Wednesday 13 March 2019

Pakatan Harapan Wants Us To Become Gays, Not Talibans

Pakatan Harapan Wants Us To Become Gays, Not Talibans

Just because the Jews and Christians have abandoned God that does not mean Muslims must also do the same. So why are the Pakatan Harapan people forcing Muslims to become like the Jews and Christians? These people want Muslims to become just like the Jews and Christians — and if we do, they call us liberals, and if we don’t, they call us extremists or Talibans.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Over the last few days we have been hearing Pakatan Harapan leaders, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, equating the Umno-PAS alliance or cooperation to the Taliban.

We can understand the Kafir Pakatan Harapan leaders opposed to an Umno-PAS alliance. But why are the Muslims also barking and foaming at the mouth like mad dogs? I remember my Tok Guru once telling us that perpaduan ummah is compulsory and the ibadah of Muslims who break their silaturrahim for more than three days will not be accepted by Allah.

In fact, I have heard many other ustaz say that as well, which is why I was not too happy with the Umno-PAS animosity and still maintained a relationship with both sides ever since the 1980s (Abdul Hadi Awang and Mustafa Ali can confirm I was friends with both sides and they did not hold it against me).

Anyway, no doubt the word Taliban — just like the words Islam, Qur’an, Muhammad, Jihad, Sharia, Mujahid, etc. — are dirty words to non-Muslims. But why are Muslims also regarding these as dirty words? That is what I find most puzzling.

Surely not just because of the lust for political power Muslims are prepared to side with the Kafir and gadai Islam. Sigmund Freud said humankind is motivated by just two things: fear and desire. For example, you fear poverty and desire wealth. You desire power, recognition, fame, sex, food, sleep, possessions, etc. You fear death, hell, jail, etc.

In the end, everything can be summed up into two things: fear and desire. And most times you are driven by wants rather than needs. You need a car to move around but you do not need a BMW, you want a BMW.

The Sharia establishes a boundary between our wants and needs. Once we cross that boundary, the Sharia steps in to bring us back onto the right path. For example, we need sex but we should not want it from our brother’s wife or from our step-daughter. We need a roof over our heads but we should not steal the money to pay for our worldly possessions.

Perpaduan Ummah is compulsory in Islam

Actually, it is simple logic and common sense. The Christians will say: do unto others as you would others do unto you. But what happens if you do not do unto others as you would others do unto you? What if you do unto others what you will never allow others to do unto you?

Well, then you will have to pay for it and the Sharia will judge you and punish you for your transgressions.

Most people, even Muslims, oppose the Sharia because they say the Sharia is too cruel. Is that so? Does the Sharia burn heretics and apostates alive like what Christianity used to do for more than 1,000 years? Until quite recently, homosexuals were still being put to death in the west. And do we not still hang criminals in Malaysia? And is hanging far better than beheading? You still die either way.

Pakatan Harapan wants Malaysia to be turned into a secular state

Sharia law is also Jewish and Christian law. The only thing is the Jews and Christians have turned their backs on God’s laws while most Muslims, other than Pakatan Harapan Muslims, still follow God’s Commandments.

Just because the Jews and Christians have abandoned God that does not mean Muslims must also do the same. So why are the Pakatan Harapan people forcing Muslims to become like the Jews and Christians? These people want Muslims to become just like the Jews and Christians — and if we do, they call us liberals, and if we don’t, they call us extremists or Talibans.

All the Taliban wants is for Muslims to follow God’s Commandments. By saying that the word Taliban is a dirty word is not insulting the Taliban but insulting the Qur’an. Surely these Pakatan Harapan Muslims are not that hungry for power that they would want to shame Muslims who establish silaturrahim, which is compulsory in Islam?

Pakatan Harapan wants us to become gay Muslims and not ‘Taliban’ Muslims

Muslims must never allow the Jews, Christians and Kafir to dictate what type of Muslim we should be. If they want to turn their backs on God and abandon God’s Commandments that is their business. We must resist and never allow them to force us to become just like them.

Muslims believe that when the Jews deviated, God sent Jesus Christ to bring the Jews back to the right path. Then the followers of Jesus also deviated and started calling themselves Christians and God sent Muhammad to bring humankind back to the right path. And now the Jews and Christians want the Muslims to abandon Islam and to join them in turning their backs on God and in abandoning God’s Commandments.

And those of us who refuse to do this the Kafir will call us Taliban. Kan ke bodoh, Melayu ni? Orang Islam janganlah terpedaya dengan agenda orang Kafir. Memang mereka nak menyesatkan orang Islam sama macam mereka yang sudah sesat tu. Mereka juga nak istiharkan Malaysia menjadi negara sekular supaya undang-undang Syariah tidak akan ada tempat di dalam Malaysia nanti. Sebab itu mereka tak mahu orang Melayu-Islam bersatu.

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