehingga RM30 Billion . Bayangkan berapa besar jumlah RM30 Billion semasa tahun 1992 jika ditukar nilainya ke masa kini ? Dalam forum berkenaan juga dipersoalkan , kenapa sehingga selepas 20 tahun tiada penjelasan atau apa-apa tindakan yang diambil ? Kerajaan pimpinan mantan PM pada ketika itu Mahathir tidak mengambil tindakan secara agresif dalam memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat.

 Bila skandal forex berlaku, ramai yang mempersoalkan , bukan sahaja dari pembangkang malah juga dari penyokong-penyokong kerajaan. Namun dek kerana pada ketika itu, tiada internet, tiada FB dan media arus perdana di kawal oleh kerajaan sepenuhnya. Maka rasa ketidak-puasan hati tidak dapat dilahirkan. Ketika skandal forex berlaku, Anwar Ibrahim masih bersama parti Barisan Nasional dan menjawat jawatan Menteri Kewangan semasa skandal itu berlaku dan sudah tentu beliau tahu banyak berkenaan hal itu,

Merujuk kepada satu artikel yang disiarkan portal Keadilan Daily di url berkaitan perihal forum yang diadakan di Pulau Pinang itu , 

Anwar antara lain menyatakan individu utama dalam kes tersebut ialah bekas menteri kewangan, Tun Daim Zainuddin dan juga Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop yang mengetuai jabatan perdagangan mawatang di Bank Negara ketika itu. 

“Ini mempamerkan wajah sebenar penyangak dan mereka yang korup dalam mengendalikan wang negara,” katanya yang menambah isu mengenai spekulasi mata wang Yen dan Dollar Amerika bermula sejak 1989 lagi. 

“Akhirnya apabila kehilangan wang negara yang begitu besar berlaku, tiada pihak yang berani untuk membawa ke muka pengadilan spekulator yang bertanggungjawab,” kata beliau. 

 Siapa sangka selepas 6 tahun skandal forex negara, nilai matawang Malaysia yang asalnya 1USD bersamaan lebih kurang RM2.5 terus meningkat mendadak sehingga paras tertinggi RM 4.8 ? Peninggkatan mendadak sehingga 92% ! Pada ketika Najib Razak mengambil-alih pimpinan kerajaan dari Abdullah Badawi, nilai tukaran USD-MYR ialah pada tahun RM3.7/USD dan nilai ringgit terus kukuh pada purata RM3.0/USD dari awal 2011 hingga pertengahan 2013 sebelum disabotaj oleh geng-geng pelaku skandal forex 1992. Namun sehingga kita kejatuhan nilai matawang hanyalah pada tahap 50% jika dibandingkan dengan prestasi terbaik pada 2011 hingga 2013.

Dek kerana mantan PM gemar mengkritik tanpa melihat semula kesilapan-kesilapan yang pernah dilakukan dahulu, maka kini cerita-cerita lama beliau dah dikorek semua . Bahan dah tersedia ada, iaitu bahan-bahan yang disediakan oleh sekutu-sekutu beliau sendiri kini ? Takkan lah DAP , PKR , PAS nak kata bahan-bahan yang dijaja mereka pada satu ketika dulu di ceramah-ceramah hanyalah tipu belaka ? Atau adakah DAP, PAS , PKR nak kata apa yang berlaku hingga menyebabkan secara langsung kehilangan/kerugian RM30 billion duit negara boleh dimaafkan sebab Mahathir kini dah bersama mereka? Tak mustahil soal RM2.6 billion milik 1MDB yang kononnya hilang tu pun boleh dilupakan kalau-kalau Najib Razak berdiri bersama-sama mereka pula ? Munafik sungguh !!

Selepas Hampir 20 Tahun Laungan 'Mahafiraun' Bergema di Konvensyen Reformis, Shah Alam

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Selepas Hampir 20 Tahun Laungan 'Mahafiraun' Bergema di Konvensyen Reformis, Shah Alam

Ramai pejuang2 reformasi yang bermula sejak tahun 98 dulu sedar kepayahan yang dilalui dulu, atas sebab apa reformasi bermula dan siapa yang ketika itu jadi musuh ketat mereka. Gerakan reformasi bermula sejak anwar dihumbankan dalam penjara, pejuang2 reformasi dulu percaya kalau dibiarkan Mahathir terus memerintah maka keadaan akan jadi lebih buruk, korupsi,nepotisma semua-nya akan terus berleluasa . Niat mereka pada ketika itu hanya nak "selamatkan negara" dari Mahathir.

Sama seperti yang berlaku pada hari ini, cerita Mahathir korup, skandal FOREX, Memali dan macam-macam lagi dijaja dalam ceramah-ceramah, rakyat dimomokkan supaya Mahathir wajib dijatuhkan kalau nak "selamatkan negara"

Nak "selamatkan negara"

Hari ni dalam Konvensyen Reformis di Shah Alam , Mahathir yang datang secara mengejut di'sergah' peserta-peserta konvensyen itu.

Menurut artikel yang dikeluarkan portal Malaysiakini, kehadiran Mahathir disambut dengan laungan REFORMASI , BEBAS ANWAR dan malah ada yang tanpa selindung meneriak kembali panggilan terhadap Mahathir yang agak popular satu masa dulu 'MAHAFIRAUN' .

Nampaknya luka lama, pejuang-pejuang REFORMASI ni masih belum terubat walaupun Mahathir kini dah duduk sepentas dengan mereka.Mungkin ada yang kena humban dalam penjara dek gerakan REFORMASI sehingga anak bini terbiar dirumah, mungkin mangsa2 ISA masih berdendam. Mahu tak mahu Mahathir terpaksa tebalkan kulit muka untuk terus bersama-sama dalam majlis berkenaan.

Semasa ucapan alu-aluan , Pengerusi Reformis Malaysia , Saari Sungib berkata mereka disitu hanya akan bersama-sama beliau jika Mahathir turut bersama dalam kempen BEBAS ANWAR, dan dengan hati yang ikhlas meminta maaf atas kesilapan sepanjang menjadi PERDANA MENTERI . Kalau dilihat ego Mahathir, ramai boleh mengagak beliau tak akan berbuat demikian . Tindakan meminta maaf itu hanya menjadikan beliau kelihatan sangat-sangat hipokrit . Dah berdiri sepentas dengan Kit Siang satu cerita, nak minta maaf pulak satu cerita lain . Jatuh standard Mahathir kalau buat macam tu, minta maaf segala kesalahan ?? Apa yang dibuat Mahathir sepanjang pemerintahan jadi PM dulu adalah sesuatu yang dibangga puak-puak PPBM , dan modal itu diguna untuk membandingkan dengan apa yang dilakukan Najib sekarang ... kalau Mahathir minta maaf maksudnya modal tu dah tak boleh pakai lagi . Jatuh 'standard' lah dengan pemuja-pemuja .

Bila dah tak ada cara lain ... Mahathir dalam ucapannya berkata seperti berikut ;

"Apa yang utama (difikirkan semua pihak) ialah, apakah kita boleh bersatu dan jatuhkan kerajaan Najib.

"Lepas itu kalau nak ambil tindakan ke atas saya, ambik laaa..." 

Ambil tindakan ? Itu kata-kata penyedap hati saja ... Ingat pemuja-pemuja Mahathir dari PPBM tu nak biarkan saja geng-geng REFORMASI itu ambik tindakan terhadap beliau ??? Mahathir dah boleh baca semua tu ..

Monday, 13 August 2018

Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times 

Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times is a biography of Mahathir Mohamad written by the Australian journalist Barry Wain (1944–2013).

When the first batch of the book arrived at Port Klangin December 2009, it was detained by the Home Ministry of Malaysia. The ministry finally approved the book for sale in April 2010.[1]

The Malaysian Maverick became one of the best-selling books in Malaysia. Wain claims that 12,500 copies of the book have been sold in Asia and Australia.[1]

Time magazine quoted an economist at Morgan Stanley in Singapore as saying that the country might have lost as much as US$100 billion since the early 1980s to corruption. Under the former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir's 22 years term, there were monetary losses amounting to over hundred of billions of ringgit and this excluded those unaccounted for and irretrievable.

The opposition politician Syed Husin Ali said, "Petronas has neither been fully transparent nor accountable with how it spends its money, especially in aiding and abetting Tun Mahathir to indulge in unproductive construction of mega projects, to bail out ailing crony companies and corporate figures, and to involve itself in excessive and wasteful spending on celebrations and conferences."

Mahathir used his position and power to intercept and/or to bail out his children or to give special benefits to them and his associates.

These include:
•Forex scandal in early 90s : RM30 billion
•The Perwaja Steel scandal : RM10 billion [2] 
•Bank Bumi scandal: RM10 billion [3]

Past Scandals – Bank Bumiputra 
•Maminco-Makuwasa Affair RM1.6 Billion[4] 
•Mahathir used Petronas as a ‘bank’ to bail out many of his associates' companies, banks etc.

Konsortium Perkapalan

In early 1998, Petronas acquired a debt-laden shipping concern controlled by Mahathir’s eldest son Mirzan Mahathir’s Konsortium Perkapalan for RM 226 million and assumed its debts of more than 324 million, according to Far Eastern Economic Reviewstating the debt at RM 1.6 billion.

Sapura-Kencana Petroleum

In early November 2012, Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd reportedly awarded a RM700 million contract to a Sapura-Kencana Petroleum Bhd wholly owned subsidiary where Mahathir’s son Mokhzani is a vice-chairman. When asked during a press conference whether there was conflict of interest in the deal, Hampeh Mahathir replied in a sarcastic tone,

"Yes of course, he (Mokhzani) is given it because I instructed Petronas. Put that in your paper. I presided over everything. I told them, please give to my son and not to anybody else. That’s what I have been doing all the time. When I was the prime minister, everything was given to my children. .."

Furthermore, in 1998, when Mahathir's eldest son Mirzan Mahathir lost 0.2 billion in a Macau casino, and his daughter was under house arrest, Mahathir ordered the then finance minister Daim to use national reserves to rescue his son.

Proton and MV Agusta : The Story

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir was appointed as Proton advisor in 2003. Since 1999, MV Agusta was heavily in debt, and the manufacturer was bought by Proton in December 2004 for €70 million. However, the Proton management decided to sell the stake to GEVI SpA, a Genoa-based financing company related to Carige, in December 2005, just for a token one euro.

During the selling negotiation process, there were a lot of Malaysian voices to object the deal, however, all was ignored by Proton. As the result, the selling deal caused Malaysian taxpayers facing total losses of 138.4 Million Euro (RM1.92 B), including the assets that MV Agusta have.

Malaysia corruption society root cause start from Tun Mahathir era's bail out to son and cronies company etc. At the UMNO General Assembly in 1998, a leading Anwar supporter, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, criticised the government for not doing enough to combat corruption and cronyism.

According to Malaysian Maverick, Tun Mahathir's era cost RM 100 billion in taxpayers' money. This included misuse of national reserves on silver price speculation and BNM's forex speculaton on Tun Mahathir's order.

PAST SCANDAL-Maminco-Makuwasa Affair

PAST SCANDAL-Maminco-Makuwasa Affair

Estimated losses: RM 1.6 Billion

Malaysia used to be the world’s leading tin producer accounting for 31% of the world’s output. It was a major contributor to the country’s economy providing employment for more than 40,000 people.

In 1985 the world tin market crashed with the price plunging by 50%. Many tin mines in Malaysia had to close as it was no longer economical to operate the tin mines. One of the factors that contributed to the collapse of the tin market is the ill-fated attempt by the Malaysian government to corner the tin market and to prop up the tin price.

This is the Maminco scandal that is usually found at the top of the lists of scandals and bail-outs plaguing Malaysia since Mahathir became the PM. This is probably because it was the earliest scandal occurring immediately after Mahathir became the PM in 1981. Although not the largest loss in terms of value, it still caused a loss estimated to be RM1.6 billion or more.

In this crooked scheme, a RM2 company Maminco Sdn. Bhd. was set up and was used to secretly buy tin future contracts and physical tin in order to push up prices on the London Metal Exchange. To finance its covert activities, Maminco obtained financing from Bank Bumiputra – naturally. At one point, this RM2 company was borrowing astronomical amounts from the bank – as much as RM1.5 billion.

Initially, they succeeded in pushing up the tin price artifically. But the higher prices stimulated increased tin production and resulted in the US releasing its strategic stockpile. The tin price could not be maintained at the artificially high level for long and eventually it collapsed.

Undertaking this Maminco scheme is already bad enough. But instead of admitting their mistake, Mahathir and his merry band cooked up another scheme to hide the losses incurred by Maminco from the Malaysian public. Another RM2 company called Makuwasa was set up.

The idea was new shares reserved for bumiputras allocated to EPF were diverted to Makuwasa at par value! Can you believe this? These cheaply acquired shares could then be sold for a profit at market price! Instant profits made by Makuwasa can then be used to cover the Maminco’s losses. Effectively, Makuwasa is used to raid the savings of Malaysians to help pay for Maminco’s losses!

In 1986 Mahathir publicly admitted that Makuwasa was created to recoup the government’s losses from the Maminco debacle and to repay its loans to Bank Bumiputra.


Sunday, 12 August 2018

Lim Kit Siang

Lim Kit Siang, Lanchau

By MT Webmaster 

Last updated Jan 24, 2017

Lim Kit Siang made a blog posting today that is so full of shit. He pretends he is a victim of lies and slander when in actual fact this is how he and DAP have been playing politics for so long: by lying. Kit Siang is not as innocent as he pretends to be. He is actually the biggest culprit of spreading lies.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Lim Kit Siang wrote a very long and rambling 2,500-word blog posting today titled “Who is Najib’s Goebbels? Is he prepared to emerge from the darkness and come into the light to identify himself and explain why he is masterminding so many “fake news” and “false stories” about critics and the Opposition?” (READ HERE)

Kit Siang, I have only one word for you, and that word is lanchau!

You went on and on bitching and lamenting about how you are an innocent victim of slander, false news, lies, and so on, when you and your team of Red Bean Army (RBA) have been doing this for almost ten years since 2007. Is this not how your DAP RBA operate, by spreading innuendoes, misinformation, false news, lies, distorted truths and so on?

Take your Tony Pua as one example. You mean you do not know that he is spinning and spreading misinformation since 2015 regarding 1MDB? And you mean you do not know he is abusing his position as a member of the PAC to do this? Of course people will believe what Tony is saying since he is a member of the PAC. He can show us a white sheet of paper and say it is black and people will believe him. That is not because Tony is clever. It is because people are stupid.

Tony Pua has a PhD in Misinformation Technology

If you are so concerned about the truth and about eradicating lies and false news why not you first of all show us a good example by taking the lead. Take my case, for example. I have been a victim of your DAP RBA for more than six years since late-2010 when I first mooted the idea of MCLM and after I whacked Pakatan Rakyat regarding its unfulfilled election promises during a meeting in London with Anwar Ibrahim, Tunku Aziz Tunku Ibrahim and Tian Chua.

You listed down the alleged lies against you in your blog posting today. Well, let me also list down the lies your DAP RBA has been spinning and spreading about me as well.

Lie number 1: You say my son was jailed so I made a deal with Umno to get my son out of jail.

No, my son was not jailed. He was under remand awaiting trial because I refused to post bail and told him to fight his own battles and to not expect me to fight for him. All my children fight their own battles (both my daughters included). Try messing with Raja Sara and see what will happen to you.

J. Chandra and Amarjit Sidhu contacted me and asked to act as my son’s lawyer and I said that has nothing to do with me and it is their decision not mine. They acted as my son’s lawyer anyway and got him discharged without his defence being called. In short, the judge ruled that there was no case against my son.

Lim Kit Siang has his team of liars called the Red Bean Army

Lie number 2: You say I have turned and now support Umno.

I started supporting PAS since 1977 when I first met Abdul Hadi Awang in his home in Terengganu and today, 40 years later, I still support PAS. In 1982 I went to Mekah and Medina and spent a lot of time there with Hadi, the late Ustaz Fadzil Noor, Mustafa Ali and a few other PAS leaders from Terengganu. So I have never turned from PAS in 40 years, contrary to what you are saying.

In 2010, your DAP Johor people (who used to translate all my articles into Chinese) contacted me and told me that they have been told by DAP HQ to not support MCLM. The DAP Johor people were actually quite upset because, according to them, they thought that MCLM was a good idea.

I told Haris Ibrahim a.k.a. Sam about it and he went to Penang twice to meet Lim Guan Eng. Both times Guan Eng said that DAP cannot touch us with a ten-foot pole unless Anwar Ibrahim okays it. Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, then in PAS, phoned me and had a long conversation with me. Basically he wanted to know what MCLM was all about and what our motives were.

After speaking at length, Dr Zul asked me to speak to Anwar and if Anwar okays it then PAS would have no problems working with us. So the message from PAS was the same as the message from DAP. Speak to Anwar and if Anwar says yes then Pakatan Rakyat would work with us or else we are to be treated as an enemy.

And what was Anwar’s word on that? Anwar’s word was that MCLM is to be regarded as a competitor and a movement that is not in the interest of the opposition. In short, Pakatan Rakyat rejected MCLM and regarded us as an enemy.

So tell me, Kit Siang, did I turn from Pakatan or did Pakatan turn from me? You divorce your wife and then you tell the whole world that your wife ran away from you. What do you expect me to say to that, Kit Siang, other than lanchau?

Lim Kit Siang is worried that his deal with Dr Mahathir Mohamad is now public knowledge

Lie number 3: You say I did a u-turn on my June 2008 SD.

This is the biggest lie of all. In the first place I never made any allegation against Rosmah Mansor, as you and your people allege. So, if I never made any allegation against someone, how can I withdraw that allegation? You first need to allege before you can retract or back-paddle on what you said.

Nevertheless, until today your DAP RBA still insists that I did make an allegation against Rosmah and now have done a u-turn and signed a second SD contradicting that first SD. That is a bloody lie and you know it. There is no second SD. Yet you and your DAP RBA continue spreading that lie.

Kit Siang, you are not as innocent as you pretend to be. You are no victim. You are an aggressor and a big one at that too. You and your DAP RBA lie and lie and never stop lying.

Lim Kit Siang is angry with Abdul Hadi Awang for not supporting Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as the new Selangor Menteri Besar

You lie by saying that PAS left Pakatan Rakyat when it was you who made a unilateral announcement that Pakatan Rakyat has been closed down and no longer exists.

Then you formed Pakatan Harapan and announced that PAS is not invited to join Pakatan Harapan.

You lie and say that RUU355 is a Hudud Bill and once passed would mean that non-Muslims would be subjected to Islamic laws.

Kit Siang, lying is the way you and your DAP RBA play politics. Nothing that comes out from your mouth can be believed. Kit Siang, your blog posting today is so full of shit that it can be described with only one word: lanchau!

Mahathir’s RM160 Billion Banking Empire

Mahathir’s RM160 Billion Banking Empire

By MT Webmaster 

Last updated Oct 20, 2017

That’s right. Mahathir’s and Daim’s combined-wealth of RM160 billion was used to acquire more than 50 banks all over the world and it has grown to RM200 billion. And what is even more interesting is Kit Siang knows about this, even though he says nothing — which is why Kit Siang knows he could demand RM1 billion from Mahathir and the old man would pay up to buy those four ‘favours’.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

On claims by Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) that Dr Mahathir had used RM1 billion to buy Lim (Kit Siang) over, the former prime minister shot back by saying RPK should come clean and explain how he (Mahathir) had gotten the money. “If he (RPK) ‘saw’ that I have RM1 billion, then he can also see through a 10-foot thick wall,” said Mahathir. (The Malaysian Insight)

That was what The Malaysian Insight reported today. Malaysiakini, in turn, reported the same thing in a bit more detail, which you can read below.

My response to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a quote from Euripides: “Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.”

Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad

Nowadays Mahathir talks like a small child. There is no logic or rationality in what he says and how he says it.

He thinks he is being sarcastic but in reality he is being downright silly. But then this is vintage Mahathir even back in the days when he was Prime Minister. Ask him a question he cannot reply and he will cakap mengarut (talk nonsense).

Mahathir may be a medical doctor but he is definitely no scholar. If this were a debate even a wet-behind-the-ears punk like Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman will be able to beat Mahathir flat. Mahathir should stop answering questions by answering the question with a question. Just answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Why pusing here pusing there without answering the question?

RPK should come clean and explain how I had gotten the money. If RPK ‘saw’ that I have RM1 billion, then he can also see through a 10-foot thick wall. If I have RM1 billion, I would build a mansion and not live in an ordinary house.

Don’t ask me where I got the RM1 billion from, ask Raja Petra. Perhaps the answer is an Arab donor. If Raja Petra knows that I gave Kit Siang RM1 billion, surely he knows where I got the money from. What is common knowledge is where Raja Petra gets his money from.

Exactly 100 words from Mahathir’s mouth. But did he utter the most important words of all:

“I categorically deny Lim Kit Siang demanded I pay him RM1 billion and I agreed to pay for him RM1 billion so that:

1. He will agree to PPBM joining Pakatan Harapan.

2. He will make me Pakatan Harapan’s Chairman.

3. He will not reveal what he knows about Bank Negara’s RM31.5 billion losses suffered gambling on the forex market from 1988 to 1992 when he testifies at the RCI.

4. Mukhriz will be given a safe seat to contest the next general election, a seat which DAP can tell the voters who to vote for.”

“Ask Raja Petra,” said Dr Mahathir

All Mahathir said was he does not have RM1 billion and that his salary over 22 years does not come to RM1 billion. Did we say he paid Kit Siang RM1 billion from his salary? Did we say he personally signed a cheque for RM1 billion? Did we say he carried RM1 billion in cash in hundreds of suitcases to hand it to Kit Siang? Did we say his proxies, nominees and cronies who are holding his billions for him did not pay Kit Siang the RM1 billion on his behalf and on his instructions?

Go ask Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa. Mahathir also pays him a lot of money. But Mahathir never personally hands over the money. He gets a Chinese towkay to pay Ibrahim Ali. The same with Husam Musa. Mahathir also pays him a lot of money. But it is a Chinese towkay who pays Husam on Mahathir’s behalf. That is the way Mahathir does things. His hands will always be clean. He never gets his hands dirty but uses proxies, nominees and cronies to do his dirty work.

Mahathir’s first line of defence is his salary does not come to RM1 billion. His second line of defence is he lives in an ‘ordinary’ house (in Mines) and if he had RM1 billion he would live in a mansion.

We did not say Mahathir has RM1 billion. We said he paid Kit Siang RM1 billion. Mahathir has RM100 billion, not merely RM1 billion. So why does Mahathir keep saying he does not have RM1 billion?

This is no ‘ordinary’ house

Secondly, Mahathir says he lives in an ordinary house. But then that is his official residence. He is talking about just that one house. Mahathir has more than one house all over the world. His homes in London alone are worth hundreds of millions. So why keep talking about ‘an ordinary house’? The many other houses are not ordinary either in size or price. And what about his huge ranch in Argentina. Is that ‘ordinary’ as well? It is probably the size of the whole state of Perlis.

Mahathir is pretending to be poor. How then did all his children acquire their wealth in just a decade? Chinese take two or three generations to do it. Soon Seng started before WWII. Low Yat started before Merdeka. Goh Tong started just after Merdeka. Many Chinese tycoons are second or third generation money. How did Mahathir’s children become as rich as those Chinese in just one decade? Was it through dedication or daddy-kasi?

READ ALSO: How Mahathir Moves His Billions

One thing we can say is Mahathir is not as stupid as Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to put the money into his personal bank account.

Najib was trying to be too honest and too transparent by discussing it first with Bank Negara before accepting the Arab donation. And when Bank Negara advised him to put it into his personal bank account he followed that advise. Little did Najib realise those Bank Negara people were on Mahathir’s payroll.

Mahathir always uses proxies, nominees and cronies — not only to hide his wealth but when he needs to bribe people as well. You would not find a single Ringgit with Mahathir’s fingerprints on it. He not only uses his own children to hide his wealth, he even uses them to ‘make payments’ as well. This would be in cases where it needs to be highly confidential and he does not even want his proxies, nominees and cronies to know about it.

Where Mahathir’s money came from has already been revealed — let us now show you where he keeps it

Mahathir said I should come clean and show how he got his money. We do not need to do that. Barry Wain, Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Edmund Terence Gomez have already written so many books dealing with Mahathir’s wealth.

Instead, we are going to show where Mahathir’s wealth is hidden: in 50 or so banks all over the world. And Mahathir’s and Tun Daim Zainuddin’s combined RM160 billion is not just parked in those banks. It is parked in equity in those banks. And that RM160 billion is now worth RM200 billion according to what is being reported.

That’s right. Mahathir’s and Daim’s combined-wealth of RM160 billion was used to acquire more than 50 banks all over the world and it has grown to RM200 billion. And what is even more interesting is Kit Siang knows about this, even though he says nothing — which is why Kit Siang knows he could demand RM1 billion from Mahathir and the old man would pay up to buy those four ‘favours’.

Mahathir wants proof so we will give him proof. In the next episode we are going to show you the details of some of those banks. So stay tuned for more.


“Ask Raja Petra,” said Dr Mahathir

(Malaysiakini) – Meanwhile, Mahathir also commented on blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin’s allegation that the former premier paid RM1 billion to Lim.

“Wah! I am so rich. But I am not as gila (mad) as Raja Petra. If I have RM1 billion, I would build a mansion and not live in an ordinary house. Don’t ask me where I got the RM1 billion from. Ask Raja Petra.”

“Perhaps the answer is an Arab (donor).  If he (Raja Petra) knows that I gave Kit Siang RM1 billion, surely he knows where I got the money from. What is common knowledge is where Raja Petra gets his money from,” he said.

Mahathir also said there is no reason to fear him. “I am 92. I have no money let alone being able to bribe Kit Siang with RM1 billion. I am not treated like Najib was by the US president…The president of the biggest superpower did not hug me for saving the US economy.”

“However, I am proud. There has never been a Malaysian prime minister capable of saving a world power, now there is…Congratulations to the government, Najib and BN ministers. You have put Malaysia on the world map.”

“Continue with the confusion. Form another 1MDB. Have billions in debts again. Believe me, you will be supported by your minions forever. Congrats Najib. We are so proud of you,” he added.